"What?" Xiao Sun couldn't believe his ears, "He actually lied to me? Thanks to me, I had been taking care of his business before. I bought at least 50 yuan worth of antiques from him!"

The pain of being deceived by a friend he trusted so much even surpassed the pain he had just learned that he was haunted by a female ghost.

He feels like he is a big fool!

"Could it be that the things I bought from him before are all fake?"

【hard to say】

[It’s so tragic, such a big injustice]

[Laughing to death, this thing is not from the Western Zhou Dynasty or the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, but from last week]

[The antique world is in deep water!If the family is not a giant, I really don’t recommend playing, fortunately there are no pants left]

[The master is amazing, not only knows how to tell fortunes, but also understands antiques]

[Master Yunze’s new business: treasure appraisal]

Sang Luo smiled sheepishly, "How do I know how to identify treasures? I just happen to be familiar with magic-related treasures like Double Happiness Dragon and Double Happiness Phoenix."

After saying that, she looked across the screen at Xiao Sun, who looked doubtful about life and looked out the car window dreamily and secretly feeling sad. She couldn't help but feel some sympathy in her heart. She thought about it and said to him:

"Well, do you have a photo of that antique dealer? You can show it to me. Although I don't have the ability to detect fakes at a glance, I can tell through his face whether he is an honest and principled businessman. Naturally, I can You can tell whether the antiques you bought are genuine or fake.”

When Xiao Sun heard what Sang Luo said, he suddenly regained some energy. He sat up straight again, "Yes! I took a photo with him with an enamel vase before. Wait a minute! I'll find it right away."

Xiao Sun picked up the mobile phone from the bridge, opened the photo album, lowered his head and flipped through it.

After browsing for about a minute or two, he finally found a photo of himself and antique dealer Zhou Peng, and then he immediately sent the photo to Sang Luo through the private message function of the whale platform.

After Sang Luo received the man's photo, he began to analyze his appearance.

After about half a minute, Sang Luo put down the phone and looked at the camera.

He said to Xiao Sun with a half-smile: "From the look of this antique dealer, I'm afraid, Xiao Sun, you spent the 50 yuan on a bunch of modern handicrafts."

"What? Is it true?" Xiao Sun almost stood up from the car seat in excitement.

Sang Luo snorted, "His appearance is that he is eager for quick success and has no principles or morals. He is the kind of person who will do whatever it takes for his own interests. Therefore, there is a high probability that you have been deceived by him."

After Xiaosun heard it, he was so angry that he picked up the newly bought vase on the co-pilot, and threw it out of the window viciously, and there was a clanging sound.

The tiles shattered all over the place.

Xiao Sun was so angry that his blood surged, and he kept cursing some Chinese quintessences in his mouth. He lasted for 2 minutes before he stopped.

【Why!Zhou Peng, an antique dealer, is really hateful, so he just cheated Xiao Sun of his money!He actually gave someone a jade pendant for a yin marriage]

[This is simply seeking money and killing people!Can we directly impose a sentence? 】

[The anchor just said that a Yin marriage requires holding your personal belongings to be successful. Please recall quickly, what did you give him? 】

Xiao Sun thought about it carefully, "No, it doesn't seem like I gave him anything. I only gave him money. Is this considered a personal item?"

Sang Luo looked at Zhou Peng's photo carefully, and the doubts in his eyes gradually peeled away and became clearer and clearer.

"I'm afraid this antique dealer Zhou Peng has some connections with your wife."

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