At this moment, Ruan Yao's cell phone rang, and it was the courier brother who came to inform her to pick up the painting.

The third brother did what he said, and sent the painting over so quickly.

Ruan Yao came to the courier storage point and signed for the painting from the courier brother.

The painting is relatively large, and it is difficult to hold or carry it. Ruan Yao simply unpacked it and prepared to carry it back with the lanyard on the frame.

"Huh? Did you buy Jiang Weiran's painting?" A surprised and quiet voice suddenly came from the side.

Ruan Yao turned her head to look and recognized the other party as the quiet girl from the art club who was in charge of recruiting new students.

"Oh, yes."

The other party's eyes immediately lit up:
"May I appreciate it?"

"I like his paintings the most... It's a pity that he never appeared on the Internet again."

Speaking of this, the girl sighed regretfully: "If I want to see his paintings, I can only go to the art exhibition... I don't necessarily have time yet..."

Ruan Yao was a little surprised:

"You like Jiang Weiran very much?"

The girl nodded, then revealed a wry smile:
"I know, it is said on the Internet that he slandered the teacher, and even said that he deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors...but I think what he said is true."

"No one would believe it... But the paintings that the master showed at that time, I really feel that there is a strong style of Jiang Weiran..."

As she spoke, she explained anxiously:
"I'm not talking about the painting style, but the kind... the emotion that comes out of the painting... You also like Jiang Weiran, so you must be able to feel it?"

"That emotion, that feeling...that master has never had before!"

Ruan Yao stared at the girl eagerly, as if she wanted to seek her approval, and nodded with a smile.

I really want the third brother to see... In fact, there are still people who like him all the time.

Seeing that Ruan Yao agreed with her, the girl was obviously relieved, and said with a smile:

"Since you are also a fan of Jiang Weiran, then I will pull you into the group."

"The group is full of people who like Jiang Weiran's paintings. We generally dare not mention Jiang Weiran in front of outsiders. When we see his new paintings, we only discuss them in the group."

There are even groups?
Ruan Yao enthusiastically said: "Okay, okay!"

She also wanted to see how many people liked Third Brother.

The girl quickly pulled Ruan Yao into the group.

Good guy, there are more than 1000 people?
Ruan Yao was shocked by the number of people in the group, and then found that the girl's online name was "Dream Chaser", and she seemed to be one of the managers in the group.

Chasing Dream sent a welcome emoji in the group, followed immediately by a bunch of welcome emojis.

It can be seen that this group is very active.

【Everyone, this newcomer bought Jiang Weiran's painting! 】

【I've never seen that painting before, it must be Jiang Weiran's new painting! 】

When the news of Chasing Dream came out, Ruan Yao immediately became the brightest kid in the group.

Countless people @ her asked her to take pictures and share them in the group, and some people posted emoticons that made her eyes turn red after eating lemons.

[The new boss is a local tyrant!Jiang Weiran's paintings are not cheap.I can't even think about that price. 】

... If she said it was sent by Jiang Weiran, the people in the group would be more excited, right?
Ruan Yao was thinking maliciously, but the third brother did have some character.

He never sold his paintings just because he was hit into the dust.

Those who don't understand will not sell even if they pay hundreds of thousands.

【Hello everyone. 】

Ruan Yao said hello, and then sent another message:

[Still on the road, I will take pictures and share them with you when I get back. 】

The crowd immediately burst into cheers.

After sending this message, Ruan Yao put away her phone and walked towards the campus with that girl.

"Oh, by the way, my name is Xia Yunyun." The quiet girl introduced herself, staring at the painting in Ruan Yao's hand without blinking.

The light in the fundus of the eyes can almost be used as a lamp.

Seeing her like this, Ruan Yao raised her eyebrows and said with a smile:

"If you like it, I will give you this painting."

"Eh?!" Xia Yunyun was shocked, "Don't, don't, you bought this with a lot of money, how can I ask for it!"

Ruan Yao said:
"It's all right. I'm a math student, and I don't know anything about art."

"Instead of leaving this painting in my hands to collect ashes, it is better to give it to someone who really understands it and will cherish it."

Xia Yunyun swallowed hard, obviously wanting it very much, but she hesitated for a while, then shook her head:

"No, I..."

Ruan Yao interrupted her:
"Don't refuse me in a hurry. I'm not giving you the painting for free."

"I want you to do me two favors."

Xia Yunyun: "What's the matter?"

Ruan Yao showed two fingers:

"First, let my friend and I enter the club...Well, although I can't draw, I know Jiang Weiran and I can help the club in other ways."

Xia Yunyun opened his eyes wide in an instant:

"You, you and Jiang Weiran know each other?? What is your relationship? How did you know him? How is he? Is he handsome and talented, and he looks different from ordinary people?"

Ruan Yao: ... Sister, how quiet are you?

Xia Yunyun also realized that she had lost her composure, and hurriedly said in embarrassment:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I haven't heard about Jiang Weiran for a long time, and I was a little excited at the moment."

Ruan Yao:

"Understand understand... the first thing, do you find it difficult?"

Xia Yunyun pondered and said:

"It stands to reason that you don't understand anything, and I can't let you join the club, but if it's what you said, you know Jiang Weiran..."

"It's not impossible to make an exception. After all, Jiang Weiran has a very deep understanding of the painting as well as the artist."

"Being able to learn from his experience will be of great help to many people in the club... The only bad thing is that you can't tell others that it is his experience..."

Xia Yunyun looked at Ruan Yao and said helplessly, "You understand."

Ruan Yao nodded, so that she and Wen Nanqiao entered the art club to get mixed points... Ah no, the goal of learning new skills has been achieved.

Things have to be done bit by bit, there is no rush... Ruan Yao touched her chin and murmured:

"As for the second matter, we may need our friends in the group to contribute some acting skills..."

Xia Yunyun:?


The gate of the art club.

Wen Nanqiao sat on a stone bench not far away, looking at the people filling out the forms not far away, anxious.

Is Ruan Yao over there?

After a while, when the club recruits enough people, they won't be able to get in!

At this moment, someone noticed Wen Nanqiao sitting on the stone stool, and said with a smile:
"Wen Nanqiao? Are you joining the art club too?"

"Can you draw? Are you here to join this club?"

Wen Nanqiao glanced at the other party. I don't remember the exact name of the girls in their class... We don't have classes together, so basically it's good if we can get acquainted with each other.

"Don't you know how to draw? Didn't you join this club too?"

Wen Nanqiao complained.

The other party smiled triumphantly:
"That's different. My sister is a member of the society. With her recommendation, I can naturally join."

"And if you sit here for a day, a referrer won't suddenly fall from the sky!"

Before he finished speaking, a quiet voice suddenly sounded beside him——

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