Is the third brother so cold?

Ruan Yao tried to send another friend request, and added:

[Dear third brother~ I haven't been able to meet you since I came back, and I miss you very much. 】

Waited for a long time, still no one paid attention.

Ruan Yao decided to go to the place where the art exhibition was held to find the third brother.

After all, there are quite a lot of people applying to join the art club now, and there might be no place for them after a while.

She sent Wen Nanqiao a message:

[I'll go to my third brother to find a way. 】

【Pay attention, if it is almost full, you must tell me immediately! 】

Wen Nanqiao's reply was also quick:
[Don't worry, sister, you will fulfill your mission! 】

[But who is your third brother? 】

Her wealth and background are too obvious, and Ruan Yao no longer hides it, and said directly:

[Jiang Weiran. 】

The next second, Wen Nanqiao called:

"Sister, your third brother is actually Jiang Weiran? That talented painter who shone like a meteor three years ago and then disappeared quickly?"

Ruan Yao's heart sank. The third brother's information was the least given in the book. It just said that he was withdrawn and didn't like to socialize with others. In the end, Ruan Qing used painting for personal gain and did some kind of dishonest business, and was sentenced to death. 50 years.

Forever ruined.

Ruan Yao originally thought that Ruan Qing is too busy to take care of herself now, so it is impossible to get in touch with the third brother again... Didn't expect there are other secrets?

"Have you heard of him?"

Wen Nanqiao let out a hey:
"As long as anyone who went online three years ago probably knew him, right?"

"At that time, he seemed to be still an apprentice, studying with a certain boss from the Bulk Provincial Art Association."

"When the first painting was published on the Internet, it caused a sensation all over the Internet... It was so amazing and beautiful. I can't forget the emotions contained in it... Anticipation, joy, and a little bit of sadness..."

"Then for some reason, he suddenly stood up and said that the boss plagiarized the ideas of the students. It was so lively at the time, and it was listed three times on the hot search..."

Ruan Yao asked:
"and after?"

Wen Nanqiao's voice was a little emotional:

"Later, of course he lied... That big man is not only highly respected, but also a representative of the country in art. No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to plagiarize the immature ideas of the students."

"What's more, all the students of the boss came forward and said that there was no such thing. It was Jiang Weiran who thought the boss gave too little money, so he deliberately smeared it."

"Afterwards, Jiang Weiran was bullied by the Internet for a period of time, and then completely disappeared from the Internet."

"I didn't expect to hear his name." Wen Nanqiao sighed,
"I never thought that he would be Ruan Yao's third brother!"

Ruan Yao: ...

She hung up the phone and remained silent for a long time.

She believed what the third brother said was true... With the financial resources of the Jiang family, how could the third brother slander people because of the small amount of money he gave?

And it is clearly stated in the novel that the third brother is a painting idiot.

At that time, Ruan Qing made the third brother willing to use the painting for her personal gain because she was the only one who "understood" the loneliness and unwillingness in the third brother's painting.

Money is the most useless thing for this kind of person who is extremely obsessed with something.

There must be something wrong...

But this is not important now.

The important thing is that she has to meet the third brother first.


Ruan Yao came to the Beijing Art Museum according to the address sent by Jiang Shihan.

When she walked to the door and saw the display board in front of her, she realized that it was different from what she thought.

Today is a painting exhibition for all artists in the city.

The third brother is just one of the participants.

... To be honest, the third brother is a bit miserable...

Ruan Yao thought silently and walked into the art gallery.

The art gallery is very large, and the paintings are displayed one by one. There are not many people visiting the exhibition, but they all have a sense of temperament.

Ruan Yao turned two corners along the painting, and suddenly felt dark in front of her eyes.

A watercolor painting depicting a storm, with complex emotions such as fierceness, anger, unwillingness, etc., blows towards the face.

Ruan Yao was startled, and then shocked again.

She walked all the way and saw a lot of paintings of all kinds, but it was the first time that she could clearly feel so many emotions from a painting.

And she didn't take a closer look, she just glanced at it casually!
No wonder the ancients said that paintings have souls... For a moment, she seemed to really feel the deep cry of the painter's soul.

Whose painting is this?
Ruan Yao took two steps forward, and before she had time to read the name on the painting, a voice suppressed anger, but was as clear and pleasant as a spring hitting a stone:

"I told you, I won't sell it!"

Ruan Yao subconsciously turned her head to look.

I saw a man who looked seventy percent like Jiang Shihan standing not far away.

The man's skin was cold and pale, and his slightly messy silver hair was pulled back a little. His tall and thin figure added a sense of vulnerability to him.

At this moment, he folded his arms with both hands, and his brows were tightly knit on his handsome and delicate face, with an angry expression.

Standing opposite the man was a middle-aged woman who was dressed gracefully and looked slightly mean.

Facing the angry face of the other party, the woman had a mocking smile on her face:
"Jiang Weiran, do you think you are still the proud son of the art world?"

"On your painting, that is, because I think you are handsome, I am willing to ask for 50."

"Look at all the people who came to participate in the exhibition. Is there anyone asking you the price besides me?"

Jiang Weiran's jawline was tense, and the fingers pinching into his arm turned white.

His voice is colder:

"Even if no one cares about it, I won't sell it to someone who doesn't understand my paintings!"

The woman sneered:
"Do you understand your paintings? Are you joking? If your paintings are really worth being understood, why don't others come to see them..."

Before the words fell, a crisp and sweet voice suddenly sounded from the side:
"Excuse me, sir, is this painting yours?"

"I am willing to bid 500 million, please sell it to me!"

The sound of 500 million shocked both of them instantly.

The middle-aged woman looked back, saw that it was a young girl, and immediately felt that someone's silly, sweet daughter had escaped.

She snorted, and said in a strange way:
"Little girl, you'd better ask your parents."

"Five million is not a small amount, don't buy such a worthless thing and go back and be scolded."

Ruan Yao froze for a moment, then exaggeratedly covered her mouth:

"Isn't it? Auntie, just 500 million is not a small amount for you?"

"Then you are willing to spend one-tenth of 500 million to buy this painting, so it must be very important to you, right?"

"You deliberately said it was worthless, are you afraid that I will steal it?"

The middle-aged woman was stunned by the question, and when she regained her senses, she wanted to refute, but found that she couldn't argue.

To say that this painting is worthless in her heart?
Then wouldn't she look stupid for spending so much money to buy something worthless?
Said that she bought this painting because she coveted the artist's beauty... That's even more impossible!

But if she admits that this painting is very important to her, she will be slapping herself in the face!

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