Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 122 The Married Woman and Her 4 Husbands

The man looked very simple, and he declared his name and occupation in the live broadcast room as soon as he came up, and he seemed to have no defense against all kinds of people on the Internet.

Then, he looked at Sang Luo again, "Master, hello! This is the first time I've watched your live broadcast, but I've heard about you on the Internet, and I know you're amazing!"

[Everyone who watched the live broadcast for the first time got a lucky bag, so how embarrassing is it that I didn't win after drawing more than ten times! 】

[Is this the legendary novice gift package?Admired, admired]

【This predestined person looks so simple, you can tell by his face that he is a good person】

[How long have you been watching Master Yunze's live broadcast, and you even learned how to look at the physiognomy? 】

At this time, Sang Luo's mobile phone received a message notification, she picked up the mobile phone to check.

It was Wei Dehai who sent him his birth date.

After reading it, Sang Luo raised his head and gave Wei Dehai a shallow smile, "Ba Zi Bi Jie Lin Li represents many brothers and friends, and the Nian Zhu is in favor of India and Jie Cai, so you should be born in a poor family. However, due to the poverty of the family, the two elder brothers have suffered from lack of nutrition since they were young, and died young, leaving you as an only child."

"The horoscope is strong, but there are many robbers but no wealth, which means that you are not very popular with women, and you have the appearance of being taken away by your peers. It is the fate of an old bachelor. In addition, your family is poor, so you have never married a wife, right? ?”

When Wei Dehai heard this, he patted his thigh excitedly, "Oh! It's all right! Master, your calculations are really accurate!"

"When I was in my 20s, all the boys in the same village got married and got wives, but my family had no money and I was stupid and didn't know how to please girls, so I couldn't talk about it when I was 28. girlfriend."

"Later, I went out to work to earn money. After wandering outside for more than ten years, I finally saved enough money for my wife. I planned to go back to my hometown to renovate the house, and then marry a wife! Recently, I also met a good girl. I like it very much. She, she is also willing to marry me, everything is slowly getting better!"

When he talked about his beloved girl, Wei Dehai's face was filled with a smile, his eyes sunken deep in the dry skin, and there was a little bit of starlight, as if the appearance of this woman could cure all his sufferings.


[Can it be calculated so clearly?The master is too powerful]

[As expected of a regular army!One word: awesome! 】

[New here, is this a script? 】

[I vaguely remember that the fate of the last old bachelor was my elder brother, hahaha! 】

Sang Luo lowered his head and continued to look at the horoscope he had copied in the notebook. The more he looked at it, the more he frowned, "You have no wife star in your horoscope, and you don't see a wife star in your fortune. Wealth star, so there is a possibility of marriage and love."

"However, your solar branch is Wu, and every year is the year of Jiazi. Ziwu rushes through and breaks through the solar branch. The daily branch is the husband and wife palace, and it is not a good omen to be punished by the husband and wife palace! I am afraid there will be a marriage disaster."

After Wei Dehai heard it, he leaned back in the chair in fright, swallowed his throat and recovered his mood, he lowered his head and thought for a while.

When she raised her head again, there was a little more melancholy in her eyes, "Master, so this relationship really won't work? I can actually take another step back, isn't it just money? As long as she is willing to marry me, I will It is not impossible to give an extra [-]!"

[? ? ?What's the situation? 】

[What is a marriage disaster?It sounds scary]

[Why give me an extra [-]?Dowry? 】

[Sure enough, a marriage that cannot be broken without a bride price!When will the bad habit of betrothal gifts be completely extinct? 】

Wei Dehai looked at what the netizens said in the live broadcast room, shook his head and explained: "I think the bride price should still be given. She is a girl in her 20s, she doesn't dislike me and is willing to marry me, so I should give some financial compensation as a matter of course."

"It's just... I only left [-] yuan as a gift money, and I plan to keep the rest for building a house, so that our living environment will be more comfortable in the future! But she said that the rule over there is to give ten thousand Ten thousand, I didn't agree, I only gave eighty thousand."

"So...so she got angry and never answered my calls. So, I came to Master today to find out if there is any room for redemption in this relationship? It's okay to give [-] more, but she You have to answer my phone! Now this situation makes me very helpless."

【Brother, why doesn’t this sound right to you? 】

【Is this woman running away with your bride price? 】

【Normally, if the dowry is not agreed upon, the woman will return the dowry. You woman, you can't even get through the phone, you must have run away with the money! 】

Wei Dehai shook his head, "Impossible! Juanjuan sent me a message yesterday, but she didn't run away. It's just that every time I talked about the wedding, she didn't reply to the message, didn't answer the phone, and didn't make appointments. reason."

After hearing this, Sang Luo felt that this matter was weird, and asked Wei Dehai, "Do you have a picture of your girlfriend? You can send it to me."

Wei Dehai hurriedly sent the photo of his girlfriend to Sang Luo.

After Sang Luo received the photo, there was a strange look in her eyes, just to be on the safe side, she quickly lowered her head and said something.

As soon as the hexagram came out, her eyes instantly became clear, and the original doubt in her eyes gradually receded. She raised her head to look at Wei Dehai's face, "Your girlfriend is indeed a liar."

After Wei Dehai heard it, he was a little dazed, and raised his head to look into Sang Luo's eyes in disbelief. He opened his mouth slightly, as if there was a piece of charcoal in his throat, and he couldn't make a sound for a long time.

"Did she tell you that her family was poor and her sick old mother needed medicine for a long time, so she came to the big city alone to earn money for her mother's medicine. She would also say that her relationship experience was blank and she just wanted to work hard to make money To support the family, don't you dare to expect anything else?"

Wei Dehai nodded frantically, "Yes, that's what she told me. She also said that her mother was exhausted to raise her, so she became ill. That's why she asked for a gift of [-] yuan, because her mother raised her very poorly. easy."

Sang Luo sighed and shook her head, "There is no mother in her family who is seriously ill. Her parents are healthy and can live to be 80 years old. She is actually a professional fraudulent marriage girl. She said this just to establish a strong personality for herself. The image of a filial woman who earns money to support the family, and then arouses your sympathy and love, this is the old routine of their kind of gang."


After Wei Dehai heard it, his expression collapsed. He stood up from the chair, put his hands on his head, and stamped his feet back and forth in disbelief.

He kept muttering, "Impossible, impossible."

"Juanjuan doesn't look like that kind of person! She is very virtuous. She often prepares meals and sends them to the construction site. How can such a nice woman be a liar?"

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