Chapter 27
Wan Yanjing was dumbfounded, she felt that this was not a suspicion of Huo Xiang but the highest appreciation for him.

He was treated as a dwarf old monster who lived for many years because of his wisdom and closeness to monsters when he was young. This is not only an anecdote, but also something to be proud of.

However, County Magistrate Ke couldn't hear Huo Xiang's conversation with the system in his head. What did he discover to have such doubts?
Wan Yanjing is very confident in Huo Xiang's acting skills. With Huo Xiang's innocence and cuteness, how can an ignorant young man like Ke Xiucheng see through it?

After hearing Ke Xiucheng's words, little Huo Xiang looked aggrieved, and pointed at himself with his little finger in doubt: "Me?"

Ke Xiucheng has been haggard a lot these days, he tried not to look at Huo Xiang's appearance, but listened to his voice.

No matter in appearance or voice, little Huo Xiang is no different from an ordinary five-year-old child. Even after he washes himself up, he looks like a little girl with delicate features and soft and cute gender. It makes people's hearts melt.

It was also because of this that he had been toyed with by this person for so long, even treating him as his younger brother, and now, this demon who had lived for an indeterminate amount of time might even be older than him.

"At the gate of the courtyard where Lu Shengbao died, I found a small white mark where the lock was locked. It was the result of countless times you practiced locking the door from the outside with a thread. You can't deny that!" Ke Xiucheng folded his arms and turned sideways, and started Explain his reasoning.

Wan Yanjing was shocked, the gate of that courtyard was broken, and there were too many ways, and Ke Xiucheng was so strange about the details that he could still focus on the white marks.

"The wound was frozen, the bleeding was less, the color was light, the strength and position were very clever, but it also exposed many problems."

"The murderer used ice blades to commit the crime and did not need to dispose of weapons, but this also shows that it is not convenient for the murderer to handle weapons, and it is even difficult to obtain weapons. It is very likely that the murderer has a small area of ​​activity, and it is very likely that he is in Liujiazhuang.

"And drugging Lu Shengbao beforehand is also a point. We didn't find anything drugged in the house."

"I thought the murderer might have taken advantage of Lu Shengbao's unpreparedness and sprinkled the drug on Lu Shengbao's face, but I later found out that you fell into the water and disposed of the water in the pot afterwards."

"I haven't thought about where you got the drug, but from the above points, it can be inferred that the murderer has a high probability that he can't beat Lu Shengbao head-on, so he resorted to so many methods."

Wan Yanjing was impressed by this county magistrate Ke, which was similar to what Huo Xiang and the system had discussed before.

"Of course, the most important thing." Ke Xiucheng turned around and stared at Huo Xiang closely, "You overlooked one point, your layout is indeed perfect, but when you do all this, will there be another hidden on the scene?" What about people?"

Huo Xiang thought about it for a while, then suppressed all expressions, his face was gloomy and cold.

Looking at this sinister and malicious expression, it's not like a five-year-old doll can have at all.

Hey, Ke Xiucheng might be blowing you up. Why don't you take off your vest so quickly after performing for a while.

Wan Yanjing tried hard to persuade, but unfortunately no one could hear her.

"Aunt Zhou, right? What did she see?" Huo Xiang had already given up acting and began to think about countermeasures in his heart.

"She saw everything. She saw you wrap the rope around the door every day, and saw you enter the house with an ice blade, and lock the door outside after you came out."

"There is a gap in the wall of your house, and it is covered with vines. If you get close, you can see the situation on the opposite side. Aunt Zhou happened to be picking up shoe soles by the wall that day. She heard the quarrel between you and Lu Shengbao, and she leaned over to see everything."

Ah, there is no other way, there is still a witness, no wonder Aunt Zhou refused Huo Xiang to eat that day.

As Huo Xiang expected, Ke Xiucheng first set his sights on Aunt Zhou's family next door after consolidating the evidence.

He went to ask Aunt Zhou about it, and noticed that Aunt Zhou's eyes were hesitant and her words were hesitating, obviously she knew something. Under his repeated questioning, Aunt Zhou finally told the truth.

"It was killed by that little devil in his family. I can't believe it, but what I said is true. Earlier, I occasionally saw him tie that kind of small string on the door. I just thought it was a child playing. Nothing serious."

"Of course not my own grandfather, and Lu Shengbao is not a good thing either. There was a famine the year he came to the mansion, and the child was just picked up by him on the side of the road."

"He has been carrying the baby on his back, intending to use it as a food reserve. When he is hungry, he will cook the child and eat it. But later, the little old man took the child to rest at the gate of Zhuangzi, and the passing manager felt sorry for him. , I also heard that he could read and write, so I found a job for him in the village, and gave him some extra work every month because of the child."

"But Lu Shengbao treats children very badly. When he gets angry outside, he will come back to vent on the children. He also took the children's quota in the house. I think the little boy is pitiful, so I often invite him to the house for dinner. "

"Who knows, but it's a monster."

Aunt Zhou saw a five-year-old doll with an indifferent expression who had planned to kill for a long time, so she could only lean on the ghost.

But Ke Xiucheng doesn't believe in gods and ghosts. He has read many books and knows that there is a kind of dwarf who is not tall in this world.

Huo Xiang sneered and said: "The speculation is very reasonable, but there is one point I want to correct.

"People with dwarfism are short in stature but sound in intelligence. It is just a slightly special disease, and it is not necessarily a murderer."

"Most of them look and sound like adults, and the proportion of eyebrows and eyes like mine... Heh, I'm not a dwarf, I'm a real five-year-old child. If you don't believe me, you can ask a doctor in Dacheng to measure my bone age."

"But it doesn't need to be so troublesome. If you communicate with Aunt Zhou more, you will know that when I first came to Liujiazhuang four years ago, I was a baby who couldn't talk. I drank milk from ewes in Liujiazhuang's sheep pen. "

Huo Xiang thought of something, paused and said again: "Even if I admit that I killed Lu Shengbao, what are you going to do with me? According to the laws of the Great Wei, children under the age of eight will not be taken into custody or executed. supervision."

"There are countless unjust cases in Tan County every year. Why do you have to be so serious, magistrate Ke County? Wouldn't it be better to let Lu Shengbao's case be hidden? That old man beat me every day and didn't give me food. Later, he also got in touch with a human trafficker. It’s time to sell me, saying that I’m Yuxue and cute, and many dignitaries like it, and I can make a lot of money.”

"I don't want to go, what's wrong with killing him?"

(End of this chapter)

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