Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 167 The couple looking for their biological daughter

After a while, the ambulance arrived, and several doctors and nurses rushed upstairs.

"Did you hear that you put on your radiation protection suits? Today's matter is no joke! Once you are exposed to radiation, you will never recover!"

The voice of an older woman spoke. Although her tone was calm, everyone could feel the fear behind her calmness.

"Got it", all the medical staff replied together.

"The leaders of this chemical plant have gone too far. They didn't dare to report the fall of the radioactive metal chain, and they wanted to hide it! Today, the hospital has received dozens of patients who suffered from radiation."

The conversations of several medical staff echoed in the corridor.

It reached the ears of netizens in the live broadcast room.

【What?So it was the leader who made a mistake in his work and accidentally dropped it on the ground? 】

【Too selfish!In order to keep his position, he actually concealed the truth! 】

[Just because of his selfishness, he ruined the lives of more than a dozen people! 】

[This is too much, this is simply the behavior of a little devil]

After the medical staff found You Fuzhe lying in the corridor, they immediately conducted a simple investigation on him.

When a young nurse lifted up You Fuzhe's clothes and trouser legs, she was so frightened that she screamed, "Doctor Bai! He...his legs..."

The little nurse stopped talking and pointed at You Fuzhe's arm which stayed in the air, trembling with fear.

Under the trousers, the flesh color of You Fuzhe's legs could no longer be seen clearly. The color was like a piece of burnt black charcoal, but the condition was more terrifying than the charcoal.

Because his legs were still leaking human tissue fluid, more like a piece of flesh that was burnt and then rotting and oozing pus.

After seeing this, the doctors present were frightened and took a few steps back.

Doctor Bai touched his chest with his hand to calm down his mood.

She has been a doctor for decades, and has seen car accidents, poisoning, torture, and death. This is the first time she has seen a patient who has been exposed to radiation in such a tragic and unbearable state.

Dr. Bai took a deep breath and said seriously: "He may be the most seriously injured among all the victims today."

At this time, another group of men wearing radiation-proof suits quickly climbed up from downstairs, taking three steps and one step at a time, wishing they could fly right away.

Doctor Bai was also very curious about the origins of this group of people. She stopped the little man at the end of the team and asked, "Excuse me, little brother, why are you in such a hurry?"

The little brother replied through the thick protective clothing: "Go and get back the radioactive metal chain used to detect the equipment! This is the young man who took the chain from the factory home for some reason!"

As he said that, the little brother sighed heavily and continued to add: "But fortunately he brought that thing home! Otherwise, those who were exposed to radiation today would not only be those who worked the night shift last night, but also those who worked the day shift today." workers will also be affected."

Doctor Bai looked at You Fuzhe who was lying on the ground, "But he himself is miserable."

After speaking, Dr. Bai immediately directed other medical staff to carry You Fuzhe into the ambulance.

After Sang Luo confirmed that there was a doctor taking care of You Fuzhe, he hung up the video connection with confidence.

[Hey, I pray silently for these victims of nuclear radiation, and hope they can survive the crisis successfully]

[Everyone must learn a lesson from this matter!If you see any strange chains in the chemical factory in the future, please don’t pick them up]

[I think picking up this kind of radioactive chain is scarier than picking up a bracelet with a ghost hidden inside]

[I dare to wear ten bracelets pulled from ghosts, but I dare not even look at this kind of radiation chain]

[When you encounter a ghost, you can find a master to resolve it, but when you encounter this thing, there is no solution! 】Sang Luo issued the second lucky bag today amid the lively discussion in the live broadcast room.

As soon as the lucky bag was sent out, the live broadcast room instantly became quiet. Netizens stopped typing on the keyboard and ran to grab the lucky bag.

After 30 seconds, the lucky bag opens.

It was A Yan, whose nickname was that he loved drinking red wine, who won this fortune-telling opportunity.

As soon as the lucky bag was opened, Sang Luo received a video connection application from him. It seemed that the other party was an old fan of the live broadcast room and knew the rules and operations very well.

After the video was connected, a very well-dressed young man wearing a well-tailored suit appeared on the screen. It could be seen that even his hair was carefully dressed.

Behind him is a whole wall of precious red wine.

His whole person and environment all exuded the aura of wealth.

The moment the man saw that the video was connected, he raised his hand and said hello to Sang Luo on the opposite side of the video, "Hello, master, I am a long-time fan of your live broadcast room. I didn't expect that I would win your lucky bag." , very excited, just call me Ayan."

After Ayan greeted Sang Luo, he immediately put on an elegant smile.

Every move he makes seems to tell everyone that he is a very well-educated boy.

[With such a handsome smile, who do you want to charm? 】

[President, you don’t want to die? 】

[The cold and domineering president is getting closer to reality]

[From now on, the wealthy male protagonist in the novel has a picture]

【Who knows if he is handsome and rich? 】

[Sisters, don’t think about it, I went to a winery for an internship, and the red wine on the wall behind him is worth a house in Shanghai]

Sang Luo also smiled politely back at A Yan, "It's better to follow the old rules, break things off first and then pay the hexagram money."

She carefully looked at Ayan's eyes, and then said: "I won't go into details about the family's financial situation. Everyone can see it. Why don't I just talk about your emotional status?"

After Ayan heard the word "emotion", his eyes swayed slightly and said, "Okay."

"Although you come from a well-off family and are tall and handsome, your relationship experience is still blank, right?"

Ayan smiled bitterly, "That's right."

【What! ! ? ? 】

[Sisters, I can’t control myself anymore, I have to win this]

[So rich and handsome, but still single!Where is the law of heaven?Where is the justice?Where are the phone numbers and addresses! ? 】

"Judging from the Brothers' Palace, you should have a younger sister. But...this younger sister shouldn't be biological, right?"

After Ayan heard about his sister, the disappointment in his eyes became more obvious. He did not answer Sang Luo's question, but directly sent Sang Luo ten goddesses to come.

"Master, I just want you to help me figure out my sister this time. She... was actually picked up by me from near our farm. I was ten years old at that time and she was only seven or eight years old. She said Her parents are dead and she is an orphan.”

"So, I took her home and begged my parents to adopt her. But...her biological parents suddenly came to the door a few days ago. I...I don't know what to do."

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