"No problem! Isn't it just squatting? After a few years, he will be a hero again! As long as he is alive, he is better than anything else!"

Lu Wang wiped the snot from his face and cried.

At this time, Wei Dehai and Zhong Daqiang also hurried over, pointed at Lu Wang's nose and said, "Then what should we do with the 18 yuan we brothers have! It must be returned to us!"

Lu Wang laughed, "Didn't you listen to the master? I'm a gambler! The money you were cheated into the gambler's pocket, do you think there is still a chance to get it back? I lost it all in a few lifetimes ago!"

After hearing this, Wei Dehai and Zhong Daqiang were so angry that they blew their beards and stared, and were speechless for a long time, "You you you"

Sang Luo grasped Wei Dehai's hand hanging in the air, signaling him to calm down.

"Don't worry, we're calling the police now, and we'll follow the procedure when the Security Bureau arrives, and after the court trial, the house will be auctioned off. At that time, you will get the money, don't worry."

After hearing Sang Luo's words, Wei Dehai and Zhong Daqiang looked at each other in disbelief.

"What about this kind of thing? Can the court really sell his house and give us the money?"

"Of course." Sang Luo said decisively.

After finishing speaking, Zhong Daqiang immediately picked up the mobile phone in his hand and called the police.

The police from the Security Bureau arrived very quickly and arrived at Lu Wang's house in less than half an hour, and took everyone in the house back for questioning.

When it was over, it was already past three in the afternoon.

When Sang Luo was about to leave the Civil Guard Bureau, he was stopped by a young male police detective.

"Hello Master Sangluo Temple, you may not know me, but you should know my master Su Yu. She is currently handling a case in Xiangcheng."

After Sang Luo heard about Su Yu, her whole state became more relaxed. She smiled and replied: "So you are Su Yu's apprentice. Do you have anything to do with me?"

The young male police detective glanced at the backs of Wei Dehai and Zhong Daqiang leaving the station, and said sadly: "Now the fraud case has been solved, but the case of Wu Juan's disappearance is still clueless. I really don't know what to do." Start."

"I heard from my master that you are the master of the temple. I know you are very powerful. When Lu Wang made a statement just now, he said that it was you who said that his wife Wu Juan was dead, so I wanted to ask the master if he knew Who is the murderer? Where is the body?"

Sang Luo nodded solemnly, "Come with me."

Then he walked out of the Civil Protection Bureau with the young male police detective.

After she just saw Wu Juan's soul in Lu Wang's home, she actually already knew the murderer.

Originally, she planned to wait for Su Yu to come back from Xiangcheng after finishing the case before telling her about it.

But since Su Yu's young apprentice came to ask questions herself, she took the young male detective directly to the place where the murderer was.

Next to the secret room she opened, there is a food street. After passing through the food street, you will arrive at the Longyu Community where Lu Wang and Wu Juan live.

Next door to Longyu Community, there is an urban village.

The urban village is located at the core of the city center, but it is filled with people at the bottom of the society who do the dirtiest, hardest and most tiring jobs.

As soon as you step into the village in the city, you can smell many strange smells mixed together.

Through Sang Luo's nose, hit her Tianling Gaier directly.

The smell of urine from children urinating on the side of the street, the rotten smell of internal organs piled up at the end of the alley after killing poultry, the smell of flower-scented washing powder that has just been washed in the attic...

Several police detectives accompanying him couldn't help but pinch their noses after smelling it.

When Sang Luo reached the third room on the far left side of the village in the city, he stopped.

He pointed at the dark, oily wooden door.

"The murderer is inside."

As soon as Sang Luo finished speaking, several police detectives immediately lined up and got ready.

Su Yu's little apprentice plucked up his courage and knocked on the door, "Hi, check the water meter."

Not long after, there was a sound of footsteps in the house.


The door opened.

The one who opened the door was a middle-aged man with a stooped body and a dark face.

Su Yu's little apprentice was obviously stunned when he saw the man who came to open the door, "Why is it you? Uncle Ostrich Meat."

When Uncle Ostrich Meat saw Su Yu's little apprentice, his eyes became alert, and he stretched his neck to look at the other police detectives who were ambushing outside.

He stepped aside and signaled Su Yu's apprentice to enter the room.

Sang Luo also walked in.

There was a dampness in the dark, windowless room, and in the middle of the room stood a fire with a shelf over it.

He is smoking the ostrich meat that he sells every day.

Uncle Ostrich Meat sat on the bench unhurriedly, and took out a limp cigarette with shredded tobacco falling out from his coat pocket.

After lighting it up, took a sip.

From his body, Sang Luo could not feel any tension, but instead felt a sense of relief that he was finally free.

"Hehe, you guys... finally found me?" Uncle Ostrich Meat said calmly.

Su Yu's little apprentice didn't expect Uncle Ostrich Meat to ask him so calmly, "What? You know we're coming to you?"

Uncle Ostrich Meat took a puff of cigarette, exhaled a smoke ring, and a weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I killed someone. It will be a matter of time before you come to me. I have already prepared for it."

After Su Yu's little apprentice heard about it, he became even more puzzled. It was the first time he had seen a suspect who admitted his crime so calmly.

Uncle Ostrich Meat saw that no one was talking, so he said to himself:
"I love her so much. She said her husband had debts and needed to pay off his gambling debts. So I gave her my savings and asked her to divorce her and stay with me after she paid off the money."

"She promised well, but turned around and found the next man to cheat money, saying that the money I gave was not enough."

"Okay, it's okay, I'll let you go! The previous money will be fed to the dogs! I don't want it anymore!"

"But later she took the initiative to find me and told me that I was a good person, she wanted to be with me, that she was pregnant with my child, and she wanted to go back and divorce her gambling husband."

"I was so happy when I heard that! I told my mother to come and take care of her to have a baby. I went to work three jobs to buy her favorite clothes and bags. I wanted her to give birth to a baby for our family so that our family would have back!"

Uncle Ostrich Meat was so excited that he shed a string of tears. He wiped it vigorously and threw it on the pillar next to him.

"But she later told me that the child is not actually mine, but she really wants to be with me! Haha!"

"I took it seriously. I said that as long as the child is born with my surname and our family has a queen, I don't care about these things. I will raise the child with her."

"But I accidentally found a message between her and her husband. She said that she was going to squeeze all the money out of me and then go back. She asked her husband not to worry."

"Hahahahahahaha! What does she think of me? I am infinitely tolerant of her, but in her eyes I am just a worthless person!"

"I'm just a fool!"

The Ostrich Meat Uncle became more and more excited as he talked, and stood up from the stool with a whoosh.

"So I cut her off! She deserved it! Bah!"

The ostrich meat uncle's body is as curved as an earthworm and swaying, revealing endless sadness and loneliness.

From his body, Sang Luo could hardly feel the anger of a living person.

After listening to Su Yu's little apprentice, he also had mixed feelings in his heart, but in order to solve the case, he still put on a calm face and asked:
"What about Wu Juan's body? Where did you hide it?"


The ostrich meat uncle suddenly let out a weird laugh, and then glanced at the ostrich meat being smoked on the shelf.

Su Yu's little apprentice seemed to realize something, and his eyebrows tightened, "Could it be that you..."

Uncle Ostrich Meat looked at the ambushed police detectives outside the house with a trace of cruelty in his eyes.

Like a crazy ground dog, holding the freshly washed kitchen knife on the ground, he yelled and rushed towards the police detective who was ambushing behind the tricycle outside.

"Drop your weapons! Stop moving forward!"

The police detective warned Uncle Ostrich Meat.

But he didn't seem to hear it. He raised the kitchen knife in his hand with scarlet eyes and was about to chop it down.


A shot went off.

Uncle Ostrich Meat fell in a pool of blood.

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