After sending Huang Fenglai away, Bai Liu looked around Song Jiaying. If his eyes were bullets, Song Jiaying would probably be riddled with holes.

Just when Song Jiaying couldn't stand it any longer and was about to ask a question——

"My eyes were really opened." She praised sincerely.

I knew Song Jiaying didn't care about face before, but I didn't expect him to be so open-minded. The most important thing is that his acting skills are pretty good.

"Have you ever thought about changing your career?" she asked seriously. "I found that you are very talented in acting. Maybe you can consider acting? You look good enough."

Yes, she looked at those movie stars, Song Jiaying could definitely give them a try.

Song Jiaying said modestly: "Actors also get paid, but they often go out to film and are away from home. I think the current job is better."

"If you go abroad, I heard that being an actor is very profitable, so you can change your career."

He really started to think seriously.

Bai Liu felt that she had already adapted to Song Jiaying's out-of-the-box personality, but for the first time she discovered that she was not knowledgeable enough.

Well, should I get a short haircut? After all, long hair means short knowledge.

"Pah," she slammed the table, forcing the topic back, "do we get through today?"

Song Jiaying nodded: "After passing the test, the family will understand it tacitly, and outsiders will not care."

When they live in another place, they will think that they are their biological father and daughter because of their looks.

"It turns out we were wise back then and let Tangdou take your last name."

Otherwise, it would be really strange for a family of three to have three surnames if they changed their surnames back and forth, or simply adopted the Song surname.

Bai Liu had forgotten what he originally wanted to say under his gag, and moved his lips with a hint of sourness: "What's the use of having my last name? I'm not going to kiss you and tell you all my secrets."

She just saw Tangdou and Song Jiaying whispering.

This is the second time. Last time Song Jiaying made a secret agreement with Tangdou about her schooling, so she didn't have to ask.

Today, Tangdou told his father a secret, but not his mother.

Oh, angry.

"Ouch, it's incredible, Dou Ma is actually jealous." Song Jiaying deliberately raised her voice, hoping to spread the word.

Bai Liu was so angry that he aimed at the soft flesh on his waist and twisted it.

Tangdou, who was doing homework next door, came over after hearing the news. A little head popped out from the crack in the door and looked at them curiously.

The dirty child before transformed into a fair and clever little girl. She was smiling softly and looked completely different from the other two.

"Hey, it hurts~" Song Jiaying grinned, not forgetting to threaten Tangdou who was watching the fun, "Look at how hard I work. When your mother goes to school, I will beat you three times a day, hum!"

If the other person was really his stepfather, Tangdou might panic, but his biological father would——

"Just a little bit," Tangdou made a face and said confidently, "I'm going to complain to my mother, and I'll wait to be beaten by my father."

After finishing speaking, the boy blinked his big eyes and looked at his mother with a well-behaved look on his face.

Bai Liu snorted coldly: "I don't care about you two. You love each other, so there is no need for me."

Tangdou and Song Jia should look at each other and read what was in their hearts from each other's eyes.

——Otherwise, tell the truth, your mother will be angry, and I won’t be able to help you then.
——No, if my father hadn’t told me to help me make money, I definitely wouldn’t have been able to tell him.
Bai Liu ignored the small movements of the father and daughter. She pointed outside: "I want to go out and say that the yard is a bit dirty. Go clean it up."

The two stood up instantly and shut up.

She stared at the two of them and looked back and forth: "Don't you want to share the good news? Or can't you trust me?"

Tangdou secretly looked at Song Jiaying, feeling guilty and confused... Song Jiaying was very calm, and he could even wink at Bai Liu.

"Mom," Tangdou slowly moved forward and spoke in a longer voice, "It's not that I don't believe Mom, I'm just afraid that Mom will object."

"Are you worried that I will object if you don't say anything?" Bai Liu stopped her, "Don't come over here, let me guess, did you pick up trash today?"

Sugar Bean has been acting very strangely recently, but today he was extremely sloppy.

She didn't have to ask questions, but she couldn't continue to let it go. If the child was lost, she wouldn't know where to look for it.

Tangdou was shocked when he heard this and turned his eyes away, not daring to look at her.

Bai Liu knew that he had guessed correctly and continued to ask: "You have pocket money, it is definitely not for yourself, then who are you making money for?"

"Dad?" Tangdou immediately looked at Song Jiaying, "Did you secretly tell the truth?"

The mother and daughter looked at Song Jiaying at the same time. Their similar eyes, one large and one small, gave Song Jiaying a sense of trance.

What does this have to do with him?
But there is no way, sweet burden.

"I'm not, I didn't, I didn't snitch." Song Jiaying poked Tangdou's soft cheek, "I think your mother is about to guess it, please confess."

Tangdou frowned, his little face full of tangles.


Bai Liu felt the hem of his clothes being pulled.

Tangdou coyly said: "I told dad because he promised not to stop me, but also to help me find ways to make money. Mom, can you do the same?"

Bai Liu instantly connected to what he had said before. Tangdou said that he was a good person and good deeds, and Song Jiaying agreed to help Tangdou make money. So it was certain that Chuangdou was helping others.

Who are those people?
Many people appeared in her mind, and she nodded with a calm face: "As long as you need our help and it is legitimate, I can also help you make money."

Tangdou's expression suddenly relaxed, he moved next to her, and then pointed to Lao Zhou's house next door.

"Fu Bao and I are helping Erya and Sanya earn living expenses."

"Uncle Zhou is good or bad. They only pay tuition for Erya and Sanya, but they said that the little brother needs milk powder and they have no money to pay for their books..."

Ever since Wu Ya had a fight with He Shengnan during her confinement period, she had no milk, but she insisted on giving milk powder to her newborn child.

Zhou Xiangbei had subsidized him in the past, but now that the Zhou family couldn't stand each other and couldn't separate, Zhou Xiangbei didn't dare to continue subsidizing his nephew.

Zhou Xiangxi's salary as a teacher is not high, and Wu Ya doesn't even want to do it now, and is focused on her two sons.

Zhou Xiucai only paid tuition fees for his grandchildren, but each family had to take care of their own books and living expenses.

Sanya goes to junior high school in the commune, and Erya will go to the county high school next year. High school has to live on campus. If they want to continue studying, they must find ways to earn living expenses.

The scandal of the Zhou family cannot be publicized. Erya and Sanya are worried that if they anger the Zhou family, they will not even have tuition.

So Fubao didn't even tell his two brothers about this, he only told Tangdou quietly.

Bai Liu didn't know for a moment whether to be upset about Tangdou's generous offer, or to be happy that Tangdou knew he shouldn't be a money-splitting boy.

"As far as I know, you have a lot of pocket money, why don't you just give it to them?"

Song Jiaying was also curious about this question.

But Tangdou replied easily: "Of course because it was the money you gave me, not what I earned."

"I can't use your money to help people. It's inappropriate and goes against my original intention of helping people."

Her eyes sparkled: "I want to make money and use my own money to help people."

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