Ruan Yao had no idea that the third brother's mind was about to go down.

After she finished speaking, seeing Jiang Weiran standing still for a long time, she naturally took Jiang Weiran's hand, put it in her hand and shook it, completing the handshake ceremony of the first meeting.

Then she asked:

"Third brother, how long is it until the art exhibition is over? I want to ask you for a little help."

Jiang Weiran withdrew his hand, touched his palm with his fingertips lightly, and the tips of his ears turned red:
"I can go now."

Ruan Yao is very happy:
"That's great! I think there's a coffee shop nearby, let's talk about it!"

The two soon came to the cafe.

Ruan Yao ordered a cappuccino for herself, and then an Americano for Jiang Weiran.

Jiang Weiran was surprised:
"How do you know I like to drink this?"

Since you want to ask someone for help, you must find out what the other person likes...

Ruan Yao smiled sweetly:
"Because I want third brother to be happy!"

This answer seems to be a bit wrong... Jiang Weiran thought, and the tips of his ears turned red again.

He coughed:
"What do you have to do with me?"

The third brother shouldn't be shy, right?
Then if she wants to praise him again, won't he be so shy that his face turns red, but still pretend to be nothing?
Ruan Yao observed Jiang Weiran's expression, thinking secretly, but honestly stated her purpose of asking her third brother to teach painting.

Jiang Weiran breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this:

"It turned out to be such a simple thing."

"Drawing is very simple, as long as you understand this perspective, half the battle is basically..."

Ruan Yao looked at him dumbfounded:
"What is perspective?"

Jiang Weiran was silent for a while:
"Perspective is..."

He took out the tablet computer from his backpack, drew a few perspective drawings, and explained it to Ruan Yao in detail.

"Is it easy to understand?"

Looking up, she saw that Ruan Yao's eyes were straightened, and the word "dumb" was written all over her face.

Jiang Weiran:?

"Is it difficult to understand such a simple thing?"

At this moment, Ruan Yao suddenly understood the feelings of the dregs listening to her lecture.

She took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Third brother, you seem to have to practice... But I don't have time, do you have a quicker way?"

Perspective does take practice...

It was his lack of consideration that caused trouble to the little sister.

Jiang Weiran felt a little guilty and thought about it:
"You can draw me one you are good at first, and I will see how to make you a quick success according to your situation."

Ruan Yao took Jiang Weiran's tablet computer: "Okay!"

1 minute later.

Jiang Weiran looked at the equilateral triangle drawn by Ruan Yao and remained silent.

Ruan Yao looked at Jiang Weiran expectantly:
"How? Can I still be saved?"

"I'm the best at drawing triangles!"

It was specially practiced to give gifts to the second brother.

Jiang Weiran looked up at Ruan Yao, thought for a while, hesitated for a while, and then said tactfully:

"Do you have to learn to draw?"

Ruan Yao nodded sincerely:

"Presumably with the ability of the third brother, he must be able to teach me, right?"

Jiang Weiran remained silent for a long while before slowly letting out a breath:

"I'm just a mortal after all..."

Ruan Yao was ashamed.

Not really, really not.

Jiang Weiran felt that he could not help Ruan Yao, but he was greatly helped by her, so he felt a little guilty.

He thought about it:

"Although I can't teach you how to draw, if you like the painting in today's art exhibition, you can take it."

Ruan Yao was surprised: "It's not very good, right? At first glance, that painting shows that you, third brother, have put a lot of effort into it. It's too bad for me to give it to me for nothing."

Jiang Weiran smiled and said indifferently:
"It's not a loss. Today's painting brings me more value than selling it."

What Ruan Yao brought to him today cannot be measured by mere money.

Jiang Weiran looks very similar to Jiang Shihan, but his temperament is introverted and fragile. At this moment, when he smiles, he feels like a flower in the abyss.

Ruan Yao couldn't help feeling sorry... If it wasn't for the incident three years ago, with the talent and appearance of the third brother, he might have already become a painter with fans all over the world.

After all, the world is still very face-to-face.

If possible, she must find out the truth of the year and help the third brother clean up his grievances!

Ruan Yao silently swears in her heart.

"By the way, third brother, go home tonight and let second brother cook, shall we have a get together?" Ruan Yao sincerely invited.

Jiang Weiran was stunned for a moment, then refused:
"I still have something to do tonight, let's try another day."

Ruan Yao: "Okay, what day do you think you'll be fine, let's get together?"

Jiang Weiran looked at Ruan Yao, frowning slightly, as if he was a little troubled.

He seemed to want to say something, but finally shook his head:
"Let's talk about it. I still have something to do, so I'll leave first. I'll send you the painting directly to the school. If you need anything, please contact me."

After speaking, he got up and left directly.

... Then you should add my WeChat first... Ruan Yao looked at Jiang Weiran's back and frowned slightly.

On the way back, she thought about it and called Jiang Huaian.

"Fourth brother, are you busy recently?"

Jiang Huaian seemed to have just finished his work, his voice was a little tired, but his tone was still smiling:
"It's okay. What do you need from me?"

Ruan Yao clicked his tongue:
"What do you mean, it's okay, I can't talk to my dear brother?"

"By the way, have you contacted the third brother before?"

So you are looking for me because of the third brother... A woman's mouth, a deceiving ghost.

Jiang Huai'an was silently lost for a moment: "We used to have occasional contact. But since the incident three years ago, he has cut off all contact with us."

"In the beginning we all took the initiative to find him, called, sent messages, went to the place where he lived to block him, and even the eldest brother asked the bodyguards to tie him back... but it was useless."

"At that time, he was like a puppet. Although he didn't leave after being tied back to the villa, he looked haggard day by day."

"Later, my elder brother was afraid that something would happen to him, so he let him go, and only let the bodyguards secretly protect his life. We didn't dare to look for him again."

So that's the case, she also said how could the elder brother stand by and watch... If a person actively refuses help from the outside world, then no one can help him.

Ruan Yao thought about it and asked:

"Why did he disconnect from you? At this time, don't you want the company and support of your family most?"

Jiang Huaian sighed:
"Because of that incident, not only he was bullied by the Internet, but me, my eldest brother and my second brother were also implicated a lot."

"Even the eldest brother was scolded on the hot search because he blatantly defended the third brother, and even the stock market fell a lot during that time."

Ruan Yao immediately understood... The third brother felt that he was hurting his family, so he wanted to prevent them from continuing to participate by not contacting him anymore.

The third brother was using his own method to protect his family... Although this method seemed a bit stupid to her, it was the only thing the third brother could think of at that time, right?

After knowing this, Ruan Yao felt sorry for Jiang Weiran even more.

At that time, Jiang Weiran was only 21 years old. He had just graduated from society, but in order to protect his family, he alone endured the unbearable cyberbullying.

No wonder he looks autistic and socially phobic now.

No wonder he didn't want to go home.

Is it because the shadow of that year was so great that he dare not take a new step now?

Ruan Yao clenched her fists tightly.

it is good!
Before finding out what happened back then, she must first drag third brother out of the abyss of the past!

But... how to do it?

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