Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 165 Tragedy caused by selfishness

Chapter 165 Tragedy caused by selfishness

Netizens in the live broadcast room felt very confused about this.

【What?A string of bracelets has caused you to do this? 】

[What evil thing can be hidden in the bracelet?So small, no place to hide? 】

[I heard that some people will possess their favorite items after death. Could it be that the owner of this bracelet is dead and has his soul attached to it? 】

[How did you get this bracelet?Why do you say this bracelet caused you to do this? 】

"I picked up this bracelet in the open space of the factory when I was working the night shift yesterday. I saw that the bracelet looked quite delicate at the time, and I was afraid that a female colleague in the factory had accidentally dropped it on the ground, so I picked it up and put it in my trouser pocket."

At this point, he paused and reached out to touch his extremely painful lower limbs.

"Then, I took this bracelet and went to the workshop and asked around. The female colleagues all said it was not theirs! I thought it was a colleague who worked the day shift, so I put it back in my trouser pocket and prepared to go slow. Slowly search for the owner."

You Fuzhe looked sickly and struggled to speak. After saying a few words, he had to stop and rest for a while before continuing.

"Then I went to work. When I got off work early this morning, I felt something was wrong with my body and the pain all over my body. So I quickly handed over the work and went home. Unexpectedly, after I got home, it became more serious."

"It felt like there were thousands of little bugs pecking me in my stomach. It hurt so much that I couldn't walk with my legs. I couldn't even stand up, so I could only sit on a chair. You said, this is not what it is. What else could it be caused by stringing bracelets?”

[This sounds true]

[Then the evil thing in this bracelet is too powerful, it can torture you like this in just a few hours]

【Throw it away quickly!What's the point of keeping such dirty things? 】

You Fuzhe sighed, "I dare not throw it away! I grew up in a rural area. I have heard some anecdotes from the old people in the village since I was a child. I heard that once such unclean things find me, if I If you throw it away hastily, you will only suffer worse consequences in the future!"

[Is there still such a saying? 】

【Long knowledge】

[Although I did not grow up in a rural area, I have been in Master Yunze’s live broadcast room for a long time, and I also know that this kind of thing cannot be thrown away]

【right!You did it very right!Last time the master came to the live broadcast room, there was a guy who found a box of life money in a rental house, and a young man wearing a double happiness dragon jade pendant for a yin marriage. The master told them not to throw it away]

But at this time, Sang Luo's eyes exuded a strange light.She stared blankly at the bracelet in You Fuzhe's hand, her face suddenly became extremely cold, the light in her eyes disappeared, leaving only endless depth.

"Hurry up and throw away the chain in your hand! Then leave this room and run as far away as possible!"

You Fuzhe was so frightened by Sang Luo's sudden shout that he froze on the spot and did not dare to move, "What...what's wrong? Master, why are you running?"

He didn't understand. According to his logic, after picking up such an evil thing, he should ask a master to do it and then send it away properly.

But why did Master Yunze ask him to throw it away quickly?

"Stop talking nonsense! Leave quickly! This bracelet on your hand is not an ordinary bracelet! It is a chain containing radioactive elements! If you continue to hold it, I'm afraid your life will be in danger!"

After You Fuzhe heard this, he raised his right arm and wanted to throw the chain downstairs.

But he suddenly thought of what the master said, this chain contains radioactive elements.

After he threw it downstairs, if he was picked up by a passing pedestrian, he would definitely suffer the same pain as him.

So he opened the drawer, threw the huge radioactive bracelet in, and then closed the drawer.

He forced himself to stand up, picked up his phone, and wanted to move forward and walk out of the room, but he felt a heartbreaking pain in his legs. He had to use the chair he just sat on as a crutch and walked out. outside the door, and then closed the door.

At this time, he could no longer resist the pain and sat down on the ground.

He picked up his mobile phone and asked Sang Luo on the screen: "Master, how do you know that this bracelet contains radioactive materials? Can you also calculate this? Is it possible that you made a mistake in your calculation?"

Sang Luo did not answer You Fuzhe's question.

All radioactive materials in the world actually come from the ground and are dug up from the ground.

She has been in the underworld for so long and knows this kind of thing very well.

"Stop talking nonsense! Call an ambulance quickly! Your life may not be saved if you wait any longer!"

(End of this chapter)

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