Trafficking in women and children?
An obvious thought came to mind, and Bai Liu's face suddenly turned pale.

It was already dark, and there was no light on the roadside. The other party was coming so menacingly that she couldn't see who it was.

But her mother's instinct made her burst out with great strength. Almost the moment her hands separated from those of Tang Bean, she grabbed the other person's head without thinking.

Without stopping, he kicked directly towards Mingmen.

Sugar Bean on the other side also recovered from the panic immediately and shouted loudly: "Help, help, kill someone——"

Tangdou deliberately made the situation more serious to attract more people's attention.

Tangdou, who lives in a society with strong human relations, knows how to protect herself, but there are no acquaintances here, so she had an idea and added a name.

"Uncles, aunts, grandparents, please help us..."

There were not many pedestrians on the road, and quite a few of them were locals who were not sensitive to her Mandarin.

Bai Liu knew that she couldn't rely on others. She couldn't be sure whether the man wearing the hat still had a knife, let alone whether he had any accomplices, so she could only scare him away quickly.

Seeing the man picking up the jelly beans and trying to run away, she threw herself at him, stretching her legs to trip him up.


"Jangdou, bite his hand!" Bai Liu ordered Tangdou.

The mother and daughter had a natural tacit understanding, which directly made the man howl in pain, but he still did not let go of the jelly beans, and even deliberately ran away at a faster speed.

Bai Liu felt an unprecedented determination and attacked the man.

It didn't take long, but at the moment she took action, someone around her was finally willing to stand up and help.

After a period of panic, the man's hand was finally suppressed, and Bai Liu kicked him in the crotch. Taking advantage of the chaos, Tangdou finally escaped from danger.

The mother and daughter hugged each other tightly. Tangdou was rarely afraid and trembled in her mother's arms.

Bai Liu patted Tangdou's back and comforted her softly, not caring about other things at all for a while.

"Send him to the public security bureau, report the situation, make notes and leave our contact information." The old woman asked the man in black next to her.

After a while, the trafficker was taken away. Bai Liu felt that Tangdou's mood was gradually stabilizing. She quickly turned around to thank the person who was willing to help them.

Such an elegant lady, time seems to have left no unnecessary traces on her body.

Bai Liu believed that he had met many women who had etiquette engraved in their bones, but the one in front of him was very different from before.

The woman has appropriate makeup, a rare perm, and her clothes are not complicated but comfortable and elegant... I am afraid she is not a local, at least not an ordinary woman.

And looking at her clothes, she is not old-fashioned at all, she is still capable and fashionable.

A thought passed through her mind and she suppressed it. After all, it was a chance encounter. The identity of the other person had little to do with her, but it was true that he helped her.

She wanted to remember this feeling.

"Thank you, madam," she said with the honorific, turning to look at Tangdou, "Jangdou, thank grandma quickly."

Tangdou emerged from Bailiu's arms. When the accident happened, she asked many people for help, but only this grandma came to help them.

"Thank you, grandma. Without your help, my mother and I would be in danger today." She thanked her seriously.

The woman seemed a little surprised when she heard the word "grandma". She was stunned for a moment, and then smiled and said: "You should call me grandma. No need to thank you. You and your mother are very brave."

Bai Liu was a little strange. She focused on observing the other person carefully.

Women are better cared for. It is difficult to tell their age at a glance, but their actual age is that they are already grandmothers, so they should not be surprised by the title of grandma.

It seems unnecessary for her to care so much.

"I was negligent. I should have taken the child back earlier." She was still frightened, but she was glad that the traffickers today were not gangs.The woman smiled and said, "No one can cover everything. Just be fine."

She said, looking at Jelly Bean and then looking away.

"Please come to the guest house quickly and don't run around at night."

Bai Liu was a little hesitant. The "bodyguard" who had just followed the woman hadn't come back yet. She shouldn't have left him here.

"Let's take you back first. I don't know how to thank you. I'll go there during the day tomorrow -"

She was interrupted mid-sentence: "No, there's no reason to ask for reward for a little effort. Go back, my bodyguard is back."

The moment he finished speaking, a person who looked like a bodyguard stood around, but it was not the previous one.

Bai Liu realized that the woman had a special status. Her repeated thanks would only cause trouble to the other party. She might as well be obedient.

"Okay, let's go first."

She and Tangdou said goodbye to the old woman, turned around and hurried back to the guest house.

When they almost reached the guest house, the pace of the mother and daughter slowed down. They were worried about encountering another accident on the road.

If someone helps them the first time, it's hard to say the second time. No one can be lucky forever.

Tangdou breathed a sigh of relief and asked curiously: "Mom, does that grandma just now also have naturally curly hair?"

Bai Liu was slightly startled and realized that Tangdou had misunderstood: "Dangdou's hair was permed, and it was deliberately made into a curly hairstyle."

Their jelly bean is a little country bumpkin. In addition, the trend in recent years has been relatively conservative. Curly hair is regarded as a bourgeois style, and it is impossible for anyone to have curly hair.

Tangdou's little mouth opened wide, and her face was filled with wonder: "It's amazing, it's the first time I've seen someone curly their hair on purpose." She touched her hair, "Isn't it much more convenient for me? I was born with curly hair."

God knows how annoying it is to have naturally curly hair. Her hair is often knotted and cannot be combed straight. She cannot braid her hair and can only keep it short. Now it has become fashionable.

Bai Liu looked at the top of Tangdou's head. After the little boy turned into a big boy, the curly hair that used to be like a lamb also slowly stretched out. It was still very curly, but gradually no longer messy.

Don't tell me, it's really fashionable.

"Be confident, you are the most beautiful, what a lovely curly hair." She said and rubbed Jelly Bean's head again.

Tangdou was so angry that he screamed.

The mother and daughter went back happily. Being generous is sometimes a good thing.

Bai Liu didn't dare to act alone again the next day. It happened that Gao Yongchang and the others were going to meet with Hong Kong businessmen, so she took Tangdou with her.

On the way, she talked about what she had seen the day before and the accident when she almost had her jelly beans taken away by traffickers.

"A child as big as Tangdou can be used as a child bride... I think there are too many outsiders in this place, and it's really unsafe." Xiang Guilan also worried about them.

Bai Liu nodded: "Fortunately, someone helped us. I wanted to thank them properly, but I didn't have the chance."

"I hope we have the chance to see you again in the future."

Xiang Guilan said casually: "Life is about you helping me and me helping you. We will also help others when we have the opportunity in the future. This is also a way of saying thank you."

Bai Liu was noncommittal. What she wanted to say was suddenly pulled by Tangdou.

Then he followed Tang Bean's instructions and looked diagonally forward.

The old woman of yesterday.

What a coincidence, is this fate?

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