Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 320 Stop 2 of the Terror Train

When we walked inside the village, it became more and more lively, not as deserted as the outside of the village.

The layout of Shuijingcun New Village is very simple.

After entering from the big stone at the entrance of the village, there is a spacious road that can accommodate three cars driving side by side.

There are neat houses on both sides of the road, but the new villages no longer have bamboo houses like those at the foot of the mountain. The houses in the new villages are all neat brick houses with courtyards.

When we walked to the middle of the village, there was a long section of the road filled with tables.

Someone is setting up a banquet here.

The running water mat was arranged about five or six meters long, and all the villagers in the village gathered here.

The people are noisy and the food is fragrant.

Chen Dali: "The family of Chen Laoshuan in our village is hosting a full-moon banquet. Why don't you all have a banquet together?"

Chen Dali stopped and extended an invitation to all the guests on the show.

Qian Yiwu was hungry. Before Chen Dali sent out the invitation, she had already run behind a villager's seat to smell the aroma of the food on the table.

"Hmm~~ Other ingredients in your village are not that good, but this chicken is really good. The chicken leg meat is very firm at first glance, and the meat is very fragrant and smooth."

Qian Yiwu's tongue was about to fall to the ground. She hadn't eaten for a whole day and a half since eating a sandwich on the bus yesterday. She had been relying on drinking water and glucose to maintain her strength.

Chen Dali chuckled, "Well, the chickens in our village are all authentic pheasants, free-range chickens! The meat quality is definitely much more delicious than the chickens raised in pens."

The village chief came over with a big pipe in his hand.

"Chen Dali, why did you bring people from outside into the village?"

The village chief's face seemed to be covered with a layer of cold frost, his brows were knitted tightly together, and his expression was very serious, showing an awe-inspiring and severe look.

Seeing the village chief's words, other villagers also echoed: "Yes! Why bring outsiders in! They are all a group of bad people with impure intentions!

You must have come to our village for the Snake Fairy’s treasure. "

Chen Dali hurriedly leaned into the village chief's ear and said a few words.

The village chief looked solemn at first, but then relaxed again. He sighed and said, "Okay. However, they must not be allowed to get close to the altar."

Chen Dali nodded in agreement, "Don't worry, village chief, I will definitely not let them go to the altar."

The village chief hummed and said nothing more.

He turned to the villagers and said, "Everyone, keep eating!"

When the village chief spoke, the other villagers didn't say anything.

After Chen Dali persuaded the village chief, he turned to Sang Luo and the others and said, "I'm sorry, everyone, it's not that the people in our village are unhospitable, it's just because some explorers came before and wanted to steal the Snake Fairy's treasure. .

Therefore, our village chief has made a rule not to allow outsiders to enter our village again.

However, I just said hello to the village chief and he agreed. You must be hungry. Find a seat and sit down to eat.

I will just take this girl to see the Holy Aunt for treatment. "

Qian Yiwu can't get what he wants.

As soon as Chen Dali finished speaking, she immediately found an empty seat on the table next to her and sat down, grabbing her chopsticks and started eating.

She picked up a chicken leg and put it in her bowl, gnawing on it and praising the quality of the chicken.

Xu Yinfan kindly reminded Qian Yiwu in a low voice: "Miss Qian, have you forgotten the text message sent by the program team? We can't have too close contact with the villagers. You'd better not eat here. Now, let’s find a place to set up a tent and eat compressed biscuits.”

Qian Yiwu wanted to vomit when he heard the compressed biscuits, "Okay, okay, don't say it. I'm not eating here, can you find me a chicken to roast and eat?"

I haven't eaten for a day and a half. Do you want to starve me to death? "

Qian Yiwu doesn't have a good attitude towards Xu Yinfan now. She no longer trusts Xu Yinfan at all.

Xu Yinfan felt very bored when Qian Yiwu talked to him, and he didn't want to continue to persuade Qian Yiwu.

"Brother Chen Dali, I appreciate your kindness, but I am a Taoist priest and don't like meat. I'd better find a place to pitch my tent and eat the dry food I brought."

Zhou Yao also said calmly: "Actually, I'm not hungry either."

Ruanruan didn't want to be alone with two men with a tent, so she chose to sit down and eat with Qian Yiwu.

Grandpa Niu also sat next to Qian Yiwu: "Girl, I see how friendly you are, you really look like my daughter! I'd better stay with you. I'm getting old, so I still have to eat good food. Only when your body can bear it.”

Chen Dali smiled even happier and had no intention of keeping Zhou Yao and Xu Yinfan.

"Okay! Okay! Since this friend has faith, we can't force you to eat meat. You can just walk around the village, but you must remember that you can't go to the altar at the end of the village.

If you want to pitch a tent, you can go to Yuetang just at the fork in the village. "

Sang Luo looked at the smile on Chen Dali's face and realized that things were not that simple. Chen Dali must have other plans in mind.

"What about this girl? Do you want to follow the two young men?" Chen Dali asked Sang Luo.

Jiang Yueyue grabbed Sang Luo's arm and said, "Master Yunze, please accompany me for treatment. I'm afraid of being alone."

Jiang Yueyue believed in Xu Yinfan at first, but now she understands that only this Yunze is the true master.

There is no bonus for saving people in this issue, so Sang Luo doesn't want to meddle in other people's business.

Seeing Master Yunze's hesitation, Jiang Yueyue tightened her grip on Sang Luo's arm, "Master, please. I have nothing now, only money. If you can accompany me to cure it, Face, everything else is negotiable."

Sang Luo looked at Jiang Yueyue's dark face, with a pair of watery eyes rolling back and forth, her eyes full of tears, and felt that Jiang Yueyue was a little pitiful.

She was just a little girl who loved beauty. She couldn't stand the smell of urine on her head and washed her hair. It really wasn't a big mistake.

Therefore, she decided to accompany Jiang Yueyue for treatment.

"Okay, then I'll accompany Jiang Yueyue to find the Holy Aunt. You guys can eat."

Chen Dali hesitated for a moment, "Well, that's fine. But Saint Aunt likes to be quiet. When you arrive at Saint Aunt's house, just wait outside and don't go in."

"Okay." Sang Luo agreed readily, and then the three of them walked to Saint Aunt's house together.

Qian Yiwu and Ruanruan ate happily at the table and chatted with other villagers.

"Did the bartender have a baby today? Is it a boy or a girl?" Qian Yiwu came to know him well and started chatting directly with the woman next to him.

"Son. No, the person over there holding the child and wandering around is the host of today's banquet."

The woman pointed at a middle-aged man holding a child not far away and said.

"Where's the child's mother? Why didn't you see her?"

The woman twirled her chopsticks and said calmly: "I am the child's mother."

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