Zhao Hui was instantly furious:
"Chen Yingzhong, you are taking advantage of others' danger, how shameless are you?!"

"You don't know what level your nephew Chen Mo is? It took me a lot of effort to make those kids a little bit famous, and if he got it, they would all be ruined!"

Chen Mo is Chen Yingzhong's nephew. Although he has a reputation as a manager, he has no ability at all.

In the company assessment at the end of the year, those with poor business ability will be dismissed. Originally, Chen Mo, a bastard, would definitely be dismissed.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yingzhong would despicably fool the higher-ups, robbing the artists he had trained to give Chen Mo Chong performances!

Facing Zhao Hui's accusation, Chen Yingzhong smiled nonchalantly and said:
"Zhao Hui, if you have time to worry about others, you should first think about how you will keep your job at the end of the year without an artist in your hands."

After finishing speaking, he walked out triumphantly with his hands behind his back.

Zhao Hui gritted his teeth angrily, turned to look at Jiang Huai'an, just about to speak.

Jiang Huaian spoke first:

"Brother Zhao...Actually, I've always wanted to ask, do you consider calling me the boss after the exam?"

Zhao Hui:? ?


Ruan Yao was woken up by the phone ringing.

She took out her phone in a daze, clicked to answer it, and heard Wen Nanqiao's extremely explosive voice coming from the phone:

"Ruan Yao, are you dating Jiang Dingliu?"

Ruan Yao was instantly awakened by the extremely explosive news.

"What the hell? Me... with whom?"

"Jiang Dingliu!" Wen Nanqiao said, "Weibo is full of noise!"

"Now people are saying that Jiang Dingliu is deceiving minors, and they want him to be banned!"

Ruan Yao: ...

She switched the call interface to Weibo, and was left speechless by the screen full of ghosts and monsters.

what is this...

It's fine to say that she is in a relationship with the fourth brother, but what is going on with the fact that she was deceived by the fourth brother for money, sex, and ability?

Does she look like such a stupid person?

And that big V with 100 million fans actually said that she was met by the fourth brother when he went to a bar to order girls to accompany him?

Report Report! !
Ruan Yao turned off the smoky Weibo, said something to Wen Nanqiao, then hung up the phone and called the fourth brother.

"Brother An, what's the situation?" Ruan Yao cut to the chase.

Jiang Huaian said helplessly:

"You saw it too. You were used as a prop to attack me."

Ruan Yao: "Then let's announce it."

Jiang Huaian sighed:
"It can only be this way."

Although he doesn't want to expose his family members who are just amateurs (everyone is better than him) to the public.

But now this situation is out of his control.

Zhao Hui was confused by Jiang Huai'an's nonsensical words, and looked at him suspiciously:
"What do you mean by what you just said?"

"Don't mess around!"

"The company's public relations are no longer available. I still have some personal relationships here. Wait until I contact them..."

Jiang Huaian looked at Zhao Hui:

"Have you contacted them long ago? No one promised, right?"

Zhao Hui was speechless.

Jiang Huaian patted Zhao Hui's shoulder and said with a smile:
"Okay, brother Zhao, take it easy and call me boss."


Two in the morning.

Netizens' emotions rose to the extreme along with various public opinions.

All kinds of black material about Jiang Huai'an were also picked up, and even his words and deeds on variety shows before were called by many people to think carefully and fear of over-interpreting.

There were so many people who went to Jiang Huaian's Weibo and the live broadcast room, asking him to give an explanation, that Weibo almost collapsed.

Many people also went to Ruan Yao's Weibo to comfort, advise, and some malicious people mocked her, but they were quickly turned back by more people.

Just when people's attention to this matter reached its peak, two microblogs appeared——

Ruan Yao: [Yes, we have several older brothers. @jiangshihan@jiangshixing@jianghuaian]

Jiang Huaian: [Grandly introduce my family to everyone @江世汗@黑瑶@江世星, elder brother, younger sister, and second elder brother. 】

These two simple Weibo posts, without any modifiers, were like bombs thrown into a lake, causing bigger waves in an instant!

People who eat melons on Weibo are going crazy tonight!

Holy shit! !
They ate melons for half the night to lure minors, but you turned your head and told me that lovers will eventually become brothers and sisters? ?

is that a lie! !
Everyone flocked to Jiang Shihan's personal Weibo, and before they had time to post comments and questions, they were blinded by Jiang Shihan's latest Weibo.

Jiang Shihan: [Yes. @阮瑶@姜怀安]

Holy shit!Holy shit!
This turned out to be true! !
Boss Jiang Shihan stamped it himself!
[Good guy, the fastest face slap in history? 】

[Ruan Yao and Jiang Huai'an are brother and sister? ?brother and sister?Why is her surname Ruan not Jiang? 】

[I have been silently deleting comments... Now that I saw my indignant denunciation just now, I feel inexplicably ashamed...]

[No, Ruan Yao and Jiang Huaian are too much, right?They are brother and sister but they didn't tell us in advance, why don't they play with us? 】

This rather stupid remark was quickly silenced.

As soon as this cyberbullying started, it was directly suppressed by the real hammer.

In the end, the damage done to Jiang Huai'an was minimal.

Instead, another topic was gradually brought up:
[Only I noticed that Jiang Huai'an's family... seems to be very good? 】

[Upstairs, what stupid things are you talking about?That's the Jiang family!Can that be described simply as a cow? 】

[How do you feel... Jiang Huai'an from the Jiang family is the best? 】

[Upstairs, get rid of the feeling, Jiang Huaian is the best. 】

[Laughing, I finally understand why Brother An doesn't want to introduce his family... As a family shame, I don't want to tell others about my family. 】

[Is this the resonance of family shame? 】


#Jiang Huaian is actually the young master of the Jiang family#
#Jiang Huaian is a family disgrace#

#Ruan Yao is the Jiang family's pet girl? #

There are hot searches.

After going through this wave, not only did Jiang Huai'an's reputation not lose, but because of his status as the young master of the Jiang family, he attracted hundreds of thousands of new fans!

Zhao Hui, who has been following Weibo all the time, is ecstatic:
"Good guy, you are actually from the Jiang family?? Why have you never told me?"

Ruan Yao was taken back by the Jiang family, and Zhao Hui naturally knew about it when it caused a sensation on the Internet.

But he didn't expect that Jiang Huai'an, the little trash who was taken care of by Ruan Yao everywhere, turned out to be one of Ruan Yao's older brothers!

Zhao Hui now just wants to thank the black hot search before, otherwise Jiang Huaian's popularity wouldn't have reached such a high level all at once!
How can anyone say that he is the shame of the family... Jiang Huai'an thought silently, but there was a smile with a deep meaning on his face.

"Brother Zhao, this is all my trick."

Just blow it up, we have been together for seven or eight years, I still don't know what your brain is...

But Zhao Hui is in a very good mood now, so he gave a thumbs up without hesitation, and praised Jiang Huaian:



The ones who were more excited than Zhao Hui were the bosses of the major entertainment companies.

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