The husband is actually time-traveling!

Chapter 8 The Princess' Career Line (4)

Chapter 8 The Princess' Career Line ([-])

Of course Huo Xiang would not respond to her, Wan Yanjing covered the cover of the luminous pearl on the bedside, the whole tree hole fell into darkness, only the green pendant on Huo Xiang's chest was still emitting a faint light.

After a dreamless night, Wanyan slept refreshed, but when she opened her eyes she was startled.

She obviously slept far away from Huo Xiang, and at some point she posted it to Huo Xiang's side, but when she woke up, Huo Xiang's eyelashes were in front of her eyes.

Not only that, she put her hand on Huo Xiang's face, and one leg on Huo Xiang's stomach.

It's just a matter of turning into a spider spirit and spinning silk to wrap Huo Xiang thoroughly.

Huo Xiang still maintained the same posture as before going to bed, Wanyan took a few breaths of guilt, and then calmed down again, disgusted and hostile at the same time.

She sleeps well in her own room, why is she sleeping with Huo Xiang like this?

Yes, this is not her problem, it must be Huo Xiang's.

The martial arts training clothes are ready to be folded in the closet, next to Huo Xiang's clothes.

The closet was huge, taking up half of the wall. Although Huo Xiang had a lot of clothes, they only took up a small part.

Wan Yanjing dressed herself and tied up her hair.

Once upon a time, Princess Yi'an of Dajin had three court ladies serving her hair, and hundreds of people from the entire Lin'an Palace surrounded her all day long. If so, someone would tell her to dress herself and comb her hair by herself. , she would be more willing to jump off the top of the wall with one foot.

But now she doesn't trust anyone, only Gan Tang and Yu Shi are the ones who can serve her closely, Yu Shi is outside and Gan Tang is inside.

The two big maids stood alone inside and outside the house. They were much busier than her, the princess, and had no time to take care of her, but she would rather dress and pack things by herself.

Wan Yanjing ran between the corridors, passing by Huo Xiang's living room, martial arts hall, stables, school grounds, study... the stage.It's so complete, the princess was amazed when she saw it.

Although she has been to Huo Xiang's place many times, she has never lived here, so she is not familiar with it.

She consciously got up early, but the servants and maids in the mansion were earlier, and they were all cleaned up. When they saw her passing by, they all saluted, and they all moved swiftly and well-trained.

There are more than 50 servants and guards in the mansion. Some of them worked in the palace before, and some of them were arranged by her these days, but without exception, they are all hers. The deed of prostitution is in her hands. She asked Gan Tang to distribute the money.

Passing through the study room, you will arrive at Jingyue Lake in the mansion. Opposite Jingyue Lake is a bamboo forest, and behind the bamboo forest is the bamboo garden where she used to live.

Now she is taking a detour to see her one-acre-three-fen land. There is another road from Zhuyuan to Lin'an Hall, and it takes a cup of tea to walk.

The lake and the bamboo garden are adjacent to the back door of the mansion, and the main door is on the side of Lin'an Hall. The three can draw an isosceles triangle with Lin'an Hall as the apex.

There are birds and insects chirping and the wind blowing grass among the lake and trees, Wanyanjing likes this lake more than Huo Xiang's barren martial arts hall.

There is a large open space by the lake, which is where she practices martial arts in the morning.

The cleaning boy saw her coming, bowed silently and then left. Wan Yanjing performed a set of punches alone in the open space.

Slashing, collapsing, drilling, punching, Wanyanjing obviously felt that her jumping was much smoother today, her fists slid across the air and rubbed against each other to make a crisp whistling sound.

After practicing for half an hour, Wan Yanjing was drenched all over, and ran back to Lin'an Hall the same way, where she washed herself in the hot spring.

Breakfast was ready, and the maids Dong Xue and Xia Qiao also cleaned the bed and the room.

"Princess, do you want to add another copy of your things to Lin'an Hall?" Gan Tang asked from the side.

After Wanyan Jing cleaned her hands, she sat down and prepared to eat: "Why spend so much money, just bring the things from the bamboo garden here."

"Yes!" Gan Tang waited for Wanyan Jing to finish her meal, and then took out an invitation card with gold letters on a red background, "Today is Duke Wei's birthday banquet, and the gift is a red coral, pear and jade carving, princess, do you want to see it? "

Wan Yanjing nodded, Gan Tang waved her hand, and two servants came over carrying a beautifully packaged box.

The big red coral changed into the shape of a peach tree with the original shape, and a huge pink jade longevity peach was hanging from the branches. Next to the peach tree stood a kind-hearted suet jade old birthday star. The old man raised one hand and was dragging the big Shoutao, the whole work is beaming, humorous and interesting.

"It's coral that was rewarded by the palace in the past, worth 5000 taels of silver. Sister Yushi sent it to a famous artist for carving."

Giving gifts is a science, and the coral sculpture for Duke Wei this time is very good, it is not surprising, but it is also valuable enough.

Now it is mid-April. If I remember correctly, there will be a full moon banquet for the eldest grandson of the right prime minister, and a wedding banquet for Tanhualang and Princess Ningding this month.In May, Princess Chang celebrates her birthday, and in June...

Wan Yanjing began to have a headache, these were just big figures who had to be treated with caution, not counting the hundreds of Beijing officials who wanted to greet each other.

She has always been in charge of the palace's accounts, and she and Huo Xiang split half of the expenses in the palace. Huo Xiang will take care of all expenses outside the palace like giving gifts in return, but now Huo Xiang is unconscious.

Huo Xiangming has a lot of property on the surface, and there are some treasures in the warehouse of the palace, but compared with these large consumptions, it won't last long at all.This guy must have a private house somewhere, but even Zhang Guanshi doesn't know where he hides the money.

Today's government guards are recruited, and the food, drink, and mess of dozens of people in the whole house are all taken from her account.

The most favored Princess Yi An back then was born, and the dowry that stretched thousands of miles was talked about many years later. She should have been the richest princess in the world.


Thinking of this, Wan Yanjing felt that it would be a good idea for her to go back to the house and chop Huo Xiang up at this time, and it would be a good way for her to flee Shangjing overnight with Gan Tang Yushi.

That's right, Wanyanjing's current poverty is entirely due to Huo Xiang's blessing. Huo Xiang tricked her into using her too generous dowry to serve as an army, and in the end all that remained in her hands were clothes, jewelry and a few shops in Beijing.

The hatred of killing one's father, the hatred of destroying one's country, the shame of being humiliated and deceived.

"Bang!" Wan Yanjing crushed the wooden chopsticks with one palm.

Gan Tang was taken aback, and asked nervously, "But what's wrong with the gift?"

The servant who was carrying the gift from below was also trembling, almost kneeling on the ground.

Wan Yanjing came back to her senses, and coughed twice: "The gift is very good, it's none of your business, you must deliver the gift to Duke Wei's mansion safely, go down."

Waiting for the servant to go down, Wan Yanjing took a sip of tea, then looked up to see Gan Tang's worried expression.

"Ahem, I'm really fine. Just now, I was a little annoyed at the thought of meeting those idlers again at the banquet. Let's go and pick out clothes. Today, my princess wants to show off the crowd."

(End of this chapter)

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