When the netizens in the live broadcast room heard about it, they were instantly blown away.

[God!I heard that no matter whether it is a movie or a TV series, it is necessary to burn incense and worship before the filming starts!Otherwise, something will happen to the crew! 】

[It turns out that there is still such a saying, I said why every time before the filming of a TV series, those actors have to be incensed]

[Sick to death, these foreigners are really annoying, other filming locations are fine, this movie was filmed in the real murderer's house, so don't you open the forum? 】

[That must be haunted by a ghost!It's just that after the couple entangled Song Minghao, why did Song Minghao make those strange behaviors? 】

At this time, a voice-over came from outside the screen: "I was not entangled by that team of dead couples! Don't listen to her nonsense, there are no ghosts in this world."

It was Song Minghao who spoke, and while he lowered his head to play the game he hadn't finished playing, he raised his head and complained to Lin Jing.

He is a firm materialist fighter, and he never believes that there are ghosts in this world.


In the mobile phone, a round and powerful female voice sounded.

Song Minghao watched helplessly as his own crystal exploded, threw his phone aside in anger, and cursed his teammates a few words in his mouth.

After rubbing his face, he took the initiative to move his body to Lin Jing's side, and a handsome face appeared on the screen again.

Song Minghao greeted Sang Luo who was opposite the live broadcast room, "How are you, master!"

Sang Luo nodded and replied with a smile, "Hello."

Song Minghao grinned, "Master, I have seen you online before, and I know you are famous. Maybe... you are really powerful."

"But I really don't believe in ghosts and gods. I am a firm materialist fighter. I know that there are no ghosts and gods in this world. The supernatural phenomena that many people talk about can actually be explained from a scientific point of view. "

"If you can't explain it, it means that science has not yet explored it, and you can't just attribute it to ghosts and gods. So, don't listen to what sister Jing said, I really don't need to exorcise ghosts."

His tone was steady when he said this.His eyes were sincere, as if he was asking for marriage.

As soon as Song Minghao finished speaking, he felt a chill down his back, as if he was in an ice cellar, he couldn't help shivering.

Then he turned around and looked behind him, a man with a bloody mouth was suddenly approaching him.

Song Minghao wasn't afraid at all, he just leaned back a bit, and then said in a very doting tone: "Little Minghao, stop making trouble, I'm very courageous, you can't scare me."

Xiao Minghao is Song Minghao's pet name for himself in another parallel world.

The male ghost was a little frustrated, and let out a long sigh with his head down. This was the 345th time he failed to scare Song Minghao. He couldn't understand why this Song Minghao refused to believe that he was a ghost.
No matter what terrifying face he used to scare him, he always maintained a pampering attitude towards himself.

Sometimes, he even felt that Song Minghao looked at him as if he was looking at his son.

[Xiao Minghao?Is he imagining that he is talking to himself in parallel time and space? 】

[If it is really what the master said, Song Minghao should be talking to the dead husband, right? 】

【This buddy is so calm, he can actually talk to ghosts】

[As long as there are no ghosts in your heart, there will be no ghosts in this world. Even if you see it with your own eyes, it is another me in the parallel world!Master has realized that this boy Song Minghao is clearly an idealist fighter! 】

The male ghost didn't scare Song Minghao, and left angrily.

Seeing that the male ghost left, Song Minghao turned around and looked at the live broadcast room, and explained to the netizens in the live broadcast room with a smile:
"Don't be surprised, I'm actually the same as the protagonist in "Another World". I have had the superpower to see characters in parallel worlds since I was a child."

【Is there really a parallel world in this world? 】

[I heard that you can reach parallel worlds by traveling through black holes]

[I have read some books on quantum physics, and they mentioned the speculation about parallel worlds, it seems that they may exist]

[But I also saw someone on the Internet saying that quantum mechanics actually reveals the existence of the soul.The soul exists in the human body in the form of quantum information. After the body dies, the quantum information will leave the human body and reach another dimension. Doesn’t this just happen to explain the possibility of the real existence of ghosts and gods from a scientific point of view? 】

[Fake, don't listen to the marketing account on the Internet!It's all pseudoscience, there is no parallel world in this world!It’s just metaphysics in a scientific coat]

Song Minghao saw doubts about the statement that he could see characters from parallel worlds in the live broadcast room, so he quickly explained: "There really are parallel worlds! Do you know about mirages?"

"In fact, most of the mirage buildings in the world cannot find their prototypes in our world, because the mirages reflect buildings in another world."

"It's just that the mirage can allow everyone to see the parallel world under special environmental conditions, and my eyes can directly see another world without these special conditions."

"When I was young, I often saw people in parallel worlds. There were old people and children, some hugged and wrestled together, some walked silently with their heads down, and some would smile at me very friendly. However, they Some of them only come out at night, but they are rarely seen during the day.”

Song Minghao vividly told the netizens in the live broadcast room about the characters in the parallel world he saw when he was a child.

[Brother, if you want to come back, just say it, don't talk about what you have for a long time, in order to clear the white, you even got involved in the parallel world]

[You come back to make a movie, can't I buy a ticket to see it?Stop making fun of us for fools]

[Why does it sound so mysterious?I feel that believing in ghosts in this world is more reliable than believing in parallel worlds]

[Can't see it during the day, but can only see it at night, isn't it a ghost? 】

After listening to Song Minghao's narration, Sang Luo gradually moved his face closer to the screen, and observed Song Minghao's eyes steadily.

The outer sides of the black eyeballs of his eyes were faintly green, and the entire eyeballs were covered with a thin layer of mist, making it difficult to see clearly.

When she was a judge in the underworld, she encountered this kind of eyes.

It was a little boy who was frightened to death by those ghosts wandering in the world. He had a pair of yin and yang eyes.

Song Minghao's eyeballs are exactly the same as that of that little boy.

"You do have superpowers. You have a pair of yin and yang eyes that can see ghosts." Sang Luo said lightly.

"What?" Song Minghao stood there in a daze, his body stiff as an ice sculpture.

Some babies are asking why there are fewer updates recently.

I am a female Internet worker. Starting from the 996rd of this month, the tasks given by the company suddenly became heavier. It can be called 09. It was already past 30 o'clock when I got home from get off work at [-]:[-] in the evening.

Then I started writing quickly, which is why I wake up so late every day.

After finishing writing, I had to wash up and go to bed quickly, and got up at [-]:[-] the next morning to squeeze the subway to work again.

If I get off work early, I can guarantee that I will try my best to ensure that there are two shifts every day, but sometimes I am really tired, and I only have a single break, so there are very few.

There were still some manuscripts saved before, but these days are all used up.

Recently, my physical strength and energy can't keep up. In addition, when I write nearly 30 words, sometimes my inspiration does get stuck, so sometimes it's quite difficult to write.

I am really sorry, this is my first book, and I have very little experience. I am also slowly summing up my experience. Thank you very much for liking me.

But I will definitely continue to write. In the days when I can save manuscripts, I will try my best to save as many manuscripts as possible, and try my best to ensure double updates for everyone.

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