Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 173 The boy who likes to eat raw fish

Sang Luo frowned immediately after hearing this, "Cat demon?"

This is a bit strange.

【ah? ? 】

【what? ? ? 】

【ah? ? ? ! 】

When netizens in the live broadcast room heard that Lucky Lotus said that her son was a cat demon, they all found it unbelievable and filled the screen with question marks.

[Isn’t it?Isn't it?Do cat monsters really exist?I thought it was created in movies and TV series]

[That’s right, how could a cat so cute turn into a monster?I just can’t imagine what it would be like for a cute little kitten to turn into a monster]

[Cats have nine lives, so does your son also have nine lives?This is a good thing!You should be happy]

[How did the destined person find out that his son was a cat demon?Could it be that he secretly eats small fish in the middle of the night, haha]

Good Luck Lotus nodded quickly after hearing this, "Yes! That's right! However, he doesn't eat dried fish, he eats raw fish directly!"

【Eating raw fish?Little devil behavior]

[It’s normal to eat raw fish, I like to eat raw salmon slices the most]

[I also think it is too hasty to conclude that your son is a cat demon just by eating raw fish]

[He was born from your belly after all!If he is a cat demon, wouldn't you be a cat demon too? 】

Good Luck Lotus carefully read the comments from netizens in the live broadcast room and quickly denied: "Of course I didn't conclude that he was a cat demon based on this alone. And I didn't say that my son was a cat demon. I just thought that my son was a cat demon." Possessed by a cat demon.”

The more Sang Luo listened, the more interesting he became.

In fact, monsters and ghosts are the same. They leave their own unique aura after coming into contact with people.Ghosts have ghostly aura, and monsters also have evil aura.

However, she had just looked at Good Luck Lotus for a long time and did not find any evil spirit in her, so why did she say that her son was possessed by a cat demon?

A faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, "Oh? How do you say this?"

Good Luck Lianlian put down the knife in her hand, took the towel on the stove, wiped her hands, and then spoke slowly.

"It started half a month ago. My son would go downstairs to play with other children in the community garden after dinner every night, but unexpectedly one night he actually picked up a black cat. , and said he wanted to keep that cat.”

【Black cats are good!Black cat wards off evil]

[Picking up a stray cat will bring you good luck]

[So, after you raised this cat, was your son possessed by the cat demon? 】

"No! No! I am allergic to animal hair and never like keeping pets at home, so I seriously rejected my son's request and asked him to throw the cat back into the garden of the community downstairs. "

"However, he did not stop raising the kitten. Every day he would sneak some food from home and go downstairs to feed the kitten. I didn't notice it at first, until one time, he actually bought me I gave the king crab to the cat!"

"I was so angry that I beat him up hard! Then I forbade him to feed the kitten again. But...not long after, I heard him say that the kitten was frozen to death, and he even quarreled with me about it. It’s awkward, you haven’t spoken to me for three or four days.”

【Huo!This son is really generous. He feeds king crabs to cats and pays attention to people.]

[But no matter how angry you are, you should never stop your children from feeding stray cats!This is a good thing. It not only keeps the kitten well fed, but also educates the children to help the weak and be willing to help others]

[That’s right, this mother doesn’t know how to educate her children at all, you know?You killed a child’s innocence]

[Don’t blame this destined person, a king crab costs a thousand dollars. If it were me, I would be pissed to death]

(End of this chapter)

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