Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 321 Stop 2 of the Terror Train

"Ah?" Qian Yiwu was surprised, "The customs in your village are really different. In our place, women usually take care of the children, and there are very few men taking care of the children. Women sit and eat at the table."

Ruanruan also expressed that she was very curious, "Yes, there are very few men who are willing to take care of children now. You are so lucky to find such a good husband."

The woman's mouth tilted and she said expressionlessly: "He is not my husband. My husband is Chen Qiang who just brought you into the village."

Ruanruan, money in a fog, Grandpa Niu looked at each other.

"Oh, yes! I remembered that your village is a monogamous society. The man hosting the full moon banquet today should be your little husband, right?" she asked with a soft smile.

The woman didn't say anything, she lowered her head and dug into the rice.

This woman has a sallow complexion, a pale face, very dry lips, and a body as thin as a skeleton.

At this time, another man, Chen Qiang, who had just brought them into the village, came over.

Chen Qiang walked up behind the woman and shouted loudly: "Eat, eat, eat, just eat! Why don't you go home quickly! I'm annoyed when I see you!"

The woman did not dare to say a word, but as soon as Chen Qiang spoke, she obediently put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hands, wiped her greasy mouth with her sleeves, and stood up to leave.

The woman's body is not strong and she staggers from side to side when she walks.

As soon as she took a few steps, several children ran over and called her mother.

The woman smiled, patted the children on the head, kissed them on the face, and prepared to leave.

At this time, the owner of the full-moon banquet held the child and walked up to the woman. He pulled the woman and shouted: "Do you remember to come to my house to breastfeed the child at eight o'clock tonight?"

The woman nodded, "I understand."

The man murmured and cursed a few more times, "It's really useless. I have a baby and I don't even have milk. I don't know what the use of being a woman is. My baby has been in poor health these days. She always cries at night and has a fever."

It's all because you have no milk and the child has no nutrition. "

When Ruanruan and Qian Yiwu saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Why do I feel that the actual situation in this village is different from what is reported outside? Isn't it said that there are only one woman and two husbands in this village? I thought women's status was very high."

"That's why I feel like women here are like fertility machines."

Ruanruan and Qian Yiwu were discussing in low voices.

But the words they discussed reached the ears of a man next to them.

When the man heard this, he clicked his tongue several times.

"Tsk, tsk, what are you two girls talking about? It is a supreme honor for a woman to give birth to children. If she gives birth to many children, she will be on the merit monument after her death!"

The man said, picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and continued: "Hey! The people in our village were punished by the snake fairy because they offended the snake fairy. In the past twenty years, no newborn in our village has survived. At ten years old, there are still many children who are still sucking milk, but it is gone.

Now, the population in our village is becoming increasingly scarce, and each generation is getting worse than the last!

There are only five or six young people under the age of twenty.

When we, the older generation, slowly return to the West, we still don’t know if these young people can continue to procreate and reproduce.

How sad! "

At this time, another man wearing a woolen hat also joined the conversation.

"Yes! These women in our village are really unlucky. Every year there are at least fifty or sixty newborns in the village, but none of them can survive.

In the end, there were only a few newborns who survived.

It’s really useless! "

Qian Yiwu was very angry when she heard the conversation between the two men. She reasoned with him:

"What you are saying is ridiculous! Why do you care about women if your children can't be raised? You are only a village of more than 1,780 people. I think most of your village is made up of men, and there are only 70 or 80 women at most.

But there are fifty or sixty newborns in your village every year. Isn’t this a rhythm that allows those women who can still give birth to give birth to one child a year?

Who's body can bear such a life? Who can have breasts? How ridiculous. "

The man in the hat smashed the wine glass on the table, "What's so ridiculous? Women in our village have been here for generations! My mother is a meritorious person who has been on the merit monument in the village.

My mother is in good health and is the most fertile in the village. She worked as a pawn to four men and gave birth to fifteen children.

My mother could do it in her generation, why can’t these young girls do it now? "

Qian Yiwu sneered, "Fifteen children, let me count on my fingers, your mother won't live to be forty, right?"

"Are you looking for a fight? What qualifications do you foreigners have to judge the customs of our ancestors for generations?"

The man was very angry, rolled up his sleeves, stood up, pointed at Qian Yiwu's nose and shouted.

Grandpa Niu suppressed Qian Yiwu and signaled her to stop talking.

"Young man, this girl is ignorant, don't be as knowledgeable as her." Grandpa Niu persuaded the angry man with a smile.

After persuading him for a while, the man calmed down and sat down again.

Grandpa Niu whispered in Qian Yiwu and Ruanruan's ears: "Eat, just eat, stop talking."

Qian Yiwu was also frightened by the posture of the man just now, and he did not dare to look for people to chat with him as before.

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