This Jiang Huaian is very popular recently?

The popularity of passers-by seems to have exploded?
Yo?The original company wants to terminate the contract with him?
That would be great!
So, that night, Jiang Huai'an's phone was blown up.

"Mr. Jiang, do you want to terminate the contract with the original company? You are very welcome at Guanghui Entertainment!"

"What? The termination fee is [-] million? We're out!"

"Mr. Jiang, come to our Star Entertainment, you don't need to worry about the termination fee. We have already found the top planner in the industry to plan your future for you!"

Not only Jiang Huaian, but even Zhao Hui was offered an olive branch by many people.

In the end, Jiang Huai'an was really annoyed by these entertainment companies, so he turned off the phone to finally clean up.

Zhao Hui also chose to shut down.

Hitting a wall here, the boss immediately called the boss of Jiang Huaian's company.

"Old Xu, the two of us have been friends for more than ten years anyway, why don't you pass on the Jiang Huaian that your company doesn't want? I'll exchange the latest s+ resource from my company with you."

"Mr. Xu, didn't your company terminate the contract of a new traffic star? Help me intercede and let him come to my company. The drama you want is given to you."

Mr. Xu:? ?
He sat up startled in his dying dream, and after connecting seven or eight calls, he reacted abruptly...

Something's wrong, didn't Jiang Huai'an end up cheating a minor?

Why are they all scrambling to ask him for someone?

Jiang Huai'an has been one of the company's most popular traffic streams in recent years, and has made a lot of money for the company.

When he made the decision to give up on Jiang Huaian during the day, Mr. Xu still felt distressed for a long time.

"Secretary Lin, check it out for me. What explosive news is there on the Internet? It's about Jiang Huaian."

Mr. Xu said while getting up.

Secretary Lin was obviously still awake, and he was even a little refreshed.

She said:

"Mr. Xu, go to Weibo and check it out! Jiang Huaian is hot!"

"He and Ruan Yao are brothers and sisters! He is also from the Jiang family, Jiang Shihan's younger brother!"

Mr. Xu's cell phone fell to the ground, and he felt a little dark in front of his eyes.

He picked up the phone and shouted:

"Hurry up! Go and inform the HR department, Jiang Huaian is not allowed to terminate the contract!"

"Notify Jiang Huai'an again, as long as he is willing to renew the contract, the conditions can be set by him!"

"Okay." Secretary Lin hung up the phone, and called back after a while, why,

"Mr. Xu, Jiang Huaian has shut down the phone!"

"I asked his friends, and it seemed that because too many people called him and offered olive branches to him, he turned it off because he was annoyed."

Mr. Xu's heart turned cold in an instant.

His worst fear has happened!
"Right away! Go to his house right away! I'll talk to him personally!" Mr. Xu said.

They are all masters in the entertainment circle, other company bosses can see the value of Jiang Huaian, how could Mr. Xu not see it?
He must not let this cash cow go!

Secretary Lin: "Ah... not so good, right? It's four o'clock in the morning..."

Mr. Xu: "..."

"Then go tomorrow at eight o'clock!"

You must not be preempted by foxes from other companies!
"By the way, inform the personnel tomorrow to fire that Chen Yingzhong!"

If it wasn't for Chen Yingzhong's relentless fighting in the middle, he wouldn't have been so hot-headed that he couldn't wait to terminate the contract with Jiang Huai'an!
President Xu thought angrily.


The next morning, seven o'clock.

Chen Yingzhong and Chen Mo arrived at the company early.

Office of the Personnel Department.

Chen Mo looked at the contract termination document in Chen Yingzhong's hand, feeling a little worried:
"Jiang Huai'an clarified last night, and he is backed by the Jiang family... Will we be retaliated against if we treat him like this?"

Chen Yingzhong smiled and said:
"It was the company that terminated the contract with him, not me. I was just an intermediary. Why did he retaliate against me?"

He patted Chen Mo on the shoulder:

"Don't worry. The company is already planning to reduce staff, whoever is reduced is not reduced, right?"

"It's you, who took over Zhao Hui's..."

Before he finished speaking, a subordinate came over.

Seeing the termination contract in Chen Yingzhong's hand, his subordinates were obviously relieved and complained:

"So it's here! Chen Yingzhong, why didn't you say anything about the company documents? It made it easy for us to find them!"

After finishing speaking, he snatched the termination contract from Chen Yingzhong's hand.

Chen Yingzhong was shocked by the reaction of his subordinates... He is a dignified head of the personnel department, who would be respectful when he sees him?

Did this subordinate take the wrong medicine?
"Xiao Liu, why do you..."

Before Chen Yingzhong could finish speaking, Xiao Liu sneered:
"Chen Yingzhong, did you not read the company email?"

"The company has officially issued a notice to fire you!"

"You are just an insignificant person now, not my leader."

Chen Yingzhong felt his head buzzing instantly.

He couldn't care about anything else, rushed back to his office, turned on the computer, logged into the internal mailbox, and then saw the latest notice about his dismissal.

Immediately afterwards, another new email came in.

Chen Yingzhong clicked tremblingly——

Sure enough, it was the notice of his dismissal.

For a moment, Chen Yingzhong only felt his head buzzing, and he couldn't help playing what he said just now over and over in his mind...

"The company is already planning to reduce staff, whoever is reduced is not reduced..."


Eight in the morning.

Mr. Xu hurried to Jiang Huaian's villa with Secretary Lin.

However, before he entered the door, he was blocked by Zhao Hui at the door.

"Zhao Hui..." Mr. Xu had a warm smile on his face,
"It's been really hard for you these two days, and I'll give you a salary increase next month!"

"Where's Mr. Jiang? Haven't gotten up yet?"

Zhao Hui looked at Mr. Xu with a half-smile:
"I got up, but I don't have time to entertain you for the time being."

"Or you should go back!"

Mr. Xu's heart sank slightly, but he said with a smile on his face:
"Is Teacher Jiang busy? It doesn't matter, I can wait here."

Zhao Hui: "It's not that I'm busy, it's just..."

With that said, he opened the door a little:
"Let's see for yourself."

Mr. Xu glanced inside along the crack of the door, and his eyes widened instantly.

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