The husband is actually time-traveling!

Chapter 28 Burn this evildoer to death

Chapter 28 Burn this evildoer to death
Huo Xiang spoke in a calm manner, but his logic was orderly. Ke Xiucheng gradually broke out in a cold sweat with his indifferent eyes after removing the disguise.

He claims to be a toddler, but his words and deeds are quite different.

County magistrate Ke remembered Aunt Zhou's words.

This is a monster!
He was finally overwhelmed by Huo Xiang's words.

In this turbulent situation, countless people die inexplicably every year.

Lu Shengbao was just an insignificant member of them, and he was a villain with a very bad mind. It seemed that there was really no need to get to the bottom of it for him.

But Ke Xiucheng felt that there was something wrong. In the past few months, he had overturned all suspicious cases in Tan County.

The catcher in the county government office, the county magistrate, and Dian Shi all refused to accept him at first, so he had to run around alone.

The bullies of the government and the people are working together. It is not easy for him, the county magistrate, to keep the black hat.

But shouldn't he investigate the case?

That's not what the sage books say!

Even a villain like Lu Shengbao should be punished by the law.

Ke Xiucheng came and left alone.

When Ke Xiucheng was nowhere to be seen at the corner, Huo Xiang began to go back to the house to pack his things.

This place can't stay any longer, even if there are risks outside, it's still better than betting on Ke Xiucheng.

Huo Xiang remembered the 50 taels of silver he hid before, so he simply didn't plan to take his luggage, and put on an extra coat to avoid the flow of people and walk to the hidden bank.

He hid the silver under a big banyan tree outside Liujiazhuang.

At this time, behind the banyan tree, Huo Xiang instantly felt something was wrong.

The place where the silver was hidden was turned over, and the silver and the list in the envelope disappeared.

He had a bad premonition and wanted to retreat, but he saw a few strong men surrounding him, as well as a row of people from Liujiazhuang behind the strong men and a group of people from Tan County who came to watch the excitement.

The strong man picked it up with one hand and threw it under the seat.

Huo Xiang looked up and saw that Liu Guangtai was sitting on the seat.

Liu Guangtai was dressed in brocade clothes and had a long beard on his chin. Shi Shiran set up an Eight Immortals table on the street, and the guards standing on both sides showed their eyes, obviously they were masters.

He took a sip from his teacup, and said slowly, "You are Lu Shengbao's grandson? Well, I have a little impression that when I first came here, I was still a milk baby, and I grew up so quickly."

Aunt Zhou was standing beside Liu Guangtai.

Huo Xiang moved his gaze from Liu Guangtai to her, and Aunt Zhou avoided his gaze.

"It's him, master. I saw it with my own eyes. He killed Mr. Lu." Aunt Zhou pointed out.

Standing in the distance, Juanzi looked at her mother in disbelief, and then at little Huo Xiang, her face was a little pale.

The people around pointed at this scene, and the old parents who took Huo Xiang in had also arrived. Hearing that Huo Xiang had killed his grandfather before, they were even more frightened.

"I didn't expect it to be such a terrible thing. Our husband and wife didn't notice it at all. Thanks to Mr. Liu Dashan who discovered it early. If one day he kills us like he killed his grandfather, it will not be logical to inherit our property? "

"Burn him to death, he is simply a monster."

"He won't be able to use spells in a while."

"It's so insidious at such a young age, but it's okay when you grow up..."

Liu Guangtai was playing with 50 taels of silver ingots in his hand, and raised his voice: "Fathers and folks, let me just listen to the old man. The county magistrate Ke has a vegetarian meal. He knows the truth and wants to cover up this evil, but I, Liu Dashan, don't agree. It must be done." To avenge the old Mr. Lu in the mansion. It just happened to be the day to pay tribute to the Goddess of the Mountain God, why not replace the cattle and sheep from previous years with this evil boy and let the Goddess purify his filth, and the Goddess of the Mountain God will also be happy."

The crowd applauded, a few felt cruel, but they didn't dare to stand up and speak for Huo Xiang.

Huo Xiang wanted to escape, but unfortunately with the three-legged cat kung fu he had practiced for a long time, he could only hit the stone with an egg, and was stopped by Liu Guangtai's servants before the Long Xingbu started.

His legs were broken, and his arms were tied to the firewood. Those people set up the altar and set up the shelf, and prepared to burn him to death.

Huo Xiang was extremely able to bear the pain, so he kept silent all this time, his lower lip was bleeding, and he stared at Liu Guangtai with gloomy eyes, quite evil.

And Wan Yanjing was greeting the eighteen generations of Huo Xiang and Liu Guangtai's ancestors.

Tuo Huoxiang's service, she learned a lot of new vocabulary from Lu Shengbao not long ago, and now she uses it.

Why do you still have to come back to get the money?

Why don't you run sooner?

There are ways to get rid of and rectify Lu Shengbao. What kind of deep hatred insists on killing people and still can't wipe his ass clean!

Wan Yanjing felt that she was going to end up with the pain of this life in the next few days, when will the rescuer arrive, a broken leg hurts so much!
She was sure that Huo Xiang would not die in the end, there must be a turning point, after all, if he had burped at the age of five, then who is the old villain who came to plot against her when he fell into a coma more than [-] years later?
But Huo Xiang didn't know, Huo Xiang felt that he was going to be cold, and was fighting with the system in his head.

"Bai Ze, how does it feel to die?"

Bai Ze was silent for a long time before he said, "Did you do it on purpose?"

Huo Xiang laughed miserably:
"I guessed right. You have your own thoughts, and every mission is set for me according to your wishes. You hate humans, and you are even more unhappy with Lu Shengbao, so you let me kill him. .”

Bai Ze replied:

"Lu Shengbao tortured and scolded you. It is difficult for you to improve your martial arts without him. Isn't it your wish to kill him?"

"You are smarter than I thought, but there is one thing you guessed wrong. I dragged you into this world to be reborn and lived in your body. It doesn't mean that I will die if you die. Thank you for your hard training day and night , Let me also have enough energy, when you die, I will find a new body to live in."

Huo Xiang closed his eyes: "I earned it for nothing in the past five years, so I just wanted to experience a large-scale ancient holographic game. In this era where there is no steam engine, I wish you good luck and find the next host smoothly."

Rebirth?world?Steam engine?
The moment Wanyan Jing was startled, she felt that the broken leg did not hurt so much.

Huo Xiang may not be more than five years old, he was brought back to life with the help of that thing called "system" or some other method, no wonder the water in his brain is so deep and the crookedness in his belly is so dark.

Huo Xiang is from another world, where is he from?

Is it the Western Regions and then west?
Or Beiji further north?
Of course, these questions can be put aside first. The immediate question is, why haven't the rescuers come yet?Liu Guangtai's servant is about to set fire to her, and she doesn't want to be burned after breaking her leg.

In the next second, rescuers came!

Wan Yanjing endured pain and looked at the rescuer, is this guy really a rescuer?

It feels a little unreliable!


With reference to the suggestions of readers and friends, the cover has been changed. It is still my favorite (red + green) dopamine color scheme. This time it is a little more subtle.
(End of this chapter)

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