[I counted my fingers, the head of the predestined person is a little green]

[Of course I choose to forgive her]

[Don’t be sad, brother, it’s good to have a wife. An old bachelor like me who has been single for decades can’t even find a wife. Just be patient and get over it]

[She just made the same mistake that women all over the world make]

[For the sake of your child, you’d better endure it. Don’t worry about it, as long as she comes home on time]

When netizens in the live broadcast room heard Sang Luo say that Xiao Sun's wife had something to do with antique dealer Zhou Peng, they all flooded their screens to tease Xiao Sun, lest the world would be in chaos.

Netizens' ridiculing words were like sharp knives stabbing into Xiao Sun's heart, and he felt bursts of tearing pain in his chest.

He never expected that his wife, who had been with him day and night for more than ten years, would actually team up with men outside to frame him.

Xiao Sun sneered, "No wonder she pretends to give me money every time she settles a loss and asks me to buy antiques. It turns out that she has already been involved with that antique buyer!"

"md! Am I the transfer tool between her and his lover?"

[This plot is a bit familiar]

[The mutilation case a few months ago]

[It’s the nanny’s husband who got together with her employer and used her as a transfer tool in the middle, hahaha]

[These people really can think of any way to transfer money to the people they love]

[Xiao Sun, it’s okay, you are not the first transfer tool]

"I'm going to call that bitch right now to find out! When she was down and out, I was the one who made the money to support her!"

"Now that I have money, I just want to be nice to a man outside and kick me? There is no way!"

The more Sun talked, the angrier he became. He immediately hung up the video connection and called his wife to question her.

He was so angry that he couldn't hear anything. He completely ignored Sang Luo on the other side of the screen and shouted loudly: "Wait a minute! Don't hang up yet!"

After hanging up the video connection, Xiao Sun immediately called his wife Zhao Rong.

After a brief beep, the call was connected.

On the other end, a very mature and calm female voice sounded: "I have a meeting tonight, so I won't go back to eat. You can eat by yourself and hang up first."

Zhao Rong seemed to be arranging things for his subordinates, and ended the conversation with Xiao Sun in just a few words.

"Working overtime? I'm afraid you're working overtime in some man's bed?"

Xiao Sun's voice was a little cold, and in addition to the coldness, it also revealed a bit of sarcasm and yin and yang.After Zhao Rong heard Xiao Sun's words, he was obviously stunned for a few seconds, and then asked loudly: "What are you talking about? I am really working overtime!"

After a brief pause, she added, "I know I've been home too late recently, how about this, I will transfer you another 30 yuan, you go to the antique market and choose a bottle you like Just buy the cans."

Because she was too busy at work, Zhao Rong knew that she was in the wrong and hoped to make up for the relationship between husband and wife through material compensation.

"Zhao Rong, you've fucked enough!"

It's okay not to mention Antique, but when it comes to Antique Xiaosun, he won't be angry at all.

"Your acting skills are really good! Every time you don't come home, you give me money to buy antiques. On the surface, you love me and spend money on me."

"But what about the reality? Didn't all the money you sent me go to your lover? Why are you pretending?"

"You really thought of using our party to transfer money between you and your lover! No wonder you are a businessman!"

Zhao Rong was confused by Xiao Sun, "What are you talking about? Are you sick? I only go to the factory for inspections and stay in the company all day long."

"If you don't believe it, you can check the surveillance video of the factory and company! What are you thinking about all day long? I'm really busy, I have a meeting soon!"

After speaking, Zhao Rong hung up the phone.

After Xiao Sun was hung up by Zhao Rong, he was so angry that he went crazy in the car.

After a few minutes, he opened Master Yunze's live broadcast room again.

Fortunately, she hasn't logged off yet, saying she's waiting for a doctor.

So, Xiao Sun clicked on the video connection application from the background.

"Master, I just had a phone call with my wife. She said she didn't cheat. I don't feel like she cheated on me. Did you make a miscalculation?"

Sang Luo sighed helplessly, "I just called you because I wanted to tell you that the only person who harmed you may be Zhou Peng, not your wife."

"Judging from your horoscope, the sun will make you rich, and your wife will be a wise and helpful person. Therefore, it is impossible for your wife to set up a secret marriage to harm you."

[That’s what that male mistress did! 】

[How could Tsumabuki still cheat on her? 】

[Is there any misunderstanding in this? 】

[Could it be that the man has unrequited love?The pursuit of failure destroys the marriage of two people! 】

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