I can't give birth...

Can’t give birth…


"Lü Fei" said it so straightforwardly that the Bai family was stunned.

After he finished speaking, he touched Bai Liu's palm with his fingers, as if nothing was wrong.

Bai Liu swore to God that she had discussed it with Song Jiaying in advance to no avail. They talked about exposing their identities when necessary, but they didn't mention going to extremes.

But Song Jiaying said that he could not give birth, which was indeed the most appropriate way to deal with it.

Once and for all.

After all, only Song Jia should be able to say such things that damage his personal reputation and put aside his identity, and no one else would suspect that he was lying.

really do.

"Ah, ah this..." Bai Yang looked at Huang Fenglai silently, he didn't know what to do now.

Should I comfort my brother-in-law, let the children go out first, or should they continue to ask about the couple's future arrangements?

Bai Yang's confused expression made Huang Fenglai feel uneasy. What a sin, she gave birth to a bunch of children.

Dislike it.

"Ahem," Huang Fenglai pretended to be fine, "It doesn't matter. Mom will find a doctor for you later. I have been a midwife for so many years and have seen many people..."

She clumsily comforted her "sad" son-in-law, and kicked her silly daughter, signaling Bai Liu to speak out.

But Bai Liu didn't notice it and just lowered his head silently, for fear that he would laugh when he raised his head.

It was also unlucky that Song Jiaying and Bai Liu were sitting close to each other. In fact, Huang Fenglai did not kick Bai Liu, but Song Jiaying's leg.

Song Jiaying:...Should I go?

"Mom, there is something wrong with my family's genes..." He said something that ordinary people couldn't understand.

Huang Fenglai didn't know what the relationship between "Chicken Yin" and people was, but looking at Lu Fei's calm face, he seemed like an alien.

No wonder Bai Liu said she looked like her mother-in-law, and she began to wonder about her identity.

"Mom," Bai Liu looked at his brother and sister-in-law and couldn't stand it anymore, "We don't need to let him analyze the family here. It's so embarrassing."

The Bai family was shocked and finally realized something was wrong.

"Well, I'll wash the pot first."

"Three tigers and four tigers, small fruits and jujubes... let's go out and play."

Huang Fenglai looked at the family's expressions of wanting to know but not wanting to know. He glared at them, turned to Bai Liu and said, "Let's go over and talk."

She walked out and glanced back at the whole family: "You all give me some advice. You can and cannot say anything. Do you understand?"

The Bai family members all nodded: "I understand, I understand."

She nodded with satisfaction and muttered as she walked out: "It's not a big deal, it's rare and strange."

Crowd: ...

It's not that there are men who can't have children, but no man has ever dared to admit that he can't. He always puts the blame on women.

Lu Feizhen is not an ordinary person, and of course Bai Liu is not an ordinary person.

No wonder they kept saying they didn't want to have children at the beginning. They thought that if they remarried and they had no children, they would have to have children even if they didn't have children... Or they were short-sighted. It turned out that they really didn't need to have children.

The men of the Bai family didn't know whether to sympathize with their brother-in-law or be happy with their sister, while the women looked at Bai Liu's back with envy and confusion.

How can anything happen to Liu'er?
You can’t say bad things, but you can’t say good things either.

The white willow thorns pierced his back, trying his best to ignore the eyes behind him, but he couldn't completely ignore Huang Fenglai's eyes.

"Mom, you can say whatever you want." Song Jiaying and Tangdou walked in front, and they didn't know what the father and daughter said after she left early. They seemed to have a little secret in common.

What secret can't be told to her?

Bai Liu is jealous.

Huang Fenglai couldn't help but poke her head: "What on earth were you thinking? Did you know from the beginning that he couldn't give birth?"

At first, Huang Fenglai was shocked when she heard that her new son-in-law could not have a baby. Her first thought was that her daughter's life was miserable. This man could not give birth to a baby and bullied women until the end.

But then I thought about it, her daughter was not an ordinary woman, and even considering Bai Liu and Tangdou's situation, it would have been better for Lu Fei not to have given birth to her.

The more Huang Fenglai thought about it, the more she felt she was on the right track, and the more she liked Lu Fei, but she inevitably thought of another question——

"You changed your mind about getting married. Is this your intention?"

Bai Liu didn't know how to explain it. When a lie was uttered, she had to use countless lies to cover up the previous lies. It was so difficult for her.

"I didn't think about this at first," she hesitated. "Of course I got married because he was good to me and Tangdou. Otherwise, there's no need to take risks. You can't take a man's words seriously, right?"

"We have jelly beans, it doesn't matter if they regenerate or not."

She said it for a long time as if she hadn't said anything, and left the rest to her mother to figure out.

Huang Fenglai was more sure of her thoughts. For a moment, she didn't know whether to scold or laugh, and finally turned into a sigh.

"Son-in-law is not easy. You should be nice to others in the future."

Seeing what he said, Bai Liu felt like he had an extra mother-in-law.

Song Jiaying's status in Huang Fenglai's mind has skyrocketed, and he has been classified as one of his own.

Bai Liu felt that it was even more difficult for her now, but it seemed like the problem had been solved?
No, no.

Tangdou went to his room to do his homework, Huang Fenglai and Song Jiaying sat in the main room, and Bai Liu poured water in a "sensible" manner.

"People tend to worry when they get older. I may think a little too much," Huang Fenglai hesitated and then said, "Xiao Lu, do your family members not mind Tangdou?"

She spoke vaguely, but Song Jiaying understood.

This concern not only refers to whether Tangdou is "Lu Fei"'s biological child, but also concerns about gender, surname and other issues.

Huang Fenglai's parents were servants in a wealthy family. When she was a child, she heard her parents talk about many people and things.Although today is a new society, the lower the family background, the nobler it is, Lu Fei's family background is not ordinary at first glance.

Can the family not care about blood?
Song Jiaying thought for a moment and said half truthfully: "My parents have never cared about me. They have children who have been brought up since childhood. I don't have to compromise for their ideas."

Huang Fenglai was puzzled: "Didn't you say that it is difficult for your family to have heirs?"

How can you still have so many children?

Song Jiaying immediately made amends: "I saw a doctor before, and the doctor said I couldn't give birth. To be honest, if I hadn't married Bai Liu, I might have lived alone for the rest of my life."

"We have enough jelly beans."

Huang Fenglai was moved by his sincere attitude, but he still said: "In case you can see another doctor, if the diagnosis is misdiagnosed, you want to have children in the future..." I'm sure you will regret it.

Don't think she doesn't know that men can be evil even if they are in their [-]s or [-]s.

Bai Liu heard what her mother said became more and more outrageous, so she had no choice but to come out.

"Mom, I can guarantee that something like this won't happen," Song Jiaying said even faster, "and we don't have to be separated for three years. I will find a way to reunite Tangdou and Bailiu as soon as possible..."

Song Jiaying's words are so exciting that it is simply impeccable.

Later, Huang Fenglai became more and more satisfied with his son-in-law, but looked at Bai Liu with disgust.

"Liu'er, if you have something to discuss with Xiao Luduo in the future, you can't be willful anymore."

Bai Liu: Is there really an extra mother-in-law?

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