[The biological parents come to the door and ask someone to take them back!I must be very anxious after losing my child for so many years]

[But didn’t the CEO brother say that when he picked up his sister, his sister said that she was an orphan and her parents were dead?Why would biological parents come to my door? 】

【Why do I feel something is wrong?Could these so-called biological parents be fake?

[The handsome boss brother reveals his reluctance for his adopted sister in every word. Is this pseudo-orthopedics? 】

[Now the plot of the novel has really come into reality]

After Ayan saw the speculations of netizens in the live broadcast room, his face instantly became unnatural, his eyes were evasive, and he didn't know where to place his hands for a moment. He was obviously at his own home, but he always felt uneasy.

"Don't talk nonsense, you are not a pseudo-orthopedic surgeon! Luo Tang is not that kind of person. She is a very serious girl who has a very planned life. She has been admitted to the top university in the world and will graduate next year. I’m going to study abroad to study design.”

"And she has her own self-media account online and opened an online store to sell clothes she designed. The business is also very good. In short, she is a very positive, capable and smart girl, and she has a good reputation as a girl. It’s very important, you can’t talk nonsense.”

[As expected of a child educated by a wealthy family, his outlook on life is extremely upright]

[Who can refuse such a rich and handsome guy who knows proper manners and etiquette? 】

[Brother, do you still lack a sister?To tell you the truth, I am actually an orphan too]

[The ones upstairs are really enough!Put on your pants, there is no one else who would curse your own parents to death for a man】

A Yan ignored the ridicule of him by netizens in the live broadcast room, and directly looked at Sang Luo.

"Master, I have been watching your live broadcast for a long time, and I know that you are very powerful and can figure out everything. Could you please help me do the calculations. Are the couple who came to my sister to identify themselves really her biological parents? "

As soon as A Yan finished speaking, the door behind him was pushed open violently. A young girl wearing a white dress and a floral headband rushed in, rushed straight to A Yan, and then sat down. The position next to him.

Pulling his arm, he said in a slightly coquettish tone: "Brother, they are really not my parents! Let them go quickly! My parents have passed away a long time ago."

After Ayan heard Luo Tang's words, he looked behind him and saw a couple in their 50s standing at the door.

The couple were dressed simply, and one could tell at a glance that their family's financial situation was relatively specific.

Moreover, behind the couple was a mediator from the Civil Protection Bureau.

When Ayan saw this, he immediately stood up and said, "This is my home. Who asked you to come in without saying hello?"

The mediator from the Civil Affairs Bureau immediately came out and smoothed things over: "Mr. Luo, Mr. Wan Qing and Ms. Jiang Fen reported to us that they had found their biological daughter who had been missing for many years, so we came here to help them. And , we entered your home with your parents’ permission.”

Luo Tang immediately pulled Luo Yan's arm, and then said: "Brother, my parents don't want me anymore. They want me to go back with this couple who came out of nowhere. You can't want me! I But you picked it up, and you said you would protect me! You are not allowed to go back on your word."

The expression on Luo Yan's face became a little tangled.

Mom and dad don't like Luo Tang. He has always known that they feel that they are too obsessed with Luo Tang. They put her first in everything and forget to plan and work hard for their own lives. They did not want to adopt Luo Tang from the beginning. Yes, if he hadn't been begging him all the time, I'm afraid Luo Tang would really have become an orphan living outside.

After Jiang Fen heard what Luo Tang said, she rushed directly in front of Luo Tang angrily, pointed at her nose and cursed: "You unfilial daughter! You don't even recognize your biological mother? And you said we are not You know where it came from. Take a look for yourself! This is your birth certificate and household registration book from that year! It’s clearly written on it!”

Jiang Fen took out several documents she had wrapped in plastic bags and handed them to the mediator and Luo Yan for a look.

"As the saying goes, a son doesn't think his mother is ugly, and a dog doesn't think his family is poor! You damn woman, when you see other people's families having a good time, you don't even recognize your biological parents! Ah!"

Wan Qing also walked up to Luo Tang at this time and shouted loudly: "It doesn't matter if you say I'm not your father, I am also a stepfather! But do you dare to say that you are not Jiang Fen's child? If you have the ability, come with us now Go to the hospital for a paternity test!”

When Luo Tang heard that Wan Qing wanted her to take a paternity test, her face turned pale with fright, and she sat down on the sofa, with her back to Wan Qing and Jiang Fen and his wife, facing the coffee table, and refused to communicate with them head-on.This time, netizens in the live broadcast room could see Luo Tang's face clearly.

【Yo!Isn’t this April Tang, the whale internet celebrity I follow? 】

[This is a millionaire internet celebrity!I have been following her for three years. She seems to have been making short videos on the Internet since high school. I didn’t expect to be able to learn about her life experience in Master Yunze’s live broadcast room! 】

[I have also followed her. The clothes of her clothing brand Chun Tang are pretty, but a bit expensive. We student party can only take a look]

Seeing that Luo Tang refused to face them, Jiang Fen put her hands on her waist and shouted: "You are talking! What? Are you afraid to take a paternity test with me?"

Luo Yan heard that the couple asked for a paternity test, and Luo Tang was very evasive. He couldn't help but doubt the authenticity of what Luo Tang said to him.

He sat next to Luo Tang and said to her in a very gentle tone: "Tangtang, tell the truth to your brother, is this woman your biological parent? Didn't you tell me that you were an orphan? "

"Don't ask. She is indeed the biological daughter of the woman behind you. What she told you at the beginning were all lies. She only told you that to let you take her home."

Before Luo Tang could answer, Sang Luo took the lead in telling the truth.

She knew that Luo Tang would not tell the truth.

But she had to tell the truth, otherwise she would be sorry for the hexagram gold that Luo Yan gave her for the ten goddesses to come.

【what? 】

[But why did Luo Tang do this when he was a child?Just because you want to find yourself rich parents? 】

[How can a seven or eight-year-old child have such a scheming mind? 】

[To be honest, when I was a child, I also imagined that I was picked up by my parents. My true identity is actually the young master of a wealthy family]



[Can this be the same?Just think about it!This girl really does it! 】

After Luo Tang heard Sang Luo's voice, he nervously raised his head and looked around, and finally found the mobile phone standing on the coffee table.

She took a closer look and saw that her brother actually had a video connection with a fortune-telling blogger!
So, are these things about her known to the entire Internet?Then what will her fans do when they find out!Isn't she about to collapse her house?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she felt, and the more she felt that things were irreversible.

Her mind went blank.

At the moment, she just wanted to vent her emotions.

"Yes! I just lied to my brother! I think my original family was not good! How could other people be born into such a good family, but I lost my father when I was born!"

Luo Tang said while wiping his nose and tears.

"What's wrong with me wanting to find a better family life for myself! Why should God decide what kind of family I am born into? My destiny is not up to me! I just want to choose my parents!"

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