Zhou Peng laughed almost crazy, and his heart was extremely unbalanced.

He hates it, he hates that the bumpkin ex-girlfriend whom he dumped turned around and married a rich second generation. After all, it was he who first married the daughter of a rich family. But in the end, the beauty he failed to marry returned, leaving the bumpkin in front of him. My girlfriend married into a wealthy family.

That's all.

What made him even more angry was that his ex-girlfriend, whom he disliked at the beginning, actually became an executive of a listed company and had a beautiful and happy family. It can be said that he had a good career and family.

But what about him?
But he has to stay in this crowded antique market, running around various underground counterfeiting factories, like a rat in the underground sewer, doing shady things.

Only by destroying Zhao Rong's beautiful life can he be happy, otherwise he will live in jealousy and hatred all his life.

At this time, Su Yu, who was standing in the corner, ignored Xiao Sun and walked to Zhou Peng.

She took out her work ID and waved it in front of Zhou Peng, "Hello, from the paranormal special management team of the Civil Affairs Bureau. Someone has accused you of using supernatural and metaphysical means to harm people. Now that the witnesses and physical evidence are complete, we are going to investigate you. arrest."

After Zhou Peng heard this, he frowned tightly, "What? Does the Civil Protection Bureau have such a department?"

He took Su Yu's ID and looked at it carefully.

Judging from his many years of experience in the counterfeiting market, this document does not look like a fake.

He quickly took out his phone and searched it, and sure enough, this department was newly established.

"Chief Inspector, this arrest requires evidence! You said I used mystical means to harm people, where is the evidence?"

Zhou Peng felt extremely guilty and stuttered in reply.

Su Yu took out a recorder from the breast pocket of her shirt. She clicked it gently, and the recorder played back the conversation he had just had with Zhao Rong and his wife.

In the recording, he personally admitted that he had used mystical means to harm people.

Zhou Peng suddenly felt confused and rushed out the door, trying to escape.

As a result, he happened to be caught by several other team members from the Supernatural Bureau waiting at the door.

After Zhou Peng was arrested, Su Yu quickly found out the address of the female ghost Wenwen's cemetery.

With the Civil Protection Bureau coming to help, Wenwen's parents did not dare to stop Zhao Rong and Xiao Sun from digging up Wenwen's grave and taking out Xiao Sun's underwear.

After taking Xiao Sun's underwear home, Zhao Rong followed the instructions on the piece of paper given to her by Sang Luo and used the fire starter set by the hottest sun at noon to burn the clothes.

After returning home, she lit the charm with a match according to what was written on the envelope.

While the talisman was burning, she recited the incantation in her mouth: "The Tao is learned by the heart, and the truth of the heart is passed down from generation to generation. Fragrant swallows and jade furnaces, the heart is in front of the emperor. The true spirit is looking down, and the immortal will come to the Xuan. The ministers will tell you, and the path will reach nine days. .”

The smell of burning talismans, accompanied by the miserable sound of spells, gradually appeared in front of Zhao Rong, a translucent soul floating in the air.

The soul was standing in front of the table wearing a light yellow puffy princess dress. It was her favorite dress during her lifetime, and her mother personally put it on for her when she was cremated.

When Wenwen saw Zhao Rong, she gritted her teeth and said, "Bitch! You have robbed me of my happiness twice! Even if I die, I won't make it easy for you!"

Zhao Rong felt a little scared when she looked at the translucent female ghost exuding yin energy. She picked up the water on the table and took a sip to feel relieved.

"Are you not letting me feel better or not making you feel better?" Zhao Rong asked rhetorically.

After Wenwen heard this, she frowned and shouted: "Of course I won't let you have an easy time! Do you still need to ask?"

"You were deceived by Zhou Peng as a humanoid cash machine for so long before you were alive. Fortunately, your parents helped you stop your losses in time. After you died, you should have been reincarnated with peace of mind, but Zhou Peng still refused to let you go. I have paired you with a ghost marriage, so that you will be caught up in emotional competition underground, constantly jealous and angry, and spend the whole day in resentment."

"My husband has never met you and doesn't like you at all, but you still have to be jealous of this man who has no feelings for you at all and miss many opportunities for reincarnation. Tell me, you won't let me go. Or don't you let yourself go?" After Wenwen heard Zhao Rong's words, a hint of disbelief flashed in her eyes, "You, you said that Zhou Peng matched me for this marriage?"

Her voice was weak, and there were thousands of complicated feelings mixed in her heart.

Although she has been well protected by her parents since she was a child, she is somewhat confused about many things.

But she knew that if a man really loved a woman, he would not let her marry another man.

Zhao Rong nodded, "He has been imprisoned in the Civil Guard Bureau for using mystical means to harm others. If you don't believe me, you can go and take a look."

After Wenwen heard it, she was dubious.

After some tangles, she decided to go to the Civil Protection Bureau to find out.

When her soul crossed dozens of streets and arrived at the incarceration room of the Supernatural Incident Management Team of the Civil Affairs Bureau, she saw Zhengxiang Zhou Peng sleeping in the iron gate, and her heart was severely tugged.

She never expected that the man in front of her, whom she would rather fight against her parents to be with, had never loved her.

The soul is invisible and can change at will.

Wenwen turned her soul into an oblate shape, passed through the gap in the iron rod, and squeezed into the prison cell.

He pinched Zhou Peng's thigh hard, and Zhou Peng, who was sleeping soundly, was suddenly awakened, but he didn't see anything.

However, there was an inexplicable bruise on his thigh.

After Wenwen finished venting, she left.

As soon as I walked out of the door of the Civil Guard Bureau, I met Black and White Wuchang who had been waiting there for a long time.

Sang Luo had already recovered, and specifically ordered Hei Bai Wuchang to wait for Suo Wenwen's soul at the gate of the Civil Guard Bureau.

Wenwen did not resist or struggle. She had stayed in the human world for too long and it was time to go to the underworld and be reincarnated.

She believed that she would never be trapped by love again in her next life.


It was already seven or eight o'clock in the evening. It was a late autumn day. The sun had set early and it was already dark. The sky seemed to be covered with a dark blue curtain.

Xue Maning, Shen Wuyang and Wuyou haven't returned to the temple yet.

Sang Luo felt a little worried, so she closed the door, turned on the giant nighttime searchlight Shen Wuyang gave her, and went to the back mountain to look for them.

I don't know where Shen Wuyang got this searchlight from. The light it illuminated was so bright that wherever Sang Luo passed by, it was like daylight.

After walking for about 10 minutes, Sang Luo discovered some new earthen pits on the ground, with a wooden stick with a talisman drawn in red cinnabar blood stuck inside.

The shape of this spell is very strange.

She continued walking forward and found several more pits of the same style.

She closed her eyes and thought about it carefully. It seemed that these pits were not drawn randomly.

rather like...

A magic field to suppress dragon veins.

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