Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 356 I have a universal blind box

Chapter 356 I have a universal blind box (2)

Blind box is now the most popular business model among young people.

It makes full use of people's curiosity and collecting addiction. Once this marketing model was launched, it quickly became popular all over the country.

Initially there were only blind box figures and ornaments, but now everything can be blind boxed.

Merchants selling clothes and trinkets, in order to get rid of unpopular styles in their stores, will launch blind box models at special prices, making full use of people's curiosity and getting rid of off-price goods at low prices.

Booksellers also launch blind box books, selecting their favorite books and packaging them into blind boxes for sale. Buyers can also buy a book in a field they have never touched before, broadening their knowledge.

But blind boxes are just a gimmick for businesses. I have never heard of any blind box on the market that can be turned into a wishing box, and you can get whatever you want.

In this regard, even the well-informed Sang Luo found it strange, "A blind box like you is really so powerful?"

Nao Nao raised his chin slightly, "Of course! If you don't believe me, I'll show you one."

Nao Nao clasped his hands together, closed his eyes and made a wish, "Blind box, blind box, I want a green water ghost watch, can you give it to me?"

The Green Water Ghost watch is a classic model from the famous watch brand Laojia. The initial price is not expensive, only more than 80,000 yuan.

However, since it was a limited edition worldwide, it was sold out as soon as it was sold.

Many people may not be able to buy it even if they want to pay a high price. It can be said to be hard to find.

Now the second-hand price of this watch has been raised to more than 100,000 and 200,000 yuan.

You know, 200,000 yuan can buy a house in some small cities.

After Naonao made her wish, she carefully opened the lid of the blind box.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens across the entire network held their breath and watched intently, wanting to see what kind of medicine was being sold in Naonao's box.

This includes Sang Luo.

Nao Nao slowly opened the lid of the box.


【Oh! Just kidding]


【Get out of here quickly! Don’t waste your quota here, the master’s live broadcast room is for fortune telling, not for you to show off]

When Nao Nao opened the blind box, there was nothing inside, which made many netizens very dissatisfied.

Nao Nao frowned and shouted: "Why are you so anxious? Do you think you can get the baby you want so quickly? You have to wait. Sometimes I can get it after a minute, sometimes it takes an hour or two. ”

Just a few seconds after Naonao finished speaking, her eyes began to change as she looked at the blind box, becoming more and more excited, "Yes, yes, yes!"

Nao Nao quickly took out the green watch from the blind box and showed it to the netizens in the live broadcast room in front of the camera.

"Did you see it! The green water ghost watch!"

Nao Nao happily put the watch on her hand, displaying it in all directions like a watch model.

After fully satisfying her vanity, she returned to calm.

"Hey, this watch is good, but it's not suitable for girls to wear. I don't have a boyfriend, so I might as well sell it to you for 100,000 yuan! Is there anyone in the live broadcast room who would like to have it?"

[Here, this blind box can really make wishes! Admired and admired]

【When will it be my turn for such a good thing】

[This is a fortune-telling live broadcast room, not a live broadcast room for selling goods. Are you on the wrong set? 】

[It’s really funny, who knows whether your watch is real or fake? 】【There seems to be a line of engraved words on this dial, why does it feel familiar to me】

When Nao Nao saw that no one in the live broadcast room was willing to buy her watch, she stopped selling it. After taking a few photos of the watch, she put it up in the seafood market for resale.

After posting the sale link, Nao Nao returned to the live broadcast room.

"Let's get down to business! I came to the master's live broadcast room to tell fortunes." Nao Nao looked at Sang Luo with his eyes, "Master, can you help me calculate when I will meet the right man? "

[A weak question, can’t you find your boyfriend from the blind box? 】

[I found Hua Dian upstairs! It would be great if this blind box could take out the boyfriend, then I will steal it tonight]

[If I can spend money on boyfriends, then I will spend seven of them, let six work part-time, and one will accompany me, and then I can just sit back and collect six wages]

After Nao Nao asked, he sent his horoscope to Sang Luo backstage.

Although she was quite good-looking, there were not many men chasing her around. She always felt that it was because she looked difficult to chase, so no one chased her.

Now that she has a universal blind box, she no longer has to worry about life and money. At this time, her only wish is to find a good man and enjoy the rest of her life together.

Sang Luo looked at the horoscope sent by Nao Nao and said directly: "Don't think about it, you will never get married in this life, and you will spend the rest of your life in prison."

"What?" Nao Nao couldn't believe what he heard.

There was also a feeling of resistance in my heart.

She got this blind box by accident. She was clearly in the period of great fortune, so how could she spend her lower body in jail and die alone?

"Master, I respect you very much. But please be careful before speaking and don't talk nonsense, okay? Cursing people is detrimental to morality."

Sang Luo smiled and said, "I'm not talking nonsense. Your zodiac sign is full of partial seals, and there is no official star. The official star represents the person who restrains you and your husband.

No official star indicates that you have very poor self-control and poor luck with men. There are many lazy people in India, and you are just a lazy man, thinking about getting something for nothing.

Moreover, your husband and wife palace is empty, coupled with the three punishments of the Earthly Branch Chou, it looks like a prison.

All signs indicate that you will probably spend most of your life in prison. "

[Sure enough, I guessed it right, she is a butt seller]

[If you have good hands and feet, but you don’t make money, but you just want to make money while lying down, who will go to jail if you don’t go to jail? 】

Angrily, Nao Nuo threw the Green Water Ghost watch to the ground and broke it.

"Can you please stop talking nonsense? I really don't have that kind of profession. I'm just an ordinary little model. I usually take orders from Maimai.com clothing merchants and take pictures of the upper body renderings of clothes.

Although there is no fixed place to work, it is still a serious job, right? "

It's aggrieved to make trouble.

Although she is a bit lazy and doesn't like to be clean, she is definitely not that kind of woman.

"I believe you are not in that kind of profession. You should not be in jail because of this matter." Sang Luo spoke up for Nao Nao.

Judging from the horoscope, Nao Nao is indeed not engaged in that kind of profession, he is just a bit lazy.

After Sang Luo finished speaking, the netizens in the live broadcast room became quiet.

Nao Nao's mood calmed down a lot, and he regained his trust in Sang Luo.

A master who is willing to speak for himself will definitely not deliberately curse her.

She sat up straight and asked: "Master, why did you say I would go to jail? I usually don't have any hobbies, just watching TV dramas and drinking with friends.

I really can't figure out why I'm in jail. "

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