Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 143 The Trouble of the Male Sea King

When a little fish said that he had six girlfriends, he had a calm expression on his face, as if it was not a big deal and he had already taken it for granted.

However, netizens in the live broadcast room commented to express their shock.

[Good guy, you have thick eyebrows and big eyes, I didn't expect him to be this kind of person! 】

[You kid shouldn’t be called a small fish, you should be called fishing a small fish]

[Fish farming professional households are true]

[What's bothering you about having six girlfriends?Is it because your girlfriends are too clingy and you don't have time to spend with them? 】

A little fish shook his head, "There is time, I told them that I am very busy at work, so I can only see you once a week. From Monday to Saturday, each person spends a day with each other, and I can spare a day on Sunday. Time to rest and play games with the brothers."

"My annoyance is that they are too clingy. If I don't take the initiative to look for them, they won't take the initiative to look for me, so I can't experience the fun of Aquaman now."

“I feel more like a salesperson begging clients to meet me.”

When a little fish said this, his head drooped slightly, his eyes were thoughtful, and he thought over and over again in his heart which link he had made a mistake. How could this be different from the life of Neptune he imagined?

[Good guy, your schedule is quite reasonable]

[Shouldn't it?I saw that Brother Xiaoyu is not handsome, but he is also decent. He should be very competitive among the rich second generation, right? 】

[Laughing so hard, so you have six girlfriends, none of them cling to you, and you still have to beg them to meet you? 】

[I've seen someone who licks a bunch of dogs and turns into a Neptune, but it's the first time I've seen someone who turns into a dog after talking about a bunch of Neptune!It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other]

【Ahem!Let me make a bold guess, maybe there is something wrong with Brother Xiaoyu? 】

A little fish saw the question raised by netizens in the live broadcast room, and immediately blushed and explained: "No! I have no problem! I am amazing! Can you stop talking nonsense?"
【Wuwu, don't worry, I'm just guessing.】

[Since there is no problem in that aspect, and you are good-looking and rich, then there must be some problems with your character]

[Could it be because you are rich and picky?I also met a blind date man before, and he boasted how rich his family was to me, but the first meal was to take me to a small cart on the street to eat a bowl of fried potatoes]

A little fish shook his head again and denied, "I don't pick. I'm very generous. I will give them gifts every festival, and I never miss a single one. I don't even miss the Ching Ming Festival and the Double Ninth Festival."

"And I feel that when they chat with me online, they are quite enthusiastic, but when they meet offline, they become very cold."

"The ones who don't respond to me, always jump out word by word. I feel very uncomfortable. Sometimes, I feel that I should just date them online. I'm happier chatting online."

[It's normal, I'm also that kind of person, who makes a lot of punches on the Internet, and when we meet, I'm submissive. 】

[One or two is normal, but six are a bit outrageous]

[Sounds like a scam gang?The one who chatted with you was a man, and the one who came out to meet you was the woman in the gang who was in charge of meeting]

[You really sound alike when you say that! 】

[This scam gang is impolite!Just let Brother Xiaoyu do it alone!It is not enough to use one account to cheat, but to open five more.They won't let you go until they bald you! 】

"What? Scam?" A little fish flashed panic in his eyes, but quickly calmed down.

He shook his head vigorously, and the flesh on his cheeks kept shaking with the shaking of his head, "Impossible. I only send them some big-name skin care products, jewelry and bags, and have never transferred money."

"If it's a fraud gang, I've been talking to them for more than half a year, and I should have found a way to transfer the money. And among the six girlfriends, there is also a daughter of an uncle whom my father met in business. Her family is very Those who are rich will not try to scam me."

【Then we don't know】

[You are not satisfied with having a rich family daughter as your girlfriend?Looking for something else? 】

[Your situation is a bit strange, unheard of]

【Then you can only find out if Master Yunze personally calculates for you】

After listening to the conversation between a little fish and the netizens in the live broadcast room, Sang Luo also roughly understood his current troubles.

"You privately send me your horoscope and photos of your girlfriends from the backstage, and I'll take a look for you."

Due to the large number of people involved in this matter, it may not be very comprehensive to only use Qimen for divination.

She planned to combine a little fish's life's marriage and love fortune, and the faces of his girlfriends to give him a comprehensive look.

What is the reason for this situation.

After a little fish heard it, he didn't hesitate, and immediately turned on his mobile phone, clicked on the circle of friends of his six girlfriends, and then each of them chose a photo, and then attached his own horoscope and sent it privately from the background. Send it to Sang Luo.

Sang Luo received a photo and horoscope sent by a small fish from the backstage.

Immediately, he bowed his head and analyzed the marriage and love information in his horoscope.

"Judging from the horoscope of the predestined person, Gengjin was born in Haiyue, with food injuries and prosperous appearance, and weak body. But the Nianzhu seam seals the star to be born, so the ancestors are reliable."

"A man with a strong food injury is more rebellious in his main thoughts, he doesn't like to follow the rules, and he is easy to be emotionally uneasy in the room. However, you sit seven kills a day and the fortune star reveals that you are ordered by the moon to order the God of Cookery to give birth. This is a strict wife. fate."

"So, judging from your fate, your wife is a very smart and capable person. You are a person who wants to go outside to pick flowers, but you don't have the courage and opportunity."

Hearing Sang Luo's analysis, a little fish pouted a little dissatisfied, "I don't have a wife who can control me so much. When I'm in love, I can speak hard!"

【Brother Xiaoyu, the only thing in your body that is stubborn is your mouth】

【You just said that you were begging to meet your six girlfriends, but they don't want to talk to you at all! 】

【Look at your expression and demeanor, I believe that what Master Yunze said must be right, you look like a strict wife, exactly like my father! 】

[Not quite right?Strict wife management should be reflected after becoming his wife, right?Isn't it just a girlfriend now? 】

"Judging from your horoscope, you should have had a de facto marriage the year before last, and up to now, this marriage has not been broken, right?" Sang Luo asked.

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