The original joy in Luo Tang's eyes disappeared in an instant, and was covered with a thick layer of doubt.

"What???" Luo Tang clenched his fist tightly and hit the sofa hard, "I didn't expect that I was deceived by her!"

Luo Yan seized the opportunity for the two to reconcile.

He hurriedly sat next to Luo Tang, patted her shoulder gently, and comforted her: "It's okay, Tangtang. Every time you learn, you gain wisdom. We can use these 60 to see who she is. It doesn't count." deficit!"

"If you don't give it to her today, if she really gets stomach cancer, won't you regret it for the rest of your life? Losing 60 is a small thing, but it would be a big deal if you live in pain and regret for the rest of your life. I don't want to see you sad. , I hope you will be happy all your life."

After saying that, Luo Yan gave Luo Tang a gentle smile, and his eyes almost made tears when he looked at Luo Tang.

To him, the loss of 60 yuan today was nothing. His parents made it back in a few days.

He felt that it was worth the 60 yuan in exchange for Luo Tang not leaving his side, and he didn't feel any loss at all.

[Rich people are tough when they talk]

["60 things are small"]

["It's a big deal if you're sad"]

[Who do you want to sweeten to death? 】

【Oh my God!Xinnu is willing not to eat meat for three months in exchange for a boyfriend like Luo Yan]

Luo Tang was furious after hearing what Luo Yan said.

She threw Luo Yan's arm and shouted loudly: "How can you gain wisdom by eating? I've eaten it since I was a child! I just told you that she is this kind of person, but you didn't listen! These 60 Wan is a small thing to you, but not to me!”

"She felt that I was a burden when I was a child, after giving birth to my younger brother, and she even thought about how to kill me with my stepfather without anyone noticing! If I weren't lucky, if I wasn't smart, Knowing that I had to find adoptive parents for myself, I would have turned into a pile of bones long ago!"

Luo Yan was also very shocked after hearing what Luo Tang said.

He guessed that Wanqing Jiangfen and his wife would abuse Luo Tang, but he didn't expect that the two of them would dare to conspire to kill her!
Even if tiger poison does not eat its own children, how could there be any reason in the world for a biological mother to want to kill her biological daughter? ?
【What? ?Is this something a biological mother can do? 】

[At first, I thought it was too explosive for Miss Luo Tang to find adoptive parents for herself. Now it seems that if it were me, I would do the same thing]

[Question Luo Tang, understand Luo Tang, become Luo Tang]

[Oh my God, Miss Luo Tang is really ill-fated!You deserve to be so happy now]

[Why don’t such a vicious person die?She actually let her get away with defrauding 60 yuan, which makes me angry just thinking about it! 】

[Good people don’t live long, bad people live for thousands of years! 】

【The sky has no eyes! 】

Netizens in the live broadcast room heard Luo Tang's childhood stories and began to blame God for the unfairness, filling the screen with resentment.

"Don't worry, although she doesn't have stomach cancer, she does have intestinal cancer. And it's already at an advanced stage and cannot be saved by surgery."

Sang Luo spoke in time and gave the netizens and Luo Tang a dose of good medicine. She saw the deathly look on Jiang Fen's face early on.

Then he just took advantage of the quarrel between Luo Yan and Luo Tang to flip through the life and death book.

Sure enough, he could not survive more than half a year.

[Intestinal cancer? ?Do you still remember the poisonous oath Miss Luo Tang’s biological mother just swore? 】

[If your intestines are rotten and your butthole is rotten, you will die badly! 】【I went, everything came true】

[It’s scary to think about it carefully. You must not say poisonous oaths randomly! 】

Luo Tang's lips trembled slightly, "It means...she won't live long?"

Sang Luo nodded slightly.

After Luo Tang heard this, he felt like a deflated rubber ball, and his whole body sank instantly.

"Life and death are fateful, so you don't have to be too sad." Sang Luo comforted.

Luo Tang felt mixed emotions in his heart. After thanking Sang Luo, he turned off the video connection.

[The ending is extremely comfortable]

[Miss Luo Tang had a really miserable life when she was a child. I hope Ayan can slowly heal her]

[Master, can you calculate their marriage? He or be?I really hope they are together]

【Yeah!The bad guy dies and the hero and heroine live happily together. This is the most comfortable ending! 】

Sang Luo closed his eyes, counted on his fingers, and then said with a smile: "Don't worry, they are in love with each other. After Luo Tang completes his studies and returns to China, their relationship will slowly progress."

After saying that, Sang Luo immediately sent out a new lucky bag.

Three seconds later, the backend received a video connection request from a user named Allisland.

Sang Luo clicked to connect, and a middle-aged woman in her 40s appeared on the screen.

She wore an apron on her chest, holding a kitchen knife in both hands, and was cutting a grass carp on the chopping board with her head lowered.

Her cheeks drooped, the corners of her mouth drooped, and a very obvious Sichuan pattern appeared between her eyebrows. The bright sunshine shone on her face through the window, but it could not drive away the haze in her heart.

Maybe she was so absorbed in thinking that she didn't notice that Sang Luo had already connected her video connection application.

"Hello, this destined person, what do you want to calculate?" Sang Luo asked first.

After hearing Sang Luo's voice, Mercy Lotus immediately raised her head and showed a very reluctant smile to Sang Luo.

"Hello, Master Yunze! I...I am a housewife. I have not gone out to work for almost ten years. You know, in the world of a housewife, there is nothing more than a husband and children. Other than that, there is nothing more than a husband and children. There’s nothing else to worry about.”

[Full-time housewives are so pitiful, they don’t have their own life or world, they just revolve around their husband and children all day long]

[I will never be a full-time housewife in my life. Women still have to have their own career backbone to be strong]

[I don’t know what is going on in the minds of women who are willing to be full-time housewives. They get up early and stay late all day long to take care of the whole family. In the end, people think you are playing at home and you don’t appreciate it at all!If your husband still cheats on you, you will lose both your life and money! 】

[It would be fine if my husband could make money!If you meet a man who has no ability, he will beat him when he gets angry outside and can't make any money when he comes home! 】

After looking at what the netizens said in the live broadcast room, Merchant Linden smiled politely, and then explained:
"That's not the case. My husband's work ability is pretty good! Therefore, our family has never worried about money, and he is a responsible and good man! He will go home immediately after get off work to help me take care of the children."

"After so many years of marriage, he has never even yelled at me, let alone hit anyone. The reason I came to see Master Yunze this time is actually for my son..."

"I, I suspect he is a cat demon!" (End of Chapter)

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