After hanging up Xiao Ke's video connection, Sang Luo immediately sent out the last lucky bag of the day.

Half a minute later, the lucky bag opened.

Sang Luo connected a video connection application with the nickname [Sister Three Days].

A woman with exquisite full makeup, a well-tailored suit, and high heels pacing back and forth in the luxuriously decorated living room appeared on the screen.


Sang Luo saw the predestined person on the opposite side walking around the room with his head down holding his mobile phone, but he didn't look up at the screen of the mobile phone for a long time, so he was the first to say hello to her.

After Lin Jing heard Sang Luo's voice, she immediately turned her gaze to the camera, "Hello, master, I have encountered a very difficult matter here, I hope you can help me deal with it."

She pulled out a very polite smile, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and her whole state revealed the calmness and calmness unique to a strong woman in the workplace.

【Here comes another beautiful sister】

[The domineering female president has a picture in my heart!I want to post with my sister]

[Does my sister have a boyfriend? 】

[Dig it out, this looks as good as a big star! 】

As soon as Lin Jing raised her head, all the netizens in the live broadcast room made rainbow farts.

Sang Luo stared at Lin Jing on the opposite side of the screen, her demeanor was indeed very calm and confident, she was someone who was used to big storms.

However, between her eyebrows, the hanging needle lines on her seal revealed her inner worry and anxiety during this period.

Why can you recognize people by looking at their faces?
It is because what a person thinks in his heart will be reflected on his face, and the longer the time, the more obvious the marks on his face will be.

Sang Luo also gave her a very friendly smile back, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Lin Jing said thank you, and immediately gave Sang Luo ten fantasy castles.

【I go!Big sister! 】

[Swipe 5 yuan as soon as you come up!Just ask who else! 】

[For this kind of woman, I have no resistance at all]

After Lin Jing finished brushing, she suddenly hesitated again, lowered her head and thought for a while.

Finally, as soon as she gritted her teeth, she took her mobile phone and walked to the entertainment area on the other side of the living room.

In the picture, a man is sitting on a single sofa, concentrating on watching the movie projected by the projector on the screen.

The man was probably in his early twenties, his hair was dyed brown chestnut, his eyebrows were deep, and his nose was straight.

The profile is well-defined, exuding a cold and aloof temperament.

[I lost it!Why is this man's profile familiar? 】

【Like my ex-husband】

【it's him!Song Minghao!Woohoo, after chasing him for ten years, I still remember when he turned into ashes]

[Heaven!I didn’t expect that I could meet my confused ex-husband again here]

Lin Jing looked at the netizens' comments in the live broadcast room, took a deep breath, and shook her head unavoidably.

If it hadn't been for the filming of that movie three years ago, Song Minghao would have already swept the nominations for various awards and become the hottest niche in the film industry.

But now?He was boycotted by the whole network and became a useless person who could only stay in the house watching TV and playing games all day long.

While watching the movie, Song Minghao pointed to the corner of the wall and said, "Move to the side, blocking me from watching TV."

【? ? ? 】

【What happened to my ex-husband? 】

【Who is he talking to?air? 】

[I'm going, is the gossip rumor true?Did Song Song really fall for evil? 】

[I'll just say it!How could my brother, who is so upright and kind, be a peeping tom, a wretched pervert? 】

The woman standing in the corner rolled her eyes when she heard Song Minghao's accusation, and moved to the side very dissatisfied.

"You watch this movie all day long, but can this movie be as good as me?"

As the woman spoke, she twisted her body and placed herself in an S shape, sticking to the wall.

Putting his finger on the corner of his mouth, and sticking out his tongue to lick it, he said in a very unappealing voice: "Is it because I'm not coquettish enough?"

Song Minghao pursed his lips, "Stand there obediently and don't move! You are very flirty, very flirtatious! But, you are my wife in another world, you can't seduce me! I won't green myself!"

The woman cut, twisted her buttocks and disappeared into the wall.

Seeing this scene in front of her, Lin Jing felt very crazy.

Song Minghao signed a contract with her own company after filming a drink commercial at the age of 13. She worked as Song Minghao's agent for ten years.

With her all-out training and support, she witnessed Song Minghao's growth from a little-known advertising model with her own eyes.

He has become an all-around entertainer who is a model in the film and television music scene.

In order to make him famous, I spent a lot of resources on him.

Three years ago, she went to more than a dozen drinking bureaus, drinking until two or three o'clock in the middle of the night every day, until her stomach bleeds, and went to help him win the big-budget movie "Another World" for the Chinese New Year.

She originally thought that this movie could help Song Minghao reach another level, gain a firm foothold in the film industry, and become a new generation of film stars.

In this way, the money she invested in the early stage can be paid back.

However, she didn't expect that this movie not only failed to make Song Minghao successful, but kicked him out of the entertainment industry and became a perverted pervert that the whole network resisted.

Since Song Minghao made this movie, his temperament suddenly changed, and he always did some unexpected things.

For example, pulling the shoulder straps of female stars on the red carpet, changing clothes on the helmets of female artists in outdoor variety shows, and adding kiss scenes for no reason when filming movies.
But because she invested too much in Song Minghao, Lin Jing refused to give up Song Minghao no matter what.

She vowed that she would do everything possible to bring Song Minghao back into the entertainment circle.

A few days ago, she took Song Minghao to Yujing Temple to burn incense. The abbot of the temple told her that Song Minghao was carrying some unclean things.

It must be expelled quickly, otherwise he will never turn over.

Then, she immediately bought an amulet from the host at a high price and gave it to Song Minghao.

However, this amulet not only did not improve Song Minghao's condition, but even made it worse.

He began to talk to himself all day long, always talking to the air, and always making some strange movements, which made people puzzled.

At this time, she inquired about Master Yunze on the Internet, and said that he is very powerful, and has helped many stars in the circle turn over.

So, she squatted in Master Yunze's live broadcast room all day long, praying every day to be able to draw a lucky bag, but unexpectedly, she really won the lucky bag today.

Lin Jing looked at Song Minghao lying on the sofa, and couldn't help sighing.

He walked straight up and patted him on the shoulder.

"Come here quickly! I found a master to help you drive away ghosts."

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