The textile factory has been preparing for expansion since three years ago, but the progress has not been smooth.

Feng Guobang's role as a mascot has not been fully utilized. In addition, it is too expensive to buy machinery from abroad, and China does not have the ability to produce higher-level textile machinery.

The main mechanical equipment of the new factory area was delayed again and again, and then had to turn to other machinery factories for help.

Things turned around two years ago, and the country began to independently develop more machines, and the machine they needed was one of them.

Therefore, the expansion of the textile factory is once again on the agenda.

In the past three years, Gao Yongchang has worked hard to open up a market for the textile factory's foreign trade, and the textile factory has become the second largest factory in Yongning County.

He can't leave now, and he won't be willing to leave, so there is only one explanation.

"Well, we need someone from our textile factory." Explained to Guilan, "It is said that it is an expert sent by the capital. Uncle Feng specifically told us to pay high attention to it. The factory manager and I feel very strange."

Bai Liu thought to himself that you didn't find it strange, but you had other plans.

Feng Guobang specially took care of the experts sent by the capital inexplicably, so they must not be ordinary experts.

She had a lot of contacts with the machinery factory, and she was Song Jiaying's wife. Song Jiaying had a good relationship with many people in the machinery factory before, and they were also close to her.

The machinery factory mentioned some things. For example, the country recruited a group of talents who had studied abroad. After the Sino-US relations eased in [-], these people were sent to the West to learn advanced technology.

It was their return that pioneered the manufacture of many domestic machinery and equipment.

At first, Bai Liu thought that such remarks were exaggerated, but in the past few years, newspapers have continuously published good news, and what he said was true.

"Can our textile factory still produce normally?" No matter how she thought about it, she felt that being an "expert" had other functions.

Xiang Guilan sighed: "Yes, we have the same concern, and the future situation may be complicated."

Enterprises in Hong Kong City took the initiative to contact Hongxing Textile Factory far in the northeast, and Beijing City sent experts here again.

Bai Liu suddenly understood the intentions of Gao Yongchang and Xiang Guilan, and suddenly felt that it was hard to explain.

"So you've been thinking about it for a long time, and you're planning to let me go—" She was a little speechless, and finally squeezed out two words from her throat, "Seduction?"

She learns foreign languages ​​and puts on a studious attitude, which will naturally attract experts who come back from abroad.

Xiang Guilan realized something was wrong, and mumbled: "Don't get me wrong, we are not spies and we have no malicious intentions. We really want to leave some space for the textile factory to survive."

"This expert doesn't know what his identity is, and Uncle Feng doesn't know much. He just told us to pay attention."

"You don't have to worry too much, we just need to confirm that the other party is not malicious, if—"

"It would be even better if we can get married." Bai Liu felt that they were coaxing her into a fool.

As for the future of the textile factory, this is probably only part of the reason. Fundamentally speaking, it is to match her with the expert and form a more stable relationship with the other party.

It's not about using her. In this transaction, she will also benefit.

But from the perspective of Gao Yongchang and Feng Guobang, and even from the perspective of other people's interests, they are more satisfied with Bai Liu's marriage with each other.

They believe in Bai Liu and use Bai Liu.

"No, when you matched me and him, you never thought about whether we are suitable or not?" It was a mess.

Xiang Guilan was slightly embarrassed, but immediately waved his hand: "No, no, don't get me wrong, we really didn't plan that you must marry him, in case he is not good enough for you."

She thought for a while, saw no one around, and said frankly: "We want to test each other out. The recent wind direction may have changed. If he really wants to make a name for himself, you should find a way to delay it for a while."

"Drag it first, then are you also exerting strength in other places?" Bai Liu calmed down, and felt that he could try it.

She couldn't help being curious about people who had returned from overseas.

Others can study abroad, why can't she? What does a "scholar" look like in this era?

Xiang Guilan nodded affirmatively: "We are worried that the other party is coming in a bad way, so please, hold him back first, and we will confirm the current situation as soon as possible. If you want to quit, Uncle and Uncle Feng will help you."

They can't trust other people, but Bai Liu is the person they trust most at present.

This kind of thing can't alarm other people, I'm really sorry for Bai Liu.

"Frankly speaking, I am very unwilling, because you all regard me as a tool and a commodity." Bai Liu had no reason to comfort them, and suddenly arranged her life. Her willingness was a reason for her reassurance, but it was not a reason for them to use it. "Your reasons are not Can't convince me."

Gao Yongchang and the others took this into consideration when they mentioned it yesterday. In the final analysis, they were at fault.

"Don't worry, no matter what the final result is, we owe you." Xiang Guilan said carefully, "This time you will be arranged to enter the new factory area, and your salary will be improved and you will be assigned a house. In addition, your salary will also increase."

"If," she said firmly, "if you are really disappointed and want to leave in the end, Uncle and Uncle Feng will arrange for you to go to another place to work and live."

Bai Liu knew that they were not evil people, and in the besieged environment, he could only try.

This is already the most compromised way.

She didn't agree or disagree: "Let me think about it again, it's getting late, I'll go to the machinery factory first."

She remained calm and waved to Guilan, then turned and left.

And just as she turned around, Xiang Guilan suddenly took a step forward: "I'm sorry, we really didn't mean anything malicious."

"It's okay." Bai Liu was far from angry, she understood everyone's difficult situation, "In fact, I have nothing to lose, maybe I took advantage of it."

She blinked mischievously, and couldn't help complaining: "Your idea, once people find out that I am a widow, they may not be able to succeed."

It's not that she's ashamed of herself, it's that the secular concept suppresses everyone.

If the other high-level intellectual who has returned from studying abroad can really fall in love with her and even marry her, er, it is actually quite bold.

"We agreed that if the other party's character is not good or has other defects, you will help me get out."

Her mind started to move in an instant, and she suddenly felt that this business was not a loss.

"Let's go~" She waved her hand, and ran towards the shuttle bus without waiting for Xiang Guilan to speak again.

She calmed down and began to consider her own gains and losses.

This is not considered a forced buy and sell, but it is not difficult for her to delay her time and find out the purpose of the above and the details of the other party.

During this period, she may not be unable to obtain more benefits, whether it is insight or knowledge, she will gain.

As for the fact that the other party fell in love with her, she felt a little absurd, and to take a step back, it would depend on whether she was willing or not.

She doesn't expect love, if the other party is too bad, she has a thousand ways to disgust people.

Besides, the world is most afraid of self-importance and treating people as fools.

It is difficult to say whether the expert also had other purposes.

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