Song Minghao only felt that his whole world had collapsed.

Ever since he could remember, he could always see some strange people, all of whom looked very strange.

He sought help from his parents, but they told him, "There are no ghosts in this world, you must be wrong."

Later, he gradually grew up.

But those strange people didn't stay away from him, they still surrounded him all the time.

Every time he gets scared, he wants to run to Mom and Dad's room and sleep with them.

But every time he was kicked out by his parents, saying that he was already a big child and had to learn to sleep alone, and emphasized to him again that there were no ghosts in this world.

Later, after he told his classmates and friends what he had seen, those friends also said that he was pretending to be crazy, that he was a liar, and that he made up lies to scare others.

Many children do not play with him because of this.

When he was 13 years old, his parents began to send him to participate in various child star talent shows, and he was honored to be No.1, and also shot his first commercial.

It was also because of this ad that he successfully befriended Sister Jing and entered the entertainment circle.

After entering the entertainment circle, he had little time to go to school anymore, his announcements were full, his fans grew, and he earned more and more money.

However, everyone only cares about whether he looks good when he attends the event, whether his status is online, how his acting skills are in the new movie, how the sales of the new album are, and how the ranking is.

But no one cares about him. Are you scared to sleep by those strange things at night?He's just a kid in his teens who doesn't understand anything.

He only knew that that thing was scary, and he only knew that everyone told him that there were no ghosts in this world at all.

Four years ago, he suddenly received an invitation for a movie script, that is, the movie "Another World" that he acted in before he retired.

After he read the script, he had a new understanding of this world, and he knew that there are actually parallel worlds in this world.

So, he begged Sister Jing to help him win the male number one role in this script, and he also began to study the parallel world frantically, becoming a fan of science fiction.

At the cost of stomach bleeding, Sister Jing successfully helped him get the male number one in "Another World".

Song Minghao's brain was reliving scene by scene of the past, and he felt his head swell and ache.

Obviously, for more than 20 years, people around him have been emphasizing to him that there are no ghosts in the world, and he has finally accepted this fact.

Why did he suddenly have to overthrow the world view he had built up so hard to believe that there are ghosts in this world?

Sang Luo looked at Song Minghao's expression of pain and struggle, and couldn't bear it in his heart.

Adding the two extremely divisive things of yin and yang eyes and atheism to Song Minghao at the same time, anyone who encounters them will become confused and weird.

It is not easy for him not to suffer from schizophrenia.

Believing in the existence of parallel worlds, and attributing the horrors he sees to characters in another world, may be his reconciliation with himself.

Force your own logic to become self-consistent.

"Master, is there any way to solve Ming Hao's yin and yang eyes? How to deal with the two ghosts haunting him?"

Lin Jing asked with concern while soothing Song Minghao's emotions.

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