The heat of the summer of [-] was extremely prominent in Guangzhou, not only in terms of weather, but also in terms of atmosphere.

It's July, and the dry heat in Northeast China is completely different from the humid heat in Guangzhou. It's fine for adults, but especially for children.

Bai Liu was worried that Tangdou would get sick from acclimatization, so she specially prepared medicine before going out. She didn't dare to run around with Tangdou on the day she arrived, and stayed at the guest house to accompany Tangdou.

However, Tangdou immediately got better after a good sleep and recovered very quickly.

By evening, I was already complaining of hunger.

"Mom, please take me out to eat. I heard someone at the train station saying that roast goose is delicious. I have only eaten stewed goose. What does roast goose taste like?" Tangdou looked at Bai Liu expectantly.

want to eat~
Bai Liu was speechless: "Weren't you feeling dizzy at the train station and saying you wanted to vomit? You can hear it?"

Sure enough, no matter what time or anything, the gluttonous eating of jelly beans should not be delayed.

"My ears are good," Tangdou said excitedly, "Mom, you don't know, as soon as I got off the train I felt the moisture hitting my face, mixed with the stench of the people in the carriage. Can you not feel dizzy?"

"It's very hot here and the air is a bit suffocating. That's why I would say I feel dizzy."

In fact, I just don't adapt to the environment. After all, I am new here.

But Bai Liu was still frightened, and she did not hesitate to stop Tangdou: "Don't think about it today. Just eat something light. I'll take you to eat something else tomorrow."

Just kidding, if you have vomiting and diarrhea after eating, then this time you come out not to play but to suffer.

Jellybean: Can’t refute...

In the end, Bai Liu was not completely disappointed. She specifically asked the waiter at the guest house what food was available around, and then took Tangdou out.

"Mom, I suspect that the store the waiter sister repeatedly introduced belongs to her family." Tangdou muttered in a low voice.

Just now, the waiter strongly recommended that they go to a small shop, a mom-and-pop shop, saying it tasted the best.

Bai Liu observed the people coming and going, thinking twice about what Tangdou said: "It's hard to say, but we don't have other information channels for the time being, and we won't know if we don't try it."

The waiter's extremely enthusiastic recommendation will definitely not be based on enthusiasm. It is difficult to do so without profit orientation.

She suddenly found that everything in Guangzhou was very interesting and seemed to represent a new trend.

For example, when you come out of the train station, you can see people everywhere.People coming from far away, people carrying large and small bags to leave, people looking for passers-by with sly eyebrows... it's a lively scene.

Bai Liu keenly discovered the differences between the north and the south. Although there were many people at the Beijing railway station, it was different from the railway station in Guangzhou.

A lot of things are going to change.

She suddenly understood the worries of Gao Yongchang and Xiang Guilan. When it came to doing business, the south not only had a better geographical location, but also people's minds were more open.

"Mom, I just saw an uncle carrying a big bag of clothes. There are so many clothes." Tangdou asked her curiously, "With so many clothes, don't you need a ticket?"

Tangdou realized something was wrong. She had seen such people at the train station. She didn't think much about it at first, but it became strange when she saw more of them.

That's a second-rate dealer!

"No tickets," Bai Liu happened to walk to the small shop introduced by the waiter and said casually, "Should we make a bet on whether this small shop needs meal tickets?"

Jellybean hesitated slightly and shook his head: "I guess not, they are different from us."

Hey, the kid is pretty smart.

Seeing this, Bai Liu didn't continue to argue, and took Tangdou's hand and went straight in.

"Aren't you a pretty girl from out of town? You decide what you want to eat. No tickets are required. The price is a little expensive... Sit down and wait for us to bring it over. You can keep the receipt."

Unlike state-run restaurants in the north, the waiters were friendly and smiled throughout the meal. They even brought their orders of wonton noodles and boat porridge to them.

The service is extremely attentive. "I think I thought wrong," Tangdou sniffed the food in front of him and looked around at the endless stream of diners. "It may not be the waiter sister's own shop, but it must taste good."

All in all it felt very different, she couldn't describe it.

Bai Liu didn't say anything. He turned around and saw a banner posted on the wall with four big words on it - Customers First.

When I was in state-owned hotels and stores, there were signs posted on the walls prohibiting hitting or scolding customers.

The comparison between the two is simply worlds apart.

What a difference.

"Eat quickly. Let's eat lightly today and eat other delicious foods tomorrow." She urged the jelly beans to taste them.

The tastes of the Bai family and Song Jiaying are one from the south and the other from the north, while Bai Liu has a more complex taste due to his experience in his previous life... When it comes to Tangdou, the food from the north and the south are even more compatible.

Therefore, the mother and daughter did not think the taste was too bland, but they did not speak for a while.

Of course, the sound from next door was too loud.

"Guangzhou is different. I think there will be great development. It's really like 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi."

"There are many overseas relatives here, so it's normal for it to develop quickly. After all, it needs to be open."

"It makes sense. I heard that some Hong Kong businessmen are coming to invest in building factories. It's really different. It's going to change. That's a capitalist thing."

"We can't control that much. I just know that life has become more convenient. Nowadays, tickets are not required to eat and buy things. Making more money is the serious thing."

"Yes, it's great to have money. My little sister is a waiter at a hotel in Guangzhou. She said that some Hong Kong businessmen came yesterday and they were very impressive. They were cheering for each other. I heard that they are worth tens of millions!"

"Damn it, when will I get money? I have to go to the north this time to get the goods and sell them there!"

Bai Liu and Tangdou's attention was gradually diverted. The mother and daughter kept talking, but they agreed that the conversation at the next table was more interesting.

However, the other party came and went in a hurry, and left immediately after eating a few bites. I heard that he was going to make money.

This sense of urgency to make money shocked Tangdou.

"Mom, the person we saw at the train station before turned out to be someone who went to Guangzhou to buy goods and sell them?" Tangdou couldn't help but asked, "If you don't want a ticket, wouldn't it be a good deal?"

Seeing Tangdou's eager expression, Bai Liu had to interrupt: "You stop thinking, let's take a look first."

She was also amazed at the efficiency of the South, which was high-quality and low-priced without the need to issue tickets. It had completely jumped out of the scope of the planned economy.

But is this speculative?Are you brave and blessed?
She has lived in the north for a long time and was deeply influenced by the planned economy. She knew nothing about the dynamic and flexible environment in Guangzhou.

It was a pity that it was inappropriate for them to occupy the table all the time. The mother and daughter left after almost finishing their meal and walked aimlessly on the roadside.

It was getting dark now. Bai Liu originally wanted to go to the wholesale market he had just inquired about, but obviously the time was not suitable now.

It's better to be careful in an unfamiliar place, she said, taking Jelly Bean back to the guest house.

"We'll come over with them tomorrow—"

Just as Bai Liu turned around to speak, she suddenly felt a huge force rushing towards her and Tangdou.

"Jelly beans!"


The two people's tightly held hands suddenly loosened.

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