Chapter 375 Peach Blossom Debt

“My beast, this handsome beast that I have raised for thousands of years! Ahhhh! You evil women!”

The Nian beast, who had originally tried to stop the fight, also joined the battle and wrestled with them.

Wu Qu Xingjun walked around the battle scene and sighed, "Don't tell me, this Cang Yun Temple is really a good place for cultivation! I haven't seen such a martial spirit among the people for hundreds of years.

The people of this place are simple and brave, so it is very suitable for worshipping the God of Wu Qu. "

Wenchang Star God sneered: "Barbaric!" and then turned his head away.

He likes quietness the most, and the fierce folk customs really give him a headache. However, the mountain behind the Taoist temple is indeed a place where spiritual energy gathers. When he is free, he must go for a walk and absorb the spiritual energy of the mountains and rivers.

Sang Luo grabbed the Nian beast who was involved in a melee and dragged him out of the crowd.

"Ahhh! My hair!" The Nian beast protected his head with both hands. He had already lost a lot of hair, and he couldn't let it fall off more, which would affect the beast's appearance.

The Nian Beast rubbed his head and found that it was Sang Luo who had returned.

"Master Ghost Emperor, this is not my fault! As the security guard of our Taoist temple, I have tried my best to maintain order! But these women are really going too far!"

Sang Luo frowned, "Who is the fifth brother these women are talking about? Why did they come to our temple to make trouble?"

Nian Beast glanced at the closed door of the Taoist temple and replied dissatisfiedly: "Fifth Brother? Fifth Brother is your good disciple Shen Wuyang! These women are all peach blossom debts he provoked."

The sound of the Nian beast was very loud, and the women who were fighting with each other stopped immediately after hearing it.

In an instant, they all rushed to Sang Luo and began to question him.

"Are you Fifth Brother's master? Then quickly open the door, I want to see Fifth Brother!"

"I want to see him, too! He hasn't shown up since that night a month ago! My friends all say he's a scumbag. Please ask him to come out. I want to ask him if he is really a scumbag. Maybe he really has something wrong."

These women surrounded Sang Luo, who had no way of getting away. There were also many people watching the fun, pointing and talking and laughing.

Shen Wuyang stood inside the door, put his ear against it and listened carefully to the noise outside. He found that his master was surrounded by these women.

He opened the door without hesitation and walked out.

"Don't bully my master!" Shen Wuyang stood at the door and shouted sternly.

When the young girls saw Shen Wuyang, they immediately stopped pestering him and ran towards him.

"Fifth brother, why don't you come to see me anymore? Are you really a scumbag? You must be hiding something, right?"

"I'm not your fifth brother." Shen Wuyang pushed the girl away and said impatiently.

"Fifth brother, I have divorced my husband for you. You said that as long as I divorce you will be with me forever. You are not allowed to lie to me, or I will destroy your Taoist temple!"

Shen Wuyang: "I never said that!"

"Fifth brother, I'm pregnant. If you dare to abandon me, I will jump off the cliff and kill two people!"


Ah Zi smiled and walked to Sang Luo, saying jokingly: "Your disciple usually looks honest, but I didn't expect you to be so playful."

Sang Luo knew Shen Wuyang's temper and character very well. He had no other hobbies except making trouble everywhere, and he was definitely not a womanizer.

There must be a misunderstanding. So she dispersed the onlookers at the door and arranged for these girls to live in the Taoist temple.

He also promised that he would investigate the matter and give them an explanation.

Night, dining hall.

Wenchang Star Lord took a bite of the three-fresh dumplings made by Shen Wuyang, and the vinegar mixed with the vegetable juice spread in his mouth, which was very refreshing.

After a while, the girls also ran to the dining hall and cleaned up all the remaining three-fresh dumplings in the pot.

This made Shen Wuyang very angry.

"Master, I really didn't provoke them! Why did you keep them here? I would be tortured to death!"

Sang Luo smiled and said, "If we don't keep them here, they will probably come to the temple to make trouble again tomorrow. Will our Cangyun Temple's reputation be ruined? As long as they don't make trouble, it's okay to let them stay here for a few days."

Several girls were sitting in the cafeteria eating dumplings and secretly competing with each other.

They really wanted to fight and scold each other like they did in the afternoon, but when they looked up, they saw an extremely majestic statue of the Kitchen God staring at them with eyes wide open.

So, you can only kick me and I will bump into you.

A girl in a green sweater walked up to Shen Wuyang, "Fifth Brother."

Shen Wuyang's face sank: "I'm not your fifth brother!"

Qiuyu was so angry at Shen Wuyang that a few tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.

"But I'm pregnant! You said you would marry me, and if you don't come with me tomorrow, I'll jump off a cliff! A Taoist temple that saves people has forced a pregnant woman to death. I wonder if you can take on this responsibility!"

Shen Wuyang never knew how to deal with this kind of thing, so he didn't dare to say a word.

Sang Luo raised her eyelids and said, "I advise you to go to the hospital and have the baby aborted. There is no human fetus in your belly. Before the baby is born normally, the nutrients in the mother's body will be completely absorbed, and you will become a mummy by then."

Qiu Yu's resentful eyes were filled with fear. "You, what are you talking about? Don't think you can scare me and make me leave. I'm telling you, it was your disciple who destroyed my original family and said he wanted to marry me. He must be responsible for me! No matter how much you scare me, it's useless!"

"Believe it or not." Sang Luo continued to eat with his head down.

Qiuyu returned to her seat with a nervous mood, and the dumplings in her mouth suddenly became tasteless.

She just pretended not to believe it, but she had actually taken it in her heart. Ever since she became pregnant, her daily appetite has been increasing. Tonight, she ate eighty dumplings by herself.

Before she got pregnant, she would eat no more than fifteen dumplings in one meal.

Moreover, when she was only four or five months pregnant, she felt that the baby in her belly was extremely strong. Sometimes, when the fetus moved, it felt like it was going to tear her belly apart.

Qiuyu touched her belly anxiously, wondering whether she should have an abortion. But she also wanted to keep the child to win back her fifth brother. She was conflicted for a moment.

Just a few minutes after finishing the meal, several villagers came to the door.

Xi greeted her cheerfully: "Aunt Xiang, what brings you to see Abbot Sang so late at night?"

Xi often went to Aunt Xiang's house to buy chicken, so she was very familiar with her.

Aunt Xiang grabbed Xi's arm and asked anxiously, "Where is your master? Is your master here? I have something urgent to ask her. I'm afraid my daughter has encountered a ghost!"

"Ah?" Xi was slightly surprised. "Aunt Xiang, didn't your daughter go missing some time ago? Have you found her?"

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