Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 145 The Trouble of the Male Sea King

When a little fish questioned Qiu Qiu, his tone was weak, he lowered his voice and didn't even dare to speak a little louder.

Sang Luo quietly stared at Qiuqiu in the upper right corner of the screen for a while. There was no difference between her and the photo.

The sky is full and round, the mountain roots are raised, the nose is fleshy, the mandible is stretched, and the cheekbones are high.

She has the face of a strong woman who refuses to admit defeat, and at first glance she is a scheming and capable woman.

It's just that the time is not yet ripe. When she is in her 40s, there will definitely be a place for her in the business world.

Facing a question from a small fish with no deterrent power, Qiuqiu folded his hands on his chest and said unhurriedly:
"Actually, you guessed half right. In the beginning, I really wanted to find someone to seduce you, and then I took the opportunity to break up with you."

When a little fish heard this, he put on an expression on his face that I knew.

But he recalled it carefully in his mind. Ever since his mother brought Qiuqiu home to see him, Qiuqiu had been clinging to him.

She took the initiative to send him messages every day, and acted like a good wife and mother with a comfortable home in front of the family elders.

Where does it look like you don't want to be with him?

"Impossible! If you really don't want to be with me, then why are you so proactive with me? You obviously like me."

[In the beginning, you guessed that she did this because she wanted to break up with you, and you still said that she should just speak up, and find a way to deal with her parents together.Now people say it straight!Why don't you believe it? 】

[Upstairs, haven’t you noticed?Qiuqiu showed that he didn't want to be with him in front of so many people, which ruined his face. Now he is trying to save his respect by force]

【Why!This man’s damn pride]

Qiu Qiu rolled her eyes, "You think I'm stupid! You are the son-in-law chosen by my father himself. He wants to make the business cooperation between him and your father closer through the combination of the two of us."

"If I show a look of indifference to you, then our relationship will fade, and he will definitely blame me."

"At first, he wanted to pass on the family business to my younger brother. If I made a mistake at this time, he would definitely not leave me the hotel business, let alone the core business."

【ha?Let your daughter sacrifice to marry someone to stabilize your business relationship, but in the end pass the property to your son? 】

[So do wealthy people also favor boys over girls? 】

【You are the eldest daughter!Shouldn't family heirlooms be passed on to the boss?Just because you are a girl, you are kicked out of the family business inheritance? 】

[It's normal. Since ancient times, we have paid attention to the water poured out by married daughters. If you marry someone else's family, you will belong to someone else's family. If you pass on the property to her, wouldn't you let your family's assets fall into the hands of outsiders? 】

After hearing Qiuqiu's explanation, a small fish's eyes flashed with a touch of anger.

"So you were nice to me and chased me all day because you wanted to be that good person, and then put all the responsibility for the breakup on me?"

With his hands on his thighs, he curled up slightly, and pinched the decorative chain on his trousers vigorously.

He feels like an idiot now.

Before, Qiuqiu took the initiative to chase him every day. He also felt that she really liked him, and he felt a little troubled and didn't know how to refuse.

I didn't expect that they all lied to him!

Fortunately, he didn't dare to break up yet.

Otherwise, he would become a villain who destroyed the marriage of two families.

Seeing a little fish with an unbelievable expression on his face, Qiuqiu shrugged in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry! I actually knew from the beginning that you didn't like this kind of arranged marriage in the feudal era."

"So I deliberately chased you every day to make you feel bored, and waited for you to take the initiative to break up with me."

"I didn't expect you to be so timid and dare not mention it, so I came up with your method of adding you on a trumpet account and then arranging for other women to meet you."

[I have heard of cold violence, but this is the first time I have seen hot violence]

[Sister, you are so scheming, it is a shame not to inherit the family business]

[One word, absolutely! 】

[Then why did you find someone to seduce him, four of them?Wouldn't it be enough to have one? 】

"Who told him that I have no personality and that no man would like me at all? I just want him to know that no matter how many accounts I change, he will like me."

Qiuqiu glanced at a small fish with dissatisfaction.

A small fish had question marks all over his face, "Did I say that?"

"I said it. When your mother took me to meet the clan elders in the ancestral hall, I followed you every day. You got bored, so you blurted it out."

A little fish thought about it carefully, "It seems that there is such a thing. But I said that because I was dissatisfied with my mother taking you back to the ancestral hall, and you followed me all the time, so I said that momentarily."

"I've forgotten it myself. Just such a sentence, you have remembered it for so long?"

Qiuqiu raised her head high and didn't even look at him.

[Miss Qiuqiu still holds grudges]

[But I think this is too much, if it were me, I would remember it for a long time]

[A wealthy daughter with personality, what a perfect lover!Don't give it to me! 】

[Laughing to death, you have a crush on others, but they still despise you]

[At first I thought that a small fish was the king of the sea, but now I realize that he is really a small fish!Being locked up in the fish pond by Sister Qiuqiu's life is so tight! 】

After a little fish figured out the cause and effect of the incident, looking at Qiu Qiu on the opposite side of the screen, a special feeling began to emerge in his heart.

A tingling sensation flooded his body.

His heart was like a pot of water that had just boiled and was about to overflow, beeping and beating non-stop.

In the past, Qiuqiu always pretended to be docile, sensible and well-behaved.

Maybe her appearance is very popular with the elders.

But he really can't accept this kind of girl at all. Rather than being docile and well-behaved, he prefers girls who are bold, independent and smart.

Qiuqiu looked unhappy with him now and ignored him, which made him very excited.

"If it's your original personality now, I think the marriage arranged by your parents is also very good. Our two families know each other well, so we feel more at ease when we get along."

After hearing what a little fish said, Qiuqiu looked at him with question marks all over his face.

"Are you all right?"

A little fish said with a relaxed face: "It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly found that I like you very much."

"Otherwise, why would I fall in love with your trumpet over and over again? Don't you also want to prove that you are loved by others? Now you have succeeded."

A little fish is like a docile little sheep, looking at Qiuqiu quietly with a smile on his face.

[Good guy!Do you really like yourself or not? 】

[Lock you two up!Interesting girls like Qiuqiu deserve to be liked! 】

[Let’s not lock it, Xiaoyu’s cheating has nothing to do with it, even if the person he cheated on is Qiuqiu’s trumpet]

[How do I find that boys nowadays generally start to like this kind of independent women?Times have really changed]

[Brother Yu’s eyes are almost blurry, please calm down]

After Qiuqiu felt the gaze of a little fish, he felt awkward all over.

After saying hello to Sang Luo, he immediately hung up the video connection.

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