Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 166 The little devil’s behavior

Sang Luo's screams contained a faint tremor.

You Fuzhe could clearly feel the fear and worry behind Sang Luo's tone. He didn't dare to ask any more questions, and was ready to hang up the video connection and call an ambulance.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he raised his phone, there was a burst of rapid footsteps coming from the other end of the corridor.

You Fuzhe raised his head and looked towards the end of the corridor. A man with gray hair and a pair of brown-framed glasses rushed towards him with several of his co-workers.

It was Guo Yida, his leader in the factory. They usually affectionately called him Guo Gong.

When Guo Gong saw You Fuzhe, he raised his hands and shouted at him, "Xiao You! Xiao You! I heard from people in the factory that you picked up a bracelet in the factory last night, right?"

You Fuzhe also raised his right hand in response to Guo Gong, "Guo Gong! That's right!"

At this time, Guo Yida also ran to the door of You Fuzhe's residence, "Where? Where is it? Where did you throw that bracelet?"

"I just heard a fortune teller say in the live broadcast room..."

"Stop telling fortunes! I'm asking you where that bracelet is!" Guo Yida yelled impatiently, his tone was very urgent.

Seeing how anxious Guo Yida was, You Fuzhe felt that this bracelet must be something more important to Guo Gong, maybe a gift for his wife.

So he didn't ask any more questions. He forced his lower body, which was about to collapse in pain, to go into the house to find the bracelet for Guo Yida.

Sang Luo, who was on the other side of the screen, almost went crazy after seeing this, "Hurry to the hospital! Don't go back!"

【It's over, it's over】

【I have an unknown premonition】

[Didn’t Master just say that the bracelet contains radioactive material and will cause radiation to the human body?Why are you letting people go back? 】

[Isn’t this harmful to people’s lives? 】

[Don’t worry, everyone. This Guo Gong is very old when you look at his seniority. Maybe he has some solution? 】

You Fuzhe and the other five or six people were standing at the door chattering, and they didn't even hear what Sang Luo said on the other end of the video.

He walked into the room, opened the bracelet he had just locked up, then walked to the door with it, and stretched the bracelet in front of Guo Yida.

"Gong Guo, here it is. I picked it up on the lawn in front of the workshop last night. Fortunately..."

Before You Fuzhe finished speaking, Guo Yida's expression suddenly changed, as if he had seen a ghost. He closed You Fuzhe's door with a "bang" and ran downstairs without stopping with several other workers. .

[This Guo Gong, is he polite? 】

[What are you doing? He asked someone to get the bracelet, but they brought it to him and he locked it up again]

[Xiaoyou, run away quickly! 】

[Oh my god, with Guo Gong’s reaction, Xiaoyou must be holding a bracelet containing nuclear radiation]

[What should I do? Master, please save Xiaoyou quickly]

Sang Luo quickly woke up You Fuzhe, who was stunned on the spot, "Xiao You, throw this bracelet in the room now, and then run away, as far away from this room as possible!"

After You Fuzhe heard what Sang Luo said, he quickly followed it.

But when he reached out and pulled the door handle, he realized that his door had been locked from the outside by Guo Gong, and he couldn't get out at all.

At this time, he heard Guo Gong's voice coming from the corridor.

As he ran, Guo Gong shouted to the workers around him, "Xiao Liu, call the factory quickly and ask them to send someone to take away the iridium chain specially used for flaw detection! Xiao Qiu rushed to the hospital Call and call an ambulance to save Xiaoyou!"

Only then did You Fuzhe realize that the bracelet he picked up really contained nuclear radiation.He is now locked in the house and cannot get out, and he doesn't know when the ambulance will arrive. I'm afraid that by the time the ambulance arrives, he will have turned into thick water.

Once, he saw the tragic plight of those who had been exposed to nuclear radiation on a documentary.

The more You Fuzhe thought about it, the more his scalp became numb.

Then he completely gave up on himself, slumped in the room and prepared to die.

【I dare not look at it...】

[Are you waiting to die?This is too miserable]

[What was that Guo Gong shouting just now?Attachment? 】

[It should be an iridium chain. Iridium is a highly radioactive substance that can cause huge irreversible damage to the human body!However, due to its special nature, it is generally used in factories to conduct flaw detection on high-precision instruments and equipment. In layman’s terms, it is a chain for detecting equipment faults]

[Why does this kind of thing appear on the lawn?Shouldn't this kind of thing be kept well? ! 】

[If such a highly radioactive thing is thrown outside, I don’t know how many people will be harmed! !How abominable! 】

Netizens in the live broadcast room condemned the littering of radioactive metal chains at the construction site.

Sang Luo, who was sitting opposite the screen, had no intention of sitting there and cursing and doing some useless work. She picked up a flute on the bookshelf in the computer room.

He pointed the sound outlet at the microphone, and then played a piece of melodious music.

The sound of the flute was transmitted to You Fuzhe's mobile phone through the microphone, and then played through the speaker, echoing in the room.

Like two cranes that linger in the sky, the sound is clear and sad.

The birds perched on the branches of the trees outside the house heard it and flew to You Fuzhe's door.

You Fuzhe's single dormitory still uses the old-fashioned iron door lock, and the lock is still in his hand.

When Guo Yida left, he put the iron buckle on, then picked up a branch from the ground and inserted it into it.

In fact, it was not difficult to open, but You Fuzhe had been exposed to radiation for too long and many organs in his body were damaged, so he did not have the extra strength to forcefully open the door.

After the birds heard Sang Luo's call, more than a dozen birds worked together to peck out the small wooden stick. The wooden stick became thinner, fell from the lock, and fell to the ground. The door opened with a bang.

Hearing the sound, Sang Luo immediately put down the flute and called to You Fuzhe, who had closed his eyes and was ready to die, "Okay, now quickly throw that chain in the room, and then run out of the room and get as far away as possible." The better.”

You Fuzhe opened his eyes and found that the door was actually open. Before he could thank Sang Luo, he limped out and ran out of the house.

【? ? ? ? 】

[Master Yunze, are you serious?I wouldn’t even dare to write a script like this]

【I know this trick!This is the art of calling birds. When I was a child, I met buskers on the streets in villages and towns and performed this folk secret art]

[I have also seen that the man can command the bird to take the hat off my head]

[Woo woo woo, your childhood and mine seem to be different]

[+1, I never saw this kind of thing when I was a kid]

After You Fuzhe ran about ten meters, he could no longer run.

He felt a strong tumbling in his stomach, and with a "pop" sound, he spit out a mouthful of black blood on the ground, and then fell asleep in the corridor.

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