Sang Luo immediately realized that something was wrong and quickly followed the direction of the pit to find the whereabouts of Wuyang and Wuyou.

She had learned about the method of suppressing dragon veins in books.

So she relied on her memory to successfully find the location of the dragon's heart.

On the top of the mountain, two mountains are sandwiched between each other, with a gap in the middle.

Sang Luo stood on the cliff between two mountains and looked down. A gleam of light came out from under the cliff crack of tens of meters.

With such a powerful searchlight, there is no doubt that Shen Wuyang is below.

She tried shouting a few times, and Sang Luo's crisp voice kept echoing between the cliffs, but she still couldn't wait for a response from the two of them.

Sang Luo didn't hesitate anymore and jumped down from the gap between the two cliffs, landing firmly at the bottom of the cliff.

Sang Luo searched in the direction of the searchlight and found the unconscious Wuyou on the ground, but could not find Shen Wuyang's shadow.

Sang Luo quickly shook Wuyou awake and asked her about her condition. Wuyou opened her sleepy eyes and sat there blankly. It took a long time for her to wake up.

Her first words after waking up were, "Master is finished. Junior Brother Wuyang was captured by Xue Manying! She is a liar! She didn't come here to find the golden mask at all. The golden mask is in her hands!"

"What? The golden mask is in her hand?" Sang Luo felt very unbelievable, "So everything she said before was all lies to me?"

Wuyou lowered his head and thought for a while, "Maybe she's not completely lying to you, because there seems to be a secret passage down there, which seals the sword of Emperor Zhenwu."

Sang Luo looked in the direction of Wuyou's finger and saw a stone door on the cliff not far away.

She quickly got up and went to check.

The stone gate is very simple, without any decoration, and there are no markers around it.

There is only a mask-shaped depression on the cliff on the left side of the stone gate.

This should be the mechanism where the golden mask is placed to open the secret room. "Has she opened the stone door and stolen the Demon Sword?" Sang Luo asked eagerly.

Wuyou shook his head, "No, she couldn't open the door even if she put that mask in, and then she suddenly seemed like a different person, forcing Junior Brother Wuyang to reveal the secret to opening the stone door."

"Junior brother didn't say anything, so she took out a very powerful magic weapon and said she would make him disappear into ashes. But soon she calmed down and stopped killing him. She said she would take him back and torture him slowly."

"I hurried to stop her, but I didn't expect that she knocked me unconscious with just one slap. She was so strong, and she didn't look like someone who had just recovered from a serious illness. Master, who do you think she is? Why didn't she even You can't figure out her fate? Why would she do this?"

Sang Luo couldn't answer Wuyou's series of questions.

She didn't know where Xue Maning came from, but she could feel that Xue Maning had a powerful background.

The mountain behind Cangyun Temple is a dragon vein, which is a top-notch Feng Shui treasure land. She discovered it soon after arriving at Cangyun Temple.

Maybe this is why she chose to establish a sect here during her lifetime.

Xue Manning is a disciple of the Cangyun Sect, so why does he want to destroy the dragon vein that his sect relies on?

She was puzzled.

Xue Maning took Shen Wuyang away just because he was the disciple she had accepted during her lifetime, so she wanted Shen Wuyang to tell the secret of opening this stone door.

Shen Wuyang should be safe for the time being.

But Xue Maning came and went without a trace, and it would be very difficult for Sang Luo to find her.

This gave Sang Luo a headache.

She didn't know what to do next to get Shen Wuyang back, she didn't know the origin of Xue Maning, and she couldn't figure out Xue Maning's destiny.

She began to regret that she had meddlesomely in rescuing Xue Maning and bringing her back to the temple for training, and also allowed her to take Shen Wuyang and Wuyou to strengthen some bullshit seal.

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