After hearing this, Song Minghao frowned, rubbed his hands and stomped his feet and said, "Sister Jing! I told you all! I didn't run into a ghost, and there is nothing dirty around me! Why don't you believe me?"

When Lin Jing heard it, she was also very angry, "You didn't hit the devil? Then what are you talking about all day long in the air? Then why did you pull Zhao Wanyi's shoulder strap for no reason?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Jing gave Song Minghao a wink.

She hoped that Song Minghao could obediently complete the play with him in front of nearly a million netizens in the live broadcast room, and successfully complete the first step of whitewashing.

But Song Minghao didn't seem to understand Lin Jing's intentions, and he was still trying to argue: "There is no ghost! The person talking to me is my wife in another world! I have never done the things you said! Those netizens made it up! Or those women want to use me to hype it up!"

【What is this kid talking about?What kind of wife from another world? 】

[Brother, are we getting into the drama too deeply?Where did this other world come from?You should hurry up and play]

[ Made it up?You pulled someone's shoulder strap, but the whole process was broadcast live by the high-definition camera!Can this be justified? 】

[Laughing to death, our family Wanyi is a veritable top female class, popularity, resources, and the quality of the advertising spokesperson will crush you in all aspects!Is it necessary to rub your heat? 】

[You have found no such person in the entertainment industry now, why are you so confident? 】

Lin Jing was so annoyed by Song Minghao's words that her face turned green, and she sighed in her heart that Song Minghao was obsessed by ghosts and became a dou who couldn't support the wall.

After seeing the bad comments about Song Minghao from the netizens in the live broadcast room, Lin Jing pushed Song Minghao aside and sent him out of the camera's shooting range, so as to prevent him from uttering more stupid things that were just out of his mind.

After Song Minghao was snatched away by Lin Jing, he kicked his legs onto the coffee table, leaned against the back of the sofa and took out his mobile phone to play a small game.

Lin Jing looked at Sang Luo who was sitting upright across the live broadcast room, sorted out her emotions, and then said:
"Master, it's like this. Song Minghao made a movie called "Another World" three years ago. In this movie, Minghao played the role of a supernatural being who can travel through parallel worlds at will because of a car accident. ability."

"In this movie, the male protagonist can travel through parallel time and space at will, and find people in another time and space that correspond to the real world, and even bring people from parallel time and space back to our current world."

"After the movie was released, it received a lot of praise, and our family, Minghao, became more and more known to the public because of this movie. He was once rated as the most promising new actor."

"I think it's because the movie was so successful, and Minghao was too involved in the movie, so he started to talk about it. It's not that he can talk to himself in another time and space, and he can also see other people. One's own wife in a world."

"Even, he always does some weird things inexplicably, which is completely different from him before."

Lin Jing told Song Minghao's current situation with a look of lovelessness, and she also felt that this matter was extremely strange.

[No matter what happens!I will always choose to believe in my brother! 】

[I will always wait for the day when my brother returns! 】

[Enough fans, it's obvious that the two of them are singing the oboe]

[I don't think Song Minghao is too involved in the drama, but you fans are too involved in the drama!Do you believe this kind of nonsense? 】

After listening to Lin Jing's narration, Sang Luo felt that this matter was very strange.

She carefully looked at the house behind Lin Jing, and there were indeed unclean things in this room.

Just behind Lin Jing at the left corner of the wall, there is a cloud of black air faintly visible, which is the ghost energy left by Li Gui.

The ghost aura is very strong, I'm afraid it's not just a ghost that haunts Song Minghao.

But this made her a little puzzled, how did Song Minghao get entangled by these ghosts?

So, she took out her mobile phone and searched the Internet for the movie "Another World" starring Song Minghao.

It turned out that the movie was based on a true story.

Five years ago, a news that shocked the whole country occurred in Yuncheng.

The couple who had both died tragically in their own residence suddenly came back to life.

This matter can even be traced back to ten years ago.

A couple were disembowelled and died tragically in the kitchen of their home.

However, no clues about the murderer were found at the scene. Because the murderer's modus operandi was extremely vicious, this case has since become an unsolved case that has affected the hearts of the people of the whole country.

But who knows, five years later, this couple was photographed on the streets of Yuncheng again, and the two were very happy walking hand in hand.

But just when the media wanted to interview the two of them, they disappeared again inexplicably.

People all over the country could not explain the reason for this anecdote.

Those who believe in metaphysics say that what they see five years later is actually the ghost of the couple.

Those who believe in science say that the couple who reappeared five years later actually came from another parallel world. world.

And the movie "Another World" uses this as a prototype, setting the role played by Song Minghao as the son of the dead couple.

After the couple died, their son missed them very much. In an accident, the son gained the ability to travel through parallel worlds, and then went to another world to bring his parents back to reality, and lived a happy family drama.

After reading the news, Sang Luo closed his eyes and thought carefully for a while.

She suspected that the ghost Song Minghao encountered might be related to the couple who had been disembowelled and died in this old case.

But why, that couple want to pester Song Minghao?

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in her mind.

So she opened her eyes and asked Lin Jing, "Where was the movie 'Another World' filmed?"

Lin Jing thought for a while, "At that time, the producer said that in order to pursue the realism of the plot and the degree of social discussion, they set the shooting location at the original residence of the tragic couple."

After finishing speaking, Lin Jing immediately realized that something was wrong, "So the master means... Song Minghao was entangled by the dead couple?"

Sang Luo nodded, "That's right." She lowered her head and shook the teacup in her hand, "When the filming started, did you open an altar and burn incense to worship?"

Lin Jing's pupils gradually dilated, and she shook her head quickly, "No, this director is a foreign director, and the management also has a foreign background. They don't believe this. So they didn't hold the opening ceremony as before."

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