Chapter 116 Should I add it?

There was no one in the shop, and the shop owner was lazily sitting behind the table, crossing his legs and brushing a certain sound.

Seeing Ruan Yao come in, she didn't lift her head:
"Ten yuan for the film, and the price for repairing the phone depends on the situation. What are you going to do?"

Ruan Yao put the phone on the table:

"Help me kill the poison."

Half an hour later, Ruan Yao took the anti-virus phone and sent Jiang Shihan what happened just now.

The eldest brother didn't know what he was busy with, so it was rare that he didn't reply.

Ruan Yao waited for a while, then called Wen Nanqiao.

"Sister, your WeChat account has been stolen."

"Eh?" Wen Nanqiao was very surprised. After a rustle, her angry voice sounded,

"Damn it, I just haven't logged on to WeChat for two days, yet someone actually hacked my account!"

"But it's strange... why did he only send you a message, and didn't send any group messages to borrow money to advertise? Could it be someone who has a crush on you who stole the account?"

Ruan Yao: ...

After Wen Nanqiao finished being angry, he hurriedly said with concern:
"Are you okay? Have you been entangled by some strange person?"

Telling about Pei Minglun only increased Wen Nanqiao's worries, Ruan Yao said with a smile:
"No. As you know, I'm protected by my brother's bodyguards. It's hard for ordinary people to get close to me."

The elder brother did arrange for bodyguards to protect her in the past, or the small hot pot restaurant last time, or the bodyguards appeared immediately after she called.

But later on, Ruan Yao felt uncomfortable being stared at every day, so she asked her elder brother to take the bodyguard back.

Wen Nanqiao didn't know this, and felt relieved when he heard this:

"That's good."

"By the way, I just didn't have dinner. If you haven't eaten, why don't we go have a barbecue together?"

Judging by Wen Nanqiao's tone, she seemed to have completely walked out of the sadness that day.

Ruan Yao didn't ask too much: "Okay, I'm waiting for you at the mobile phone repair shop not far from school."

Half an hour later, Wen Nanqiao hurried over.

The two came to the familiar barbecue restaurant and ordered the dishes. Wen Nanqiao brought over two more bottles of iced Coke.

"By the way, is there any club you want to join?" Wen Nanqiao opened one of the cans, handed it to Ruan Yao, and asked casually.

"Huh?" Ruan Yao looked at Wen Nanqiao suspiciously.

In fact, every club started to recruit new students as soon as school started. After such a long time, many clubs have stopped recruiting new students.

Why did Wen Nanqiao suddenly think of this?

"Don't you know?" Looking at Ruan Yao's puzzled eyes, Wen Nanqiao explained, "Those who join the club and achieve achievements can get credits."

Ruan Yao was even more puzzled: "So what? My credits are enough!"

Wen Nanqiao was speechless, turned on the phone, and showed Ruan Yao the latest announcement posted on the school's official website:
"You see, in order to encourage the diversification of students and take care of some students who are not economically well off, the school credits can not only be exchanged for study materials, daily necessities, but also for money under special circumstances."

Ruan Yao:?
She took Wen Nanqiao's mobile phone, studied the announcement carefully, and found that the reward was quite generous.

Those with more credits can even be exchanged for Huawei's latest computer that costs more than 1 yuan.

"Our school is awesome! Wealthy and powerful!" Ruan Yao sincerely admired.

You only need to work hard to learn more things, and the school will take care of food, drink, and clothing, and even give you luxury items in the computer... For Huaxia universities where there are many academics, it is simply money scattered on the road waiting for someone to pick it up!
"We must join a club!" Ruan Yao immediately said, "Which clubs do you think we should join?"

The scores given by majors alone are limited. If you want to get more, you must join the club.

Wen Nanqiao had already researched it, and immediately showed Ruan Yao the selected associations with less people, less life, less effort and freedom:
"I think this painting club is very good... There are not many people, there are only two group activities every week, and we can go there at other times as we like."

"The credits from their family are the best."

"We can get used to it for two days and see if we still have time, and then report to the detective agency...they are only a little busier than the painting agency."

Ruan Yao once again admired Wen Nanqiao's ability to collect information:
"Okay! Let's report tomorrow!"


"What? Now you have to submit a qualified painting to join the society?"

Wen Nanqiao looked at the head of the club in shock: "When did you have it? Didn't you all get in if you liked it?"

The recruiter of the club is a quiet girl wearing glasses. Hearing this, she smiled gently, and pointed to the filling form on the table for Wen Nanqiao and Ruan Yao to read:
"Isn't it because of the school's policy recently that the number of people joining our club has more than tripled?"

"This method can only be used to check the number of people, otherwise there will be too many people in the club."

Wen Nanqiao was dumbfounded. She didn't expect that there were so many people like her who didn't think about making progress and only wanted to earn credits!
"Then, does that have to be a work painted by us?" Wen Nanqiao asked.

The girl nodded:

"Yes. You have to draw it yourself, but you can ask the teacher to help you modify it."

"After all, most of the people who come to our club are amateurs, so we don't require everyone to have professional painting skills."

Wen Nanqiao looked at Ruan Yao in frustration:

"Looks like our dreams are going to be shattered."

Ruan Yao walked out first, her eyes thoughtful:
"Not necessarily. Let me ask someone first."

Wen Nanqiao:?

No, neither of us has any drawing foundation at all. If anyone asks, it is impossible for us to be able to draw in an instant, right?

Ruan Yao still had class later, so she bid farewell to Wen Nanqiao and went straight to the classroom.

She took out her mobile phone and saw her elder brother replying:

【I see.This kind of thing will never happen again. 】

Along with it, another 20 yuan was sent to her.

... She simply loves her elder brother's little habit of handing out money at every turn!

Ruan Yao took the 20 yuan with peace of mind, thought about it, and persuaded tactfully:

【Brother, I have nothing to do here.Pei Minglun shouldn't dare to do anything to me. 】

[Don't worry, business matters take your time. 】

Don't tie up Pei Minglun and throw him into the sea in a fit of anger.

Jiang Shihan didn't reply.

Ruan Yao didn't say any more, but asked:

[Brother, do you have the contact information of the third brother? 】

[I want to ask him for some advice. 】

If she remembered correctly, the third brother was a painter.

Jiang Shihan sent a WeChat contact information:

[Your third brother is busy with the art exhibition recently, and it may be a long time before he checks WeChat. 】

[If you need something urgent, go to his art exhibition and find him. 】

With that said, Jiang Shihan sent another string of addresses.

Woohoo... As long as you don't talk about business, the elder brother will always be the kind, amiable and responsive elder brother!
Ruan Yao blew a wave of Jiang Shihan's rainbow fart, and then added the third brother's WeChat.

Then waited another day, no reply.

 Today I have a high fever of 38 degrees and a severe cold. I really can't stand it anymore~ I can barely make up for it~ When I get better, try to make up as much as possible!

  Everyone should pay attention to blowing the air conditioner, don't blow yourself up like me...

(End of this chapter)

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