Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 142 The Trouble of the Male Sea King

When Sang Luo returned to the temple, it was already six or seven o'clock in the evening.

In autumn, it gets dark earlier than in summer.

Sang Luo climbed up the stone steps step by step in the haze before the approaching night, covered with a slight cold wind.

Although it was getting late, there were still seven or eight pilgrims in the temple offering incense and praying for blessings.

Shen Wuyang ran back and forth in various temples, busy adding sesame oil, cleaning up the ashes, replenishing the incense sticks, and replacing the offerings with new ones.

Sang Luo didn't call Shen Wuyang loudly, but walked to the statue silently, took out the grapes and pears from the porcelain plate on the altar table, picked up a few fresh fruits from the bamboo basket on the ground, and added more go in.

At this time, Shen Wuyang happened to have cleaned up the incense ash in the incense ash stove, looked up and saw Sang Luo.

"Master, why are you back? How is the situation at the hospital?"

After hearing Shen Wuyang's question, Sang Luo remembered that Xue Maning was still lying in the hospital and might become a vegetable at any time.

Thinking of this, she was even more troubled. If Xue Manning really couldn't wake up, would she have to take full responsibility for taking care of Xue Manning?

Xue Maning's destiny has been obscured. If she, like him, is a god who comes to the mortal world to experience difficulties, he, as a colleague, should help her through this disaster.

If she is a key person arranged by Heaven to change the direction of human beings, then I should take this responsibility even more, find a way to save Xue Maning, let her wake up quickly and shoulder the arduous task of promoting the development of human society.

What's more, in name, she can also be regarded as Xue Manning's grandparents.

No matter which angle you think about, she seems to take this responsibility as a matter of course.

Seeing that Sang Luo was lost in thought, Shen Wuyang didn't answer his question, and then raised his volume and called out to Sang Luo loudly.

Sang Luo woke up from her own thoughts.

"Oh, the situation over there is not very good. The doctor said that after a few days of observation, if you still can't wake up, you have to take him back to the temple to recuperate."

Shen Wuyang himself is a holy father, and he can't see the suffering in the world, so after Sang Luo said this, he didn't ask too much, he just thought it should be done.

Wuyou is not in the view, Sang Luo can only cook by himself.

After a busy day, she felt tired all over, so she washed and cut the remaining ingredients in the cupboard, and made a big pot of stew.

Although the stew is simple, the aroma of various ingredients mixed together is not bad at all.

When it was almost cooked, she threw in some noodles, cooked them into a pot of noodles, and then took them out.

Shen Wuyang ran over smelling the fragrance.

Cheerfully picked up a bowl of noodles and walked out of the kitchen. While walking, he didn't forget to fart a rainbow, "Master cooks the best noodles I've ever eaten!"

After Sang Luo took out the noodles, he poured a ladle of water into the pot to soak the pot.

She picked up the noodle bowl on the stove and was about to leave.

Suddenly, a puff of green smoke rose from the alcove where the Stove Lord was enshrined on the stove.

Sang Luo couldn't help being a little puzzled, she didn't have much contact with the Stove Lord, so why did she suddenly seem so clever?

After the green smoke dissipated, a yellow envelope appeared in front of the Stove Lord's portrait, with black air billowing from the envelope.

This envelope was very familiar to her. It was the document used by Lord Taishan when he issued orders to them.

Lord Stove belongs to the earth fairy, and there are not many opportunities to go to heaven on weekdays, but he likes to curry favor with the Lord Taishan who lives in the underworld.

That's why the document from Lord Taishan was sent from Lord Stove.

She quickly put down the bowl in her hand and picked up the envelope in the alcove.

Not everyone can open the envelope of Lord Taishan. The black air on it is a security measure to prevent others from opening the envelope and seeing the secret.

Sang Luo used the inner strength in his palm and swept the surface of the envelope, and the black energy dissipated.

She opened the envelope to check the new order from the governor.

It turns out that Lord Taishan wanted to connect the underworld to the Internet to solve the problem of ghosts wandering around and fighting with nothing to do.

Since she does live broadcasts in the human world, she is more familiar with the Internet, so she wanted to use the area under her jurisdiction as a pilot first, and first connect the ghost town under her management to the Internet.

To observe the aftereffect.

However, for this pilot project, Lord Taishan did not give her any money, but only sent her a few ghost messengers from the technology research and development department to help her set up a network cable for the underworld.

After reading it, she took a deep breath, and then put the letter back into her pocket.

For her, this pilot task is both a challenge and an opportunity.

If she can complete this task very well, then she will be the title of model ghost town this year.

But the subsequent problem is that her expenses for building the network will increase again, and her financial burden will only become heavier.

However, judging from the current situation, the incense in Guanli is gradually flourishing, and the secret room and her live broadcast can also make some money, so it must not be a big problem.

After Xue Maning's affairs are settled properly, she will go back to the underworld to have a look, and discuss with the technical research and development ghosts about the details of connecting the underworld to the Internet.

After Sang Luo had dinner, she went to bed early.

On the second day, it was Friday again.

Time to go live.

After she finished her breakfast, she locked herself in the computer room and started her new round of live broadcast.

[After waiting for a long time, I finally waited until today! 】

[Dream for a long time and finally dreamed of the master]

[Is this the Master Yunze who solved two cases in a row in one day? 】

【is her!That's her! 】

Sang Luo looked at the netizens in the live broadcast room as if they were talking about cross talk, making you laugh and laugh, and said calmly: "Today is the same as usual, I will put three lucky bags for everyone to draw."

After speaking, Sang Luo immediately released the first lucky bag for everyone to grab.

【Oh!no play again]

[If you don’t get it, you don’t get it. Just treat it as a show]

[Let's invite the next victim]

【Let's take a look at the story of the next big wronged species】

Due to the particularity of the fortune-telling live broadcast room, most of the people who come to fortune-telling are people who have troubles in life, so many fans in the live broadcast room have summed up a rule that the people who come to fortune-telling must be people with various wonderful stories.

They joked that these people are big wronged.

[A small fish sent a goddess to come]

[Such a cute name must be a girl]

[This little fish should be an old fan, so I just give gifts when I come up]

Sang Luo's backstage also received an application for a video connection, and she clicked to agree.

The screen was split into two, and a well-proportioned young man with a delicate hairstyle appeared on the screen. He grinned wide and greeted Sang Luo.

"Hi, master! I'm your old fan, and I'll grab every lucky bag you give out. I didn't expect to win this time."

A small fish is obviously very outgoing and talkative.

Sang Luo nodded, "What do you mainly want to do when you come today?"

A little fish scratched his head, "I don't seem to have any worries, my job is smooth, my family is harmonious, and the most important thing is that my father is rich! I don't have to worry about my career."

"If I have to do the math, it should be my six girlfriends that bother me. Can master do the math for me?"

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