Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 144 The Trouble of the Male Sea King

【what? 】

[So besides those six girlfriends, you have a wife? 】

[Cheating men are not allowed to house! 】

[If you have a wife at home who doesn’t treat her well, you still act like a licking dog outside and lick a bunch of girlfriends?What is your brain like? 】

After seeing the abuse from the netizens in the live broadcast room, a small fish turned around and looked at Sang Luo, "Master, did you make a mistake? I'm not married! It's not over!"

The corners of Sang Luo's mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled, "That's right. However, the way marriage is viewed in terms of horoscopes is different from how most people view marriage in real life."

"Based on the horoscope, as long as you have lived together, or held a wedding and are considered a husband and wife relationship by both parents, relatives and friends, it is considered a marriage."

【It turns out that this is the case, then my boyfriend has been married for a while!He lived with his ex-girlfriend, woo hoo]

[When I was young, a fortune teller said that I might get married at the age of 25-26, but I didn’t get married in those two years, so I thought he was a liar.Now it seems that what he said is right, I was living with my ex-boyfriend at that time]

After hearing Sang Luo's explanation, a little fish patted his thigh excitedly, "Oh! There is indeed such a thing! Didn't I just say that I have a girlfriend who is the daughter of my father's business friend?"

"My mother calls her Qiuqiu. In fact, she and I were betrothed by our parents when we were very young. Before that, my parents took her to meet the elders of our ancestral hall."

"We have a very strong clan concept here. As long as the newcomers are brought back to the ancestral hall for the clan elders to see, they are considered real couples. No matter how much I love other girls outside, even if I have a wedding with someone and get a certificate, If the clan elders don’t recognize it, then it’s not considered a real couple.”

【ha?What kind of shit rules is this? 】

[I seem to have heard that it is said that areas with strong clan concepts still retain this kind of rule]

【In this way, brother Xiaoyu has indeed been married in a de facto way】

[Their relationship is what everyone used to say in the past, a strong alliance, right?It is true that the family is married]

A little fish saw what the netizen said in the live broadcast room, and cut it off, "What kind of family is right? What is the age of this, who cares about these things? To me, the most important thing is that the two parties like each other and have a suitable personality!"

"I don't want to be a puppet of the family, but a baby boy who obediently obeys his parents' arrangement of marriage! I want to find someone I really want to love!"

When a little fish said this, he turned his head to the side, as if he refused to admit defeat and insisted on going against his parents.

Sang Luo knew that this was because his horoscope was too prosperous for food injuries. People like them hated those who followed the rules the most, and they were also the most rebellious.

【You can find true love, but what's the point of finding a bunch of them?】

[In the guise of finding true love, to satisfy my novelty, I will go back to follow my parents' arrangement to marry that girl after I have had enough fun. I can see through all these tricks of your men.]

[I was really enlightened by what I said above!It seems that many rich second generations are like this in real life]

A little fish hastily denied, "I'm really not that kind of person! It's just that I don't know why. I feel that the five girls I handed over later all just hit my heartbeat, without exception!"

"Actually, there are at least fifty or sixty girls who actively pursued me, and I rejected quite a few, but I really love these five! If only they could communicate with me like they do online when they meet. , I always feel that I almost feel that way when we meet offline."

Sang Luo frowned the whole time and listened to the story told by a little fish, and then she clicked on the photo that a little fish sent to her. After thinking about it, her brows frowned even tighter.

"It almost feels right. Judging from the photos and the hexagrams, the five girlfriends you made later didn't like you at all. The house of the thing you asked about fell into the Tianpeng star, and the Tianpeng star has a layer It means deception."

"So, these relationships of yours are actually a scam."

After listening to Sang Luo's words, a little fish seemed to be hit by a thunderstorm under the clear sky, and his whole body became a little numb.

"A scam? What does the master mean to say that my five girlfriends are really a scam gang?"

Sang Luo shook his head, "No. They are not a fraud group, but there is indeed someone behind them, and you should know the person behind them."

"I know?" A little fish pointed at himself with his index finger, "Really? Who could it be?"

Then, he quickly searched for the suspect in his mind.

After half a minute.There was a flash of light in his eyes, "I see! It's Qiuqiu, right! Let me tell you why from time to time I feel that the chatting style of the five of them is a bit like Qiuqiu."

Sang Luo nodded slightly in agreement, "You guessed it right."

After hearing this, a smile gradually appeared on the face of a small fish. He snapped his fingers and said seriously: "I know! It must be Qiuqiu herself who is not satisfied with this kind of family marriage, so she wants to find Someone seduce me, and then she can escape unscathed!"

"Damn! Why didn't she just say it? Actually, I'm on the same front as her! She said a long time ago that we can work together to fight against the parents of both parties."

【Brother Xiaoyu, you must not be a Sagittarius, right?I just like people who don’t like me, six girlfriends, none of them really like you]

[So Qiuqiu opened five accounts to chat with you?This doesn't make sense either?If she really wants to catch you, when you meet other girls for the first time, she should catch you on the spot and kick you out]

[If Brother Xiaoyu hadn't had any substantial relationship with those five girls, maybe Qiuqiu was holding back and wanted to directly catch her in bed]

[I also feel that it is a bit far-fetched to say that Qiuqiu hired someone to pretend to be in love with you in order to break up with you. Didn't Master Yunze say that the whole relationship was a scam?I always feel that there is a bigger scam behind it]

There are different opinions about a small fish in the live broadcast room, and they are all looking for Sang Luo to give a final answer.

When Sang Luo was about to speak, a netizen nicknamed Qiuqiu suddenly posted a line in the live broadcast room
【Master, can I explain the ins and outs of this matter to him myself? 】

[I rely on it!The real master has been lurking in the live broadcast room! 】

[I went to my sister’s homepage to see it. My sister is really nice. Please post it]

【So beautiful!This kid doesn't know what's good or bad!My sister dumped him and stay with me]

At this time, Sang Luo's backstage suddenly received a video connection application from Qiuqiu.

Sang Luo clicked to connect.

The screen that was originally divided into two halves instantly became three pieces again.

A girl in her early twenties, wearing a set of teddy bear print home clothes, appeared on the screen. She had no makeup on her face and went abroad without makeup, but she fully revealed her inherently superior facial features.

A little fish slightly tentatively asked: "Why did you ask someone to lie to me? Why do you keep squatting in the live broadcast room and peeking at me?"

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