The husband is actually time-traveling!

Chapter 7 The Princess' Career Line (3)

Chapter 7 The Princess' Career Line ([-])

"The princess's punch just now was concentrated, and it contained the strength of bone fascia. It was fierce and clumsy, and it has reached the level of a third-rate fighter."

"I, am I considered a third-rate warrior?" Wan Yanjing couldn't believe it.

After practicing martial arts for one year, Wan Yanjing also has some understanding of the current level of martial arts.

Warriors, Innate Warriors, Grandmasters, Grandmasters, Grandmasters and above have heard that they still have the realm of Xiaoyaoyou, but in hundreds of years, there has been no strong person who has heard of Xiaoyaojing.

Warriors are divided into third-rate warriors, second-rate warriors and first-rate warriors.

Third-rate and second-rate warriors are ordinary, first-rate warriors are well-known masters in the world, and the elders of the various sects are mostly innate warriors with spirit in them.

Grandmasters stepping through the mirror of ecstasy, can live up to two or three hundred years. This level is mostly old monsters who can't live in the world.

As for the great masters of the extraordinary realm, each one is a legend, and there are only four great masters in the whole world.

The lifespan of a great master is immeasurable, this realm is extremely terrifying, a great master can withstand thousands of troops.

Fortunately, there seems to be a consensus among the great masters, and they have hidden themselves in the wild one after another, not entering the world.

By the side of Wanyanjing's father, there was once a guard who was close to the level of a master.

And that guard was slashed by Huo Xiang at the top of Dajin's city.

There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that Huo Xiang is the fifth great master. He can fight thousands of troops with one person, and break through a century of battles with one sword.

Now that Huo Xiang was seriously injured and dying on the battlefield, the rumors were self-defeating.

Grandmaster, how could he be defeated in a mortal battle.

However, even if Huo Xiang is not a great master, he is still a real strong man who sits in a mirror and is a rare martial arts genius in a thousand years.

At the age of 14, he is the youngest innate martial artist in history. You must know that many warriors may only reach the threshold of third-rate or second-rate warriors throughout their lives.

A guru who is only [-] years old has already broken the record of no one before.

The fall of a star is really embarrassing.

No matter how powerful Huo Xiang was at the beginning, now he is paralyzed on the bed unconsciously.

On the other hand, Wanyan Jing, although she started practicing martial arts in her 20s, she was able to reach the level of a third-rate martial artist in only one year, which is not far behind. It is really gratifying and worth celebrating.

Outside Lin'an Hall, Wan Yanjing ordered the kitchen to set up a large cauldron with ten compartments, fresh mutton slices as thin as cicada's wings, and a table full of all kinds of meat and fresh vegetables.

Spicy pork bone soup, rich tomato soup, old matsutake mushroom soup, and milky white fish bone soup that has been boiled for several days, the aroma of hot pot fills the entire Lin'an Hall.

Wan Yanjing likes sweets, and her favorite is this tomato soup base.Tomato dishes have been introduced from the Western Regions in the past, but tomato hot pot has really become popular in recent years. At the beginning, many people are curious. What's so good about sweet and sour hot pot?
Even if Huo Xiang, the king of Wuxuan of the Great Qin Dynasty, was the first to eat this way, not many followed suit.

Facts have proved that the powerful King Wuxuan is really good in all aspects, even if he eats hot pot, he can eat tricks. Those who despise tomato hot pot at the beginning quickly changed their minds. Don’t ask, it’s really delicious.

"Eat, eat as much as you want today, Manager Zhang, start, don't be shy." Wan Yanjing took the lead in picking out a yellow throat with chopsticks, the soft and elastic meat was buried in the strong aroma of tomatoes, and it was ready to eat in just a few seconds, sweet and sour The taste mixed with a slightly tough texture exploded on the tip of the tongue, and Wan Yanjing closed her eyes enjoying it.

Sangu Yang drank a cup of Wangfu's peach blossom wine, the taste was soft and pleasant, and the root of her tongue felt a little spicy, and a misty air flowed from her throat into her stomach, then rushed to the top of her eyebrows, and then opened her eyes. She only felt that the Lingtai was clear and her eyesight seemed to be better, so she couldn't help but exclaimed: "Good wine!"

Gan Tang also took a sip carefully, she got a little drunk after just one sip, she said with a swaying smile: "This is brewed by our lord himself, and it has been hidden in the cellar behind Lin'an Hall, but it has been searched for a long time. "

Guanshi Zhang's face turned red with anger. The prince brewed just two altars and used a lot of precious medicinal materials. He is simply a bandit. How could the concubine take the prince's wine while he was not paying attention, and wait for the prince to wake him up? But how to explain to the prince.

It's too annoying, I have to drink two more glasses, the prince is not present, so he has to drink back for the prince.

Zhang Guanshi drank several cups in a row, but this small cup only took one sip, which was not enjoyable enough, so he asked Huo Qiu to take another big bowl: "Quick, fill it up for me!"

Yushi and her husband and wife love spicy food, so they ate pork bone spicy soup, and after cooking the ingredients, they added a second attack to the spicy dipping sauce, and the food was in full swing.

In addition, Wan Yanjing's good friend in Shangjing, the young wife of Longyang Hou Mansion, Zhu Lingzhu, was present.

Zhu Lingzhu is one year younger than Wan Yanjing, with big eyes and a melon-shaped face, bright and beautiful. While eating, she kept telling her about recent gossip in the Beijing circle.

"Hey, you weren't there at the time, and you didn't see Tang Xiu'er's stupid appearance. Oh, why is her family's concubine who just brought up the third concubine still in a showy mood?"

Wan Yanjing put in a plate of oyster mushrooms, and stirred the soup with chopsticks: "I slapped her for dirty mouth last time, but she still doesn't have a long memory."

"Who said it wasn't, and the Huang family, someone said," Zhu Lingzhu lowered her voice, "it is said that she has symptoms of nausea."

Wan Yanjing was very keen on this kind of anecdote, her eyes lit up when she heard it.

Huang Yibin, the doctor of imperial history, was originally a fifth-rank official of the former Dajin Dynasty. Later, he joined the Qin army, and now he has found a powerful official position in Shangjing by virtue of his achievements in Conglong.

Huang Shaolan, the first daughter of the Huang family, married twice, and her husband died strangely within a year of each marriage.

After being widowed twice, Huang Shaolan stayed at home. I heard that Huang's family had some contact with Zuo Xiang Guo's family recently, and was seeing Guo Xiang's concubine.

Huang Yibin obviously wanted to get on the big boat of the left prime minister. If the news was true, at this sensitive time, with whom did Huang Shaolan have an affair?Could it be the concubine of the Guo family?

Chatting while eating, lively.

A banquet was barely over until the middle of the month, and the young master of the Longyang Hou Mansion was waiting at the door to pick up his wife.After seeing off Zhu Lingzhu and Yang Sangu, Wan Yanjing returned to Lin'an Hall.

Manager Zhang was so drunk that he was carried to the side room.Gan Tang and Yu Shi were also very drunk, and they were carried back to their rooms to rest.

The second-class maid, Dongxue, brought a bowl of hangover soup, and obediently waited aside.

Dongxue was fifteen or sixteen years old, with a little baby fat on her round face.

"The water in the bamboo garden has been prepared, the princess can drink some hangover soup here before going back."

Wan Yanjing didn't pick up the hangover soup, she only drank a small glass of wine, she was very clear-headed at this time, not a little bit drunk.

"Wang Xiaolan heard that she has left the capital to take office?"

Dong Xue didn't understand why the princess suddenly asked this question, but she nodded and said, "Yes, the Imperial Tomb is in a hurry, Miss Wang left the city in the afternoon."

Wan Yanjing glanced at her, and said while undressing, "If I don't go back to Zhuyuan tonight, I will sleep in Lin'an Hall."

"Yes." Dong Xueying finally realized what Wan Yanjing said, and said "Ah?" in surprise.

"Isn't there a hot spring behind Lin'an Hall? There's no need to prepare water again. I don't have the habit of asking someone to wait on you. Put your clean clothes here and you can go down."

"Yes!" Although Dong Xue was surprised that the princess wanted to rest here, she didn't dare to ask any more questions, and hurried back to the bamboo garden to find some clean clothes for the princess.

The hot spring is in the rockery behind Lin'an Hall, and you can walk down more than [-] steps along the cave to reach the place.

The entire hot spring pool is made of polished jade, which just neutralizes the heat of the hot spring.

Wan Yanjing had been thinking about this pond for a long time, so she took a comfortable bath and changed into new clothes.Back in Lin'an Hall, she took off her coat, went into the inner room and threw the clothes on the armchair next to the big tree hole bed.

Huo Xiang closed his eyes tightly, lying on it unconsciously.

On the contrary, it was taken care of cleanly, without the unpleasant smell of blood, and the clothes were newly changed by Zhang Guanshi.

Wan Yanjing nodded in satisfaction, and reached out to push Huo Xiang, intending to push him in so that she could sleep outside.

The push didn't push.

Wanyanjing let out a "huh" and pushed him with both hands, but Huo Xiang remained motionless.

Thinking of the heavy armored carriage pulled by eight divine horses when Huo Xiang came back, Wan Yanjing frowned and tried to lift Huo Xiang's hand.

It took all her strength to lift it up a short distance.

"Bang", Huo Xiang's hand hit the bed again, making a dull sound.

The corner of Wan Yanjing's mouth twitched, muttering, "Why is it so heavy?"

Huo Xiang couldn't be pushed in, so she could only step over Huo Xiang and get in to sleep inside. Fortunately, the bed has a lot of space, and three or four people can roll on it without being crowded. She sleeps in hers, and he sleeps in his. .

The bed was as soft as she had imagined. Wan Yanjing soon felt sleepy, but she forced herself to open her eyes, took out the snake-shaped dagger she had hidden under the quilt, and held it in her arms.

She was very uneasy, but she was really sleepy.

With her elbows propped on the bed, half of her body was propped up and she looked at Huo Xiang who was lying beside her.

The man's face was pale and his lips were bloodless.But it's still handsome, full of weight, and very secure.

Wan Yanjing squinted at him for a while, then said casually: "You can smell it in the room too, how does the hot pot taste, isn't it very fragrant?"

"Hungry or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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