Chapter 134 Learning a foreign language?

Bai Liu is still thinking about the housing allocation in the textile factory. After all, she doesn't want Tangdou to suffer from the hardships she has suffered.

Looking at the situation in recent years, it is inevitable for children from the city to go to the countryside, but if there is only one child, it seems that it is not necessary to go to the countryside.

She can't let Tangdou continue to stay in the countryside to farm in the future. Tangdou's graduation is still early, and the current goal is to make Tangdou a city resident who can eat food supplies.

After Tangdou graduates from high school, she will find a way to find a job for Tangdou.

The textile factory has developed very well in recent years, and her relationship with Gao Yongchang and Xiang Guilan has become more and more stable.

Bai Liu made up his mind to divide the house, so of course he worked harder, even if he went to the machinery factory every day, he didn't feel too tired.

As long as you have a head, work hard.

She went to the textile factory with Huang Meiling and the others early in the morning. First, she went to the foreign trade department to order a job, and then she had to take a shuttle bus to the city's machinery factory.

"Wait, wait, wait—" Xiang Guilan ran over panting, and stopped her who was about to leave, "I was afraid that you had already left, so hurry up and hurry up, luckily I caught up, I have something to do with you."

Bai Liu glanced at his watch: "Don't just talk, let's talk as we walk, we won't be able to catch the bus later."

Xiang Guilan had no choice but to go with her: "Do you remember the Gangcheng company that contacted us last time? It was the doll that wanted to represent us, but asked us not to sell it outside of our own hands."

It's a somewhat complicated business.

Anyone with a discerning eye seems to know that they are at a disadvantage, but considering the Hong Kong City market and the Taiwan Island market, the political significance is greater than the economic significance.

Gao Yongchang has always been hesitant. Since they started making down-filled dolls, more and more textile factories in the Mainland have been tempted in recent years. Fortunately, they started early and always have new styles. They are barely regarded as model textiles for this kind of foreign trade products in the country. factory.

Despite this, their foreign trade orders are inevitably squeezed by the southern textile factories. After all, the south can be shipped by sea and is already good at doing business.

Hongxing Textile Factory urgently needs a broader overseas market. They can't take the initiative to go out, they can only wait for arrangements.

This time, a company in Hong Kong City took the initiative to contact Hongxing Textile Factory through the Commercial Bureau, and the other party said that Hongxing Textile Factory is the original version, which is more authoritative.

"The price is a bit low, and the products that are sold out can be sold, but I don't recommend selling those handmade products at a low price." Bai Liu felt a little heartbroken.

The products that sell volume are simple in style and relatively low in cost, so they earn less if they earn less.

The machinery that can be mass-produced can be operated immediately, and the cost will be reduced at that time, and the less profit will be made up for.

But handmade dolls are different. The textile factory recruited a group of embroiderers and expanded the team of technicians, and immediately began to make more elaborate dolls.

Handmade dolls are more dexterous in appearance, and the cloth and stuffed down are selected, so the selling price is of course higher.

If the textile factory sells handmade dolls cheaply, it will really hurt her heart.

That's all white money.

Nodding to Guilan, agreeing with her point of view: "I think so too, but the Commercial Bureau wants to get closer to the Hong Kong City enterprises. They have been urging the factory manager these days."

"Director Gao is embarrassed and angry."

Bai Liu was surprised, Gao Yongchang is not a person who swallows his anger, he doesn't say who he used to be, but after several years of contact, she can see that Gao Yongchang has a deep connection.

"Companies in Hong Kong City find us through the Bureau of Commerce, and we can also find other companies through the Bureau of Commerce." She thought to herself, "Didn't it mean that the nature of Hong Kong City's society is different, and it is called a free economy, so it always has competitors."

She has been in contact with foreign trade business in the past few years, so she inevitably learned more about the outside world.

When a door opens in front of her, she can't help but go out to absorb more knowledge.

Knowing yourself and the enemy, winning a hundred battles, this is her survival instinct in past and present lives.

"How did you think of it?" Xiang Guilan's tone was very surprised, "This is what my aunt and uncle said just yesterday. We really have a good understanding."

Bai Liu looked at her with a slight "disgust": "My eldest sister Xiang, I also have brains, and I also want the textile factory to be better."

She wished that the Red Star Textile Factory would grow forever, and it would be best to raise jelly beans after raising her.

Xiang Guilan looked at her more eagerly, and said without thinking: "I knew you could do it."

After she finished speaking, she looked around.

Bai Liu turned her head puzzled.


"Are you interested in learning foreign languages?" Xiang Guilan lowered her voice again, "English."

Bai Liu: ...

"What are you going to do?" She seemed to be caught in a trap. Now who doesn't know that learning a foreign language is dangerous?
Although she has been learning English secretly for the past few years, no one should know about it.

"This year's one knows what the future will be like now," Xiang Guilan stopped and looked at her solemnly, "We can only get in touch with Hong Kong companies through the Commercial Bureau, but we always feel that the future Couldn't be worse."

"Wealth and wealth are in danger." Bai Liu suppressed the extra surprise in his eyes, but instead had a little more appreciation in his heart.

The hero sees the same.

What she did quietly happened to be close to their thoughts, so she had a good vision?

"It's not rich, but I'm not reconciled to the fact that our textile factory is always restricted by others." Xiang Guilan wants to restore the glory of her ancestors, even if she is not a private property now, she also wants to keep her ancestors' brand name.

But recently there has been a lot of turmoil, and she has been stared at. Gao Yongchang and Chang Lihong don't dare to make trouble, they must be honest.

But Bai Liu was different. Gao Yongchang and Li Lihong told her yesterday that Bai Liu might have been prepared.

"It's not that I can't learn it, but we don't need it now, even if we don't receive letters in foreign languages, we have to go through the Bureau of Commerce—" Bai Liu was stunned suddenly, maybe it wasn't for her to learn a foreign language.

At least not just.

"Let's think about it." She turned around suddenly, "Did you hear something?"

Gao Yongchang is not an ordinary person, and there is Feng Guobang behind him.

Before a big news is widely known, the news will always spread in a small area, and then expand layer by layer, they may have received internal news.

Xiang Guilan's face remained unchanged, her eyes moved, and she did not deny her words.

Bai Liu had no choice but to ask her to guess?
I just mentioned to Guilan that the future trend is not clear, and I dare not act rashly, so if I push it backwards, does it mean that the trend has changed somewhat.

The word trend does not refer to——

"The process of history will not be completed overnight, and it will not be changed overnight, especially the general direction, it is impossible to open it immediately." Bai Liu muttered.

Surprise flashed in Xiang Guilan's eyes: "What about everything?"

Even though they have known each other for three years, she still feels that she can always find more bright spots in Bai Liu.

Bai Liu rubbed her fingers subconsciously, and her mind turned rapidly.

The direction of society will not change immediately, but people can turn their heads immediately, even 360 degrees.

"Is Director Gao going to leave the textile factory?" She immediately looked into Guilan's eyes, "Or is it because someone is coming to our textile factory?"

Xiang Guilan breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up: "You are better than me."

(End of this chapter)

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