Aunt Xiang didn't have time to explain to Xi, and rushed directly to the dining hall in the direction of the light.

Sang Luo and Shen Wuyang were cleaning up the dishes, and the other girls were vying with each other to wash the dishes with Shen Wuyang.

When Aunt A Xiang saw Sang Luo, she threw herself on him crying.

"Master, Master Sang, the peerless living god, please help me take a look at my daughter! She might have been haunted!"

Sang Luo helped Aunt Xiang, who was crying like a puddle of mud, to sit down on a chair and looked behind her.

Aunt Xiang's husband was supporting a pregnant woman. The pregnant woman's face was tightly covered by a hat, and the only thing exposed was a pair of hands like those of an eighty-year-old woman.

"My daughter Yanyan said she went to the mountains to pick mushrooms some time ago, but she disappeared without a trace! We reported the case to the police, but the people from the Civil Affairs Bureau have been searching for her for half a year but have not found any results.

We, the old couple, thought that Yanyan had met some bad guys while picking mushrooms in the mountains and might have died long ago.

But I didn't expect that when I woke up this morning, she was lying at the door with a big belly, and her whole body was as dry as an old tree bark. I almost couldn't get her out."

Yanyan's old father, Uncle Shunchang, cooperated very well and took off the big hat on Yanyan's head, revealing her extremely old face.

The other girls who were watching the fun gasped when they saw it. If they didn't know the whole story, they would have thought that the scene before them was a strange story about an 80-year-old woman getting pregnant unexpectedly.

After Yanyan's hat was taken off, the first person she looked at was Shen Wuyang.

She stared at Shen Wuyang quietly for half a second, then turned her head away, with a look of resentment on her face.

"Mom and Dad, why did you bring me here? None of the people in this temple are good people! Let's go back."

Yanyan stood up and wanted to leave.

Aunt Xiang quickly stopped Yanyan and said, "Yanyan, what are you doing? Sang Luo is a master, and many big shots from other cities have come all the way to Cangyun Temple to ask for her help.

You are in this state, why are you still so arrogant? I went to the hospital this afternoon, and the doctors said that your disease is strange and they don’t know how to cure it. What else can you do if you don’t go to Master Sang Luo? "

Yanyan didn't look back, she said with her back to him: "Sang Luo is in cahoots with that unfaithful man! She won't help me!"

Uncle Shunchang looked at Sang Luo suspiciously, and then pulled Yan Yan's sleeve and asked, "Yan Yan, what do you mean by that? What do you mean Sang Luo is in cahoots with the unfaithful man?"

Yanyan turned around and looked at Shen Wuyang in grief and anger: "It's him! I lived with him in the cave in the back mountain during the half year I was missing. He told me that he was a monk and couldn't get close to women, but he loved me too much. He also told me that he would work hard to make money, buy a house outside and return to secular life, and then he could take me over and we could be together openly.

As a result, not long after I became pregnant, he disappeared and didn't come home all day. I was alone in the mountains, my belly was getting bigger and bigger, and my body was getting weaker and weaker. I had no choice but to go down the mountain and go home. "

Shen Wuyang's expression froze, and he opened his mouth slightly: "Me?"

"Who else could it be if not you? You and I have lived in the cave in the back mountain for more than half a year. I would still recognize you even if you turned into ashes!"

Yanyan is a little girl who loves watching idol dramas. She longs to meet a handsome man like the male lead in the TV dramas one day and spend the rest of her life with him.

She had come to Cangyun Temple to burn incense several times before, and had already developed a secret crush on Shen Wuyang in her heart.

So, when she met Shen Wuyang while picking mushrooms in the back mountain and he took the initiative to talk to her and confess his feelings, she immediately fell in love with him. The other girls who came to Shen Wuyang to ask for love debts also started to pull Shen Wuyang to question him, asking why there was one more girl.

After hearing what his daughter said, Uncle Shunchang immediately rushed to Shen Wuyang and grabbed Shen Wuyang by the collar, "You little bastard! How dare you lie to my daughter?"

Shen Wuyang cried, "No! I didn't! It really wasn't me! Oh my God, who will save me?"

Sang Luo pushed gently and separated Uncle Shunchang and Shen Wuyang.

"Uncle Shunchang, my disciple is not that kind of person. You don't have to rush to charge him with accusations before the matter is fully investigated."

Yanyan was dissatisfied: "What do you mean? How can I wrongly accuse him? I saw it with my own eyes, it was him! Even if I was blind and saw the wrong person, could it be that all these girls saw it wrong?"

"You said that my disciple used to live in seclusion with you in the cave every day, and only left you in the last few months. But my disciple clearly stayed in Cangyun Temple every day, receiving pilgrims and cleaning during the day, and picking and washing vegetables at night to prepare meals for the next day.

This was seen by countless pilgrims. Some crazy pilgrims even took photos and videos of him and posted them online. There is evidence for this as well.

We often have volunteers staying in the Taoist temple, and they can all testify that Shen Wuyang is in Cangyun Temple day and night, so how could he have the time to live with you in the cave every day and lead a married life?"

Yanyan was speechless when asked.

Aunt Xiang: "Of course you have to speak up for your apprentice! My daughter and so many other girls said they were bullied by your apprentice. Are they all crazy and biting your apprentice?"

"Aunt A Xiang and Uncle Shunchang should have heard of the folk legend about Wutong God, right?" Sang Luo looked at Aunt A Xiang and Uncle Shunchang intently.

The old couple looked stunned and surprised.

"Five, Five-Power God?"

"Is it that lustful and evil god?" Aunt Xiang stretched out her right hand and gestured in the air.

Sang Luo gave him an affirmative look.

Older people know about this kind of folk deity, but many young people have never even heard of it.

The other girls, including Yanyan, were asking, "What is Wutongshen? Is it very powerful? Why haven't I heard of it? What does this have to do with us?"

"Do you still remember the evil Buddha that I drove away from the ancient town at the foot of the mountain?" Sang Luo asked.

Auntie Xiang immediately remembered, "I remember, I remember! At that time, the villagers were obsessed with that evil Buddha. They went to ask for holy water every day, saying that it could cure all diseases. Later, it was you, Master Sang, who discovered the abnormality and drove the monster away."

"That's not a monster, and I didn't drive him away completely. The fake evil Buddha was the Wutong God who raped other people's wives and daughters according to folk legend. He pretended to be an evil Buddha to select beautiful women, and now he has transformed himself into my disciple and is flirting with women everywhere, also to find beautiful women to satisfy his own lust."

"Ah?" Aunt Xiang suddenly felt sick.

"But I heard that... the original body of Wutong God is a mandrill, which is extremely ugly! Then the child in my daughter's belly... isn't it also a monster?" Uncle Shunchang was scared. (End of this chapter)

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