At this moment, people walked over one after another.

Ruan Yao changed her mocking tone just now, and praised:

"Ma'am, you have really good eyesight."

"I know you like this painting very much, but when I first saw this painting, I fell in love with it!"

"I wonder if you can give me your love?"

Middle-aged woman:? ?

What is she crazy about?

People around were attracted by Ruan Yao's tone and words.

Even people who had no interest in this corner at first turned in on purpose.

They were all very curious, what would the painting look like that people would like to compete for on the spot?

Then, with just one glance—

Everyone was stunned by Jiang Weiran's painting and infected by the emotions conveyed in the painting. Different emotions appeared in everyone's eyes...

"This painting is awesome..."

"Just looking at it, I seem to feel the surge from the soul..."

"No wonder I was robbed... If it were me, I would also want to rob..."

Someone who acted quickly found the signature on the painting, and asked the only man standing next to him——Jiang Weiran:

"Hello, is this painting yours? I want to buy it too. Please give me a price."

With this sound, more and more people gathered around to ask the price.

Among them are many in-depth enthusiasts who are very familiar with paintings.

Jiang Weiran stood where he was, feeling a little dazed...

How many years has it been? Since the incident three years ago, how long has it been since his paintings have been paid so much attention to?

It's been too long... so that although he still participates in some art exhibitions, he is only performing the responsibility of exposing his paintings mechanically.

Yes, I just participated in the art exhibition with the idea of ​​being responsible for my own painting and not wanting it to be dusty from birth...

But in fact, even he himself lost any expectation and interest.

...Maybe I was a little bit looking forward to it at first, right?Then, after being ignored or discovered that the author was him again and again, people's disgusted faces gradually became numb and silent.

Even Jiang Weiran himself didn't know, it was already like this, why did he continue to paint and participate in the exhibition.

But now...seeing people's approval, love and even looting of his paintings...Jiang Weiran felt as if something was about to move in his heart...which made him fearful and expecting.

Jiang Weiran clenched his fists, the light in his eyes flickered slightly, and he was just about to speak——

"Huh? Jiang Weiran?"

"Isn't he the one who was kicked out of the school three years ago for slandering his teacher for plagiarizing his ideas?"

"This kind of character... Tsk tsk, anyway, I dare not hang his paintings at home, for fear of being laughed at by others."

As soon as these words came out, there was a dead silence all around.

The light in Jiang Weiran's eyes shattered instantly, and his face turned pale.

He lowered his head subconsciously, just wanting to escape from this place quickly, to escape the... suffocating eyes from others looking at him.

At this moment, a warm and soft little hand suddenly stretched out, as if trying to pass on strength to him, it grabbed his hand firmly.

Jiang Weiran was taken aback, turned his head, and saw that sweet-looking girl who was smiling indifferently and facing everyone:

"Sorry, I don't know what you said."

"But I think that in life, who can do nothing? Even though Jiang Weiran did make a big mistake three years ago, he was punished accordingly."

"Everyone is an elegant person who understands art. Presumably, a person will not be sentenced to death just because of a mistake he made when he was young three years ago, right?"

After putting on the high hat, Ruan Yao swiped her finger and pointed at the middle-aged woman just now:
"Like this lady, she just competed with me to buy it because she was touched by it. She didn't notice anything outside the painting at all."

The middle-aged woman who was gloating and watching, but was suddenly cue:?


She clearly only noticed the artist's handsomeness, and didn't pay attention to the painting at all!
But seeing Ruan Yao's extraordinarily sincere eyes, the middle-aged woman could only grit her teeth and cooperate:

"Yeah! I came to the art exhibition to find paintings that resonate with me, not to buy paintings that can show off... This painting really touched my soul!"

Someone in the crowd recognized the middle-aged woman:

"Wait, isn't this Mrs. Xu?"

Everyone was touched by the painting at first, and then they heard shocking gossip. Only now did they realize that the woman who competed with Ruan Yao for painting just now was Mrs. Xu.

"Mrs. Xu? That well-known collector in the painting world, Xu Zhenjin's wife?!"

The Xu family is a well-known art family in the capital. Xu Zhenjin, as the successor of the Xu family, although he does not have a lot of money in business, his artistic attainments and aesthetics have won the unanimous admiration and admiration of the industry and senior enthusiasts .

... Mrs. Lian Xu doesn't care about the other party's past at all, so what else should they care about?
Moreover, Mrs. Xu insisted on buying this painting, which shows that this painting is not only top-notch in terms of art, but also in terms of value!
Almost immediately, no one cared about Jiang Weiran's past, no matter those who really knew how to paint, or those who just wanted to resell to make money, flocked to Jiang Weiran again.

They didn't dare to compete with Mrs. Xu for paintings, so they made appointments with Jiang Weiran for paintings.

Jiang Weiran: ...

His face was still pale, but feeling the soft warmth from his palm, he didn't panic and fear like before.

Facing everyone's enthusiasm, he refused all of them one by one... With his current mentality and ability, he couldn't cooperate with others at all.

Seeing this, everyone could only leave with regret.

Soon, only Jiang Weiran, Ruan Yao and Mrs. Xu were left in front of the exhibition.

Mrs. Xu glared at Ruan Yao, gnashing her teeth:
"Very good! I remember you!"

Ruan Yao smiled sweetly at her:
"Thank you then~ Do you need me to sign you again?"

Madam Xu suddenly felt suffocated!
In order not to get sick from Ruan Yao's anger, she left quickly.

After everyone had left, Jiang Weiran lowered his eyes, and looked at the beautiful and magical girl beside him with some complicated eyes.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"Oh, I forgot, I haven't introduced myself yet."

Ruan Yao let go of Jiang Weiran's hand, stood opposite him, and extended her hand to him generously:

"Third brother. My name is Ruan Yao. I just returned to Jiang's house not long ago, your younger sister."

Jiang Weiran's face froze suddenly: ...

Before he had time to feel sorry for the sudden loss of temperature in his palm, he was forced out of social fear by Ruan Yao's words.

... She is the little girl who added him to WeChat before?
He ignored it on purpose, but she still found it?

How to do……

What should he do, or what should he say, so that the younger sister will not feel that this brother is really bad?
How should he get along with his little sister... What tone and words should he use when talking to girls to make them happy?

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