Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 357 I have a universal blind box

Chapter 357 I have a universal blind box (3)

Sang Luo looked at the blind box placed next to Nao Nao's bed.

She felt that the origin of this blind box was very strange, and perhaps Nao Nao's imprisonment was related to this blind box.

So, she asked: "How did you get this blind box? Can you really take out whatever you want?"

When Nao Nao heard Master Yunze ask this question, he couldn't help but have the answer in his heart.

"Master, do you suspect that my imprisonment is related to this blind box?"

Sang Luo nodded, "Yes, you got this blind box out of nowhere. Even if God wants you to suddenly get a sum of money, it will only be through winning a jackpot or picking up money.

You’re not given this box and told to take whatever you want out of it.”

After hearing this, Nao Nao felt a little disappointed and a little scared.

She originally thought that she was just lucky enough to pick up this box, but she didn't expect that she was just extremely unlucky to pick it up.

Not only will this box not make you rich, nor will you have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of your life, it will actually put you in jail.

She leaned on the head of her bed and began to recall the story about this universal blind box.

"I picked up this blind box a month ago. I don't have any hobbies, I just like drinking with friends.

We are a group of drinking buddies who can drink no matter where we are.

Roadside food stalls, disco bars, hot pot restaurants, KTV, folk bars, rooftops...

As long as there is a drinking occasion that everyone can think of, we will organize a party to drink. But as time went by, we felt that these places were too conventional and wanted to explore some new ways to drink. "

[This is the first time I heard someone take the time to explore new ways of drinking]

[I hate drunkards the most, but my husband also likes to drink, and he stays drunk all day long]

[+1, I really don’t know what’s so good about that wine]

[A group of drunkards are most likely to get into trouble when they are together. You must have encountered something when you were drunk, and you won’t even remember it when you wake up]

[What’s the new way to drink? Do you drink while standing on your head or skipping rope while drinking? Hahaha】

"How can you drink while standing upside down? That's too weird!" Nao Nao directly denied the weird method proposed by netizens in the live broadcast room.

"My good friend Qingqing has a habit of running in the morning. She said that she once saw an abandoned small house over there while running in the woods, so she suggested that we all go to that small house to have a barbecue and drink.

We all thought this was very interesting, and we had never tried a group of people drinking and having a barbecue in a small house in the wild.

So I agreed. "

Sang Luo ate a small piece of apple and said with a smile: "It's better not to enter the house casually in the wild. I once heard a news. A man also went for a morning jog in the woods and came across a small house.

He was also curious, so he went in.

It turned out that there was a female body placed in the small room. "

[That’s right, I’ve seen this news too, it’s so scary]

[You are too brave. You dare to go to an abandoned hut in the wild. Aren't you afraid of getting contaminated with something unclean? 】【Maybe there was a murder in the room where they went, and after they go there, they may be mistaken for murderers and jailed】

"No, no!" Nao Nao waved his hand to deny, "There was no female body in the room we went to, there was nothing, it was empty. But there was a pile of gravel on the ground.

There are still some carving marks on the rubble. They must have been statues before and were later broken. "

"Then this blind box was also found in that room?" Sang Luo asked.

"Yes, this box was placed next to the pile of rubble. At that time, my friends all suggested burning this box, but I thought this box was very exquisite and beautiful at the time, and I usually collect a little bit. I am reluctant to throw away many things.

Eaten candy wrappers, used pen refills, nice paper bags and packaging boxes from shopping, in short, as long as I think it is useful, I can't bear to throw it away, and they are all piled up at home.

My mother often says that I am suitable for collecting waste and putting everything at home. "

[My grandma also has this habit]

[This is no reason to hide garbage under your pillow, sister]

Nao Nao smiled sheepishly, "So, I rescued the blind box from the fire and took it home. The night I brought it home, I threw the box aside and didn't care about it at all. .

I watch dramas every night before going to bed, and that night was no exception. At that time, I saw that the male protagonist in the TV series gave the female protagonist a very beautiful diamond engagement ring.

I was very excited at the time and kept saying that it would be great if a man gave me such a big and beautiful diamond ring.

After reading it, I fell asleep. My best friend had her birthday the next day, and I originally wanted to use this box to contain the gift I bought for her, but as soon as I opened the box, I found a diamond ring inside!
It was exactly the same as what I saw on the TV series the night before, the one the male protagonist gave to the female protagonist.

But I opened it the day before and there was nothing inside. Why did a ring appear after one night?

At that time, I did not realize that this box was a universal wishing blind box. I thought it was just a replica. It had been in the corner of the box before, but I just didn't find it. "

After Nao Nao finished speaking, he turned around and rummaged through the box for a while before getting the ring.

She put the ring in front of the camera, "Look, it's this ring."

Sang Luo carefully observed the diamond ring in Nao Nao's hand. It was very shiny. There was a center diamond of at least two carats in the middle. The market price of such a large diamond would be at least seven to eight hundred thousand.

[This diamond ring seems to be a customized model from Shang Meijia. A top celebrity in the entertainment industry also used this diamond ring to get married. It is very expensive]

[Damn, this box is good, he really gives me something if it’s there]

After Nao Nao showed the ring to the netizens in the live broadcast room, he continued to talk about it.

"But later on, as long as I said what I wanted in front of the box, it would basically appear in the box. Only then did I realize
This box is a universal wishing blind box.

But at that time I still thought these things might be fake.

So I took a small gold brick that I made a wish from in the blind box and sold it. After the gold store inspected it, they told me that these were pure gold and very pure. I sold that small gold brick for 10 yuan. "

[Stop talking, jealousy has changed me beyond recognition]

[If you show off again, I will call the police! 】

[I finally know how you got into the situation. If you show off like this, all the netizens on the Internet will jointly report you into the situation.]

【that is! I have already thought about the crime. I picked up a national treasure and refused to hand it over. I secretly hid the treasures of the whole people]

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