Wu Qu Xingjun left Sang Luo and A Zi in the teaching building, and went downstairs to the only way to leave the school to wait for them.

After Wu Qu Xingjun left, Sang Luo found the right opportunity and kicked the door open.

"How dare you sell state-level secret information here and disrupt the order of the college entrance examination? Do you believe that I will arrest you and put you in jail for the rest of your life?"

All the parents in the classroom turned around and stared at Sang Luo.

The air suddenly solidified.

Before everyone could react, Mr. Zhang, who was selling college entrance examination materials, walked through the wall.

When the parents turned around, they saw only torn papers on the floor and no trace of Teacher Zhang.

They had no time to be surprised.

They immediately started scrambling for the college entrance examination papers left by Teacher Zhang, and the scene became even more chaotic.

Sang Luo understood that this matter was not that simple.

The "Teacher Zhang" mentioned by the parent just now had neither evil nor ghostly aura on him, and was actually surrounded by golden light.

Sang Luo was afraid that Wu Qu Xing Jun could not stop Teacher Zhang alone, so she immediately went downstairs to lend a helping hand to Wu Qu Xing Jun.

After going downstairs, Sang Luo did not hear any fighting, but only bursts of laughter.

It's really puzzling.

Sang Luo walked along the overgrown path, gradually approaching the location where the laughter came from.

The conversation gradually became clearer.

"Lao Wu, why have you been in the lower world for so long and haven't returned yet? I thought you had returned a long time ago."

"I have to stay in the human world to earn merit! Besides, I found a strange underwater prison at the bottom of a lake. There is a mysterious force there that attracts me to stay in the human world.

I have to find out before I can go back.

But I never expected that the always law-abiding Lao Wen would secretly come down to earth?"

Wu Qu Star Lord smiled and put his arm around Wen Chang Star Lord’s shoulders, patting his shoulders a few times with a hint of sarcasm.

Wenchang Star God sighed: "The world is going downhill, people's hearts are no longer the same as before! I am in heaven watching these students study hard and work hard all day long.

But I didn't expect that after studying hard for more than ten years, I couldn't even find a job after graduation.

In the old days, although students had to study hard, as long as they passed the imperial examination, they would have a bright future! Even if they only passed the imperial examination, they would not have to worry about food and drink.

Nowadays, everyone is clamoring that studying is useless. As the God of Wenchang, I have the obligation to change this situation. "

Wu Qu Xingjun sighed, "Old Wen, just be content! At least there is still the college entrance examination, and there are still people willing to worship you. I, Wu Qu Xingjun, am of no use at all.

You see, I am completely black, not like you who have so much golden light."

Sang Luo stood aside and looked at the two star gods quietly.

At this time, A Zi had also arrived.

When she saw Wenchang Star Lord, her eyes widened, "What? Wenchang Star Lord, you're coming down too? Dou Mu Yuan Lord is looking for you guys everywhere!"

Ah Zi was very worried.

If the seven star gods leave their positions without permission, the world will be in chaos and the stars will shift.

Wenchang Star Lord hid behind Wuqu Star Lord and said, "I came here to look for Wu. I will go back when Wu goes back."

Wu Qu Star Lord: ???
"You are a scholar, how can you lie?"

Wenchang Star God: “Hehe.”

Ah Zi took out Dou Mu Yuanjun's handwritten letter and said, "My two Star Lords, Ah Zi came to the human world this time just to find you. Please don't make things difficult for me."

Wenchang Star God hid behind Wuqu Star God and did not speak.

Wu Qu Xingjun said sternly: "I can go back, but I have to wait until I have found out what happened in the underwater prison! I want to see what strange things are hidden in there." Then, Wu Qu Xingjun looked at Sang Luo: "My friend Sang Luo, I will need your help when the time comes."

Sang Luo smiled and said, "That's easy to say."

Sang Luo agreed readily. It would be more accurate to say that she wanted to release Wu Qu Star Lord's power and catch Yi Qianyu rather than helping him.

A Zi looked at Sang Luo as if he was a traitor.

"You promised me that I would help you deliver the express and you would help me find the whereabouts of these star gods." A Zi complained softly in Sang Luo's ear.

Sang Luo explained softly, "Don't worry. Aren't there still two star gods, Lianzhen and Tanlang, that we haven't found yet? Wouldn't it be better if you could bring the other four star gods back with you?"

A Zi changed her mind and felt that what Sang Luo said made sense.

"Well, but you have to keep your word. The seven stars of the Big Dipper are away from their posts. This is no small matter. The world will be in chaos."

Sang Luo comforted him, "Don't worry, I know what to do."

A Zi had been with Sang Luo for such a long time, and knew that Sang Luo was more reliable in doing things, so she believed her.

"In that case, why don't you two Star Lords come with me back to Cangyun Temple to stay and then take care of our affairs? What do you think?" Sang Luo suggested.

The two star gods looked at each other, somewhat hesitantly.

Ah Zi naturally hoped that the two star gods lived in Cangyun Temple, so that once she found the two star gods Lian Zhen and Tan Lang, she could immediately go back to report to Dou Mu Yuan Jun.

"Two Star Lords, Cang Yun Temple is quiet and elegant, full of fairy spirit. I stayed there for a while and felt that the spiritual power in my body increased greatly. Why don't you go and experience it too?" Ah Zi stared into the eyes of the two Star Lords and asked tentatively.

Wenchang Star God did not react much to this.

Wu Qu Xingjun, whose golden light and magic power were gradually weakening, was extremely excited. "If that's the case, Cang Yun Temple must be a good place for cultivation and improvement!"

Ah Zi: "Of course! If Cangyun Mountain wasn't a good place for cultivation, why would the Great Emperor Zhenwu choose this place to settle down when he descended to the mortal world?"

Wu Qu Star Lord turned to look at Wen Chang Star Lord, "How about it, Lao Wen, let's go and have a feel for it too? You've been hiding in the human world and have nowhere to stay anyway, why don't you stay at little friend Sang Luo's place?"

Wenchang Star God has a good relationship with Wuqu Star God on weekdays. If his friend wants to stay in Cangyun Temple for a while, he must accompany him.

The ancient town at the foot of the mountain is unusually deserted.

Occasionally, a few villagers and merchants saw Sang Luo and his group, and they all pointed and talked in a low voice.

Sang Luo looked up in the direction of the Taoist temple and heard bursts of mocking noises coming from the mountain.

On weekdays, the ancient town is the most lively. Except for special days, Cangyun Temple is extremely quiet.

Today it's the other way around.

Thinking of Shen Wuyang's strange behavior before he went out, Sang Luo knew that this kid was in trouble again.

She hurried back to Cangyun Temple.

The steps halfway up the mountain were filled with tourists and villagers who came to watch the fun. When Sang Luo passed by, those people would point at her and curse her:

"A fake Taoist priest who ruins the reputation of Taoism!"

Five or six young girls were fighting on the lawn in front of the Taoist temple.

"You fat girl, you have the nerve to snatch the fifth brother from me when you look like this?"

"You pockmarked bastard! You are as thin as a chopstick. When you sleep at night, Brother Wu can't even tell the front and back of you!"

"You're a factory girl! You're so unsophisticated, and you dare to steal my man? I can buy a villa and a sports car for my fifth brother! Can you afford it?"

"You old woman! You don't know how many men you killed to get this money. What's wrong with me being a factory girl? At least I earn money through my own labor! You old woman who kills men, Fifth Brother is mine!"


The Nian beast was among a group of women, running around trying to stop a fight, but he was accidentally injured by one of the girls, who pulled out a large clump of his hair.

He touched the bald spot on his head and burst into tears. (End of this chapter)

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