
Song Minghao suddenly sat up from the sofa and straightened his body.

"Are you okay? There is nothing wrong with me at all! Don't listen to that old monk talking nonsense! Give me some kind of amulet to wear, I don't think this shit amulet is useless!"

"It's been more than a month, and I still haven't received a big director to invite me to film, and I haven't received an invitation to a variety show!"

Song Minghao tore off the amulet hanging from his neck and threw it on the ground.

"I don't bring this shit with me anymore!"

When Lin Jing saw it, she was so angry that she slapped Song Minghao on the back.

"What are you doing? Pick it up and bring it with you!"

Lin Jing hurriedly picked up the amulet thrown on the ground by Song Minghao, and brought it back around his neck.

Song Minghao adjusted the rope of the amulet unhappily, "I know, I know! Can't I carry it? Why are you making it so tight for me? It's going to strangle me to death."

【Song Song is so cute!Even angry is so handsome]

[No matter how handsome he is, he's a wretched and perverted man, what's so cute, mullet roe]

[Is this beautiful sister the legendary sister Jing in the fan group?The woman behind my brother]

[Beautiful sister's nickname is Sanri sister, it should be! 】

[God!It turned out to be Miss Jing! 】

Lin Jing single-handedly made the little-known Song Minghao popular, and spared no effort to give him resources, so fans respect Lin Jing very much.

"Sit down quickly! I hired a master for you! Talk to her carefully and see how you can get rid of the dirt on your body! After we get rid of it, we still have a chance to turn around."

Lin Jing pointed to the three-person sofa in front of the coffee table, and motioned for Song Minghao to sit there.

When she said this, Lin Jing's tone was full of confidence.

She has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and some of them are whitewashing methods.

But it is also because she has worked in the entertainment industry for many years, so she knows very well that Dahong depends on her life and luck!
Before she signed Song Minghao, she asked the master to make a special calculation for him. Song Minghao was destined to be in a big fire.

It's just that he is now haunted by dirty things, and his luck is a bit unlucky. As long as he can get rid of the dirty things, then Song Minghao is very likely to become the youngest actor.

Song Minghao obediently obeyed Lin Jing's words, and sat on the three-person sofa in front of the coffee table.

Lin Jing found a mobile phone holder and put the mobile phone on the table, then she sat on the sofa with Song Minghao, facing the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"Master Yunze, I want you to help him get rid of the dirt on his body. Since he played another world three years ago, his temperament has changed drastically. When I went to the temple, the abbot told me that he was haunted by ghosts." , that’s why there are these strange behaviors.”

As soon as Lin Jing sat down, she briefly told Sang Luo what happened.

In fact, another purpose of her speaking this way is to help Song Minghao carry out the first wave of cleansing.

She knew that this master Yunze was very famous on the Whale platform, and the maximum number of people online in the live broadcast room could reach millions. With such a high popularity, she just happened to announce it to the world through this channel:

Song Minghao is not a perverted pervert, but haunted by ghosts.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also cooperated very much after hearing it.

[It turns out that my brother has hit a ghost! 】

【finally!I just said that my brother is not that kind of person. I have been chasing him since he debuted at the age of 13. I know his behavior too well.]

【how?Can you understand his character by chasing stars through the screen?Human nature is something that you can't see through if you sleep together every day!Girls are still too young]

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