"Excuse me, are you Wen Nanqiao?"

Wen Nanqiao and the girl turned their heads to look at the same time.

Recognizing that it was the person in charge who rejected her and Ruan Yao at that time, Wen Nanqiao was puzzled:
"Ah yes... what's wrong?"

The girl turned pale with shock: "Xia...Vice President Xia?"

Xia Yunyun glanced at the girl, but she didn't recognize her, so she simply nodded her head as a greeting.

Then, she looked at Wen Nanqiao with a smile on her face:

"Both you and your friend Ruan Yao successfully passed the club audit."

"You come here to fill out an application form for membership, and then get a copy back for your friend."

"Just bring it back when it's reported tomorrow."

That's it? ?
Wen Nanqiao followed Xia Yunyun forward in a daze: "Where... Where is Ruan Yao?"

"She still has something to do, so she didn't come here." Xia Yunyun simply explained.

Behind them, the girl just looked at Wen Nanqiao and Xia Yunyun in shock as they walked further and further away.

what's the situation?
Her sister's vice-president Xia, who has always been unselfish, actually took the initiative to invite a person who doesn't know how to draw to join the club? ?

Is this really a drop of a referrer? ? !


Ruan Yao mailed the painting according to the home address provided by Xia Yunyun, and then returned to the dormitory.

Xia Yunyun is a local, and his home is not far from the school, so he doesn't live in the school, and he can frame the paintings when he returns home at night.

in the dormitory.

Ruan Yao originally wanted to send a message to the third brother about this matter, but found that the patient with severe social phobia didn't pass her WeChat at all.

...No, third brother, you will lose your lovely sister in this way...

Ruan Yao could only call her elder brother instead.

"Big Brother ~ Third Brother is too good, he doesn't even add me on WeChat..."

Ruan Yao felt wronged as soon as she opened her mouth. Seeing how pitiful she is, the eldest brother should remind the third brother to add her, right?
As a result, Jiang Shihan's voice was extremely cold:

"Normal. He never responds to my messages."

Ruan Yao was dumbfounded: "Then how do you know that he has an art exhibition recently, and he sent me the address?"

After speaking, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she suddenly understood.

It was the bodyguard sent by the elder brother who secretly peeped and reported!
Since everyone is neglected, there is no need to pretend to be pitiful.

Ruan Yao returned to her normal tone:
"Brother, I don't think the third brother can go on like this. I want to save him."

Jiang Shihan was silent for a while, and then sighed slightly:
"If you can really pull him out, apart from me, your second brother, fourth brother and fifth brother can all cooperate with you unconditionally."

The relationship between the Jiang family brothers is really deep... Ruan Yao sighed in her heart, and started to talk about business:

"Brother, I need you to help me get a decent art training room."

Jiang Shihan didn't ask further:
"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Ruan Yao sent another message to Jiang Huaian:

"Fourth brother, can you help me find someone in the circle who has a little drawing ability and good acting skills?"

Jiang Huaian: "? What are you going to do?"

Ruan Yao chuckled: "Secret it! I'll tell you if it succeeds."


That night.

Ruan Yao looked at the friends in the group who were speaking enthusiastically, and turned off her mobile phone to sleep in satisfaction.

the next day.

There was no class in the morning, so Ruan Yao asked about Jiang Weiran's itinerary from her elder brother, and blocked him early in the morning.

An old-fashioned residential unit building in Beijing.

According to the address, Ruan Yao found Room 303, Unit [-], Building [-], where Jiang Weiran was renting.

She didn't ring the doorbell... Anyway, if she did, there was a high probability that she would be ignored, and walked in through the open unit door.

One of the characteristics of the old community is that the management is loose and the property is useless. For the convenience of people entering and exiting, the unit door is directly open all day.

Go to the third floor and find room 303.

Ruan Yao first knocked on the door politely, but no one answered.

Ruan Yao knocked on the door more roughly, but still no one paid any attention.

Well, third brother, you forced me to do this!
Ruan Yao took a deep breath, raised her hand and slammed on the door:
"Third brother, open the door! I know you are at home, so don't hide inside and make no noise!"

"You have the ability to send me a painting, you have the ability to open the door!"

"Open the door, open the door, open the door!"

The neighbors around were startled by Ruan Yao, and they all opened the door to see who this sudden psychopath was.

Ruan Yao turned a blind eye, acting like a rascal who won't leave until you open the door.

Room 303, inside the door.

Jiang Weiran heard Ruan Yao's knock on the door, but he didn't want to open it.

He knew that the little sister was kind and liked her very much... but he didn't know when he started to be very scared and unwilling to get along with others.

Especially the little girl, who is sweet and sunny, who is not in the same world as him at first glance.

When facing her, he felt at a loss and didn't even know what to say.

...Just pretend you're not at home, the little girl will leave later.

Jiang Weiran thought about it, but ignored the knock on the door outside.

After a while, Ruan Yao's knock on the door became rough.

But it soon stopped.

Hmm...she really got impatient and left.

While Jiang Weiran breathed a sigh of relief, he was also a little disappointed... It seems that she doesn't have to see him.

In the next second, the deafening "open the door" resounded throughout the corridor.

Jiang Weiran was so shocked that he almost fell off the sofa!
He raised his eyes in astonishment and looked towards the door.

At this moment, only two words kept recurring in his mind:

"Open the door!"

"Not from the same world..."

Seeing that Ruan Yao was about to start singing, the neighbors around her heard the sound of opening doors one after another.

In order not to lose face, Jiang Weiran could only open the door.

He was a little displeased and annoyed:

"No, you..."

The rest of the words were broken in Ruan Yao's pitiful expression.

"Third Brother... Didn't we have a good chat that day? Why did you disappear from me all of a sudden?"

"Did I do something wrong to make you angry?"

"Tell me, I'll definitely change...don't ignore me, okay? I'm very sad. "

Ruan Yao is more wronged than a sentence, and softer than a sentence.

Jiang Weiran only felt his heart being smashed again and again.

Jiang Weiran said helplessly:
"No, no...don't do this...I don't hate you..."

"You're doing great...I love it..."

Ruan Yao immediately climbed along the pole:
"You liar! If you really like it, why don't you let me in the house?"

Jiang Weiran: "..."

5 minute later.

Ruan Yao curled up on the large sofa in Jiang Weiran's living room, drinking the coffee he made himself, and sighed contentedly.

To deal with social terror like the third brother, you have to lose your face and stalk it!

...Of course, the premise is that the third brother likes her.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that if she howls outside, the third brother can directly report and warn her for disturbing the people.

Jiang Weiran was sitting on the other side of the sofa, looking at Ruan Yao's happy face, he suspected that he had been cheated...

He rubbed the center of his eyebrows and looked at Ruan Yao:
"So what's the matter with me?"

Ruan Yao: "Ah, third brother, I gave that painting of yours to the fans who have always liked you!"

"I think she understands the value of your paintings better than I do!"

Hearing this news suddenly, Jiang Weiran was suddenly surprised: "Is there anyone else who has always liked me?"

Ruan Yao nodded, and exaggeratedly recounted the matter of taking the painting yesterday, emphasizing Xia Yunyun's liking for Jiang Weiran.

Jiang Weiran listened silently, not knowing what he was thinking, but his eyes kept flickering.

Ruan Yao observed Jiang Weiran's expression and said carefully:

"However, the point of my coming today is not to talk about this matter."

"What I want to say is another more important thing, which is very, very infuriating!"

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