Chapter 123 The harvest is full

【Wow!Did Jiang Weiran really go today? 】

[Thank you, thanks to you, everyone can get in touch with Jiang Weiran offline...and even let him agree to the weekly online class request! 】

[This is something we never dared to think about before. 】

【I want to go to class, I can't go, it's a pity...】

Xia Yunyun chattered a lot, and it was obvious that she was very excited, and she, who was always quiet, talked a lot more.

Ruan Yao: [You're welcome.In the future, I will try my best to let him come out and get in touch with everyone. 】

After all, if you really want to pull third brother out of his abyss, these people who really appreciate him are the key.

Xia Yunyun was moved again.

[By the way, tomorrow is the report of the new members of the club. 】

[I prepared a set of painting tools for you, I hope you can use them. 】

Ruan Yao was really touched by this, and immediately sent a hug emoji:
【Thanks!Thank you Bao!I can use it so much! 】

Not to mention that she was busy with the third brother's affairs, and forgot to prepare the painting tools.

Even if she really went to buy it, she would have to be dazed by the dazzling array of painting tools, and she might end up buying a bunch of rubbish "designed to deceive laymen and fools", which would make people laugh.

Xia Yunyun is really a little angel!
Xia Yunyun sent a blunt emoji:
[It should be.Not only me, even the group owner is very grateful to you. 】


Oh yes, Xia Yunyun is just one of the administrators of this group...

Speaking of which, from the beginning to the end, the group leader never showed up, and even the other managers rarely showed up. Xia Yunyun said everything in the group.

It's kind of mysterious.

Ruan Yao thought casually in her heart, Xia Yunyun moved very quickly, and half an hour later, she brought the painting set over.

She had other things to do, and after giving Ruan Yao a complete painting set in a beautiful gift box downstairs in the girls' dormitory, she left quickly.

... This girl is pretty good.

Ruan Yao looked at the gift box in her hand, and couldn't help laughing... Even if most people give her a gift, they wouldn't take it seriously, after all, they will meet at the art club tomorrow.

At first glance, Xia Yunyun is the kind of person who is serious and thoughtful in doing things, and who is especially considerate of others.

Ruan Yao went back to the dormitory with the gift box, and met Wen Nanqiao who came from the other side on the stairs.

As soon as she saw Ruan Yao, she looked worried and said:

"Ruan Yao, tomorrow is the day to report to the art club, let's hurry up and buy painting tools."

"I searched the Internet for a long time, and there are different opinions. In the end, I don't know which brand to buy so that I can look less unprofessional."

Ruan Yao raised the box in her hand:

"Need not."

"You go back to the dormitory with me first. I'll open the box and have a look. You can just buy the same one as this one."

Wen Nanqiao looked at the box suspiciously:

"This is?"

Ruan Yao: "The complete set of painting tools that Xia Yunyun sent me just now can be regarded as a thank you gift for helping her."

Wen Nanqiao's body parted instantly with jealousy.

What kind of physique is Ruan Yao?

The art club they just joined yesterday, today the vice-chairman personally delivered the thank you gift!
But she changed her mind again... Thanks to Ruan Yao's hard work, she also got a lot of benefits!
It's so sweet to be Ruan Yao's friend!

That night, Ruan Yao discovered that the third brother had sent an application to add her as a friend.

...It's really not easy, the third brother finally added her.

Ruan Yao sent a sweet emoji to the third brother:

[Good evening, third brother! 】

Jiang Weiran replied with an emoji.

This is already a very big breakthrough for him.

Ruan Yao didn't dare to say anything, lest she would be self-defeating.

She cared and told the third brother to take a good rest and stop disturbing him.

After that, Ruan Yao reported the good news to her eldest brother, second brother and fourth brother respectively, and explained her previous plan.

The eldest brother is the most direct and cutest, and directly sent a red envelope of 5 yuan.

The second brother replied with a thumbs up emoticon.

The fourth brother is the one who talks the most:

【I know.My friend just left me...he said he was freaking out and almost thought his career would end here. 】

[I even drank three bottles of my precious wine, and took two boxes of Moutai and ten boxes of Zhonghua from me, and I barely suppressed my shock. 】

Ruan Yao: ...

Fourth brother, are you sure you haven't been touched?

But today's accident, I really feel sorry for others... Even if it is a trick, he is still an actor after all, and image is very important.

If it becomes popular in the future, it will easily become a dark history of his being attacked.

Ruan Yao apologized a little:
[Today's accident was indeed due to my lack of consideration. 】

[Ask your friend, if there is anything I can do to help him, I will try my best to help. 】

Fourth Brother:

【Need not.I can't help the third brother, so it's my contribution. 】

Since the fourth brother said so, Ruan Yao didn't say anything anymore.

She took stock of the harvest of the past two days——

Originally, I just wanted to let the third brother feel people's love and appreciation for him, but I didn't expect to accidentally pry a little of the thick shell on his body.

I also got the basic drawing guide written by the third brother.

He even received a set of painting tools from Xia Yunyun himself.

Well...the harvest is very rich!
Ruan Yao lay down on the bed happily, thinking about her future plans——

Try to get the third brother into the group, and communicate more with people to get out of the knot faster.

Learn a little bit of painting... Although she joined the art club for points, she has experienced so much, and now she has a little interest in painting.

It's also good to be a hobby.

The last thing establish a good relationship with Xia Yunyun.

In the art club, it is very important to have someone who can protect her.

While thinking about it, Ruan Yao fell asleep in a daze.


The next afternoon.

After class, Ruan Yao and Wen Nanqiao took their painting tools and came to the art club to report.

In the relatively large club, there are many new members standing bustling at the moment.

Wen Nanqiao stood beside Ruan Yao, pointing out several familiar faces to introduce to her one by one.

When pointing to a girl, she showed disgust:

"Her name is Duiluo, and she has a very annoying personality...I was sitting here waiting for you the day before yesterday, and she came over to mock me for no reason."

"Her sister is an old member of this club, her name is Du Weiran... I heard that she has a very good relationship with the president."

Inquiring about such simple gossip is easier for Wen Nanqiao than drinking water.

Ruan Yao listened absent-mindedly. She noticed that there were twice as many girls as boys in the club, and she asked curiously:
"Why are there so many girls joining the club?"

It can't be that girls like art more, right?

Wen Nanqiao gossips:

"Because the president is a super handsome guy...he is a grass in the art department."

"Hey, I guess among these girls, we are the only ones who are only focused on points?"

"You don't know, many people are envious of Du Weiran... It is said that the president is only patient with her."

Ruan Yao breathed a sigh of relief: "That's really great."

"I'm also worried that others are too curly, which highlights my rookie."

Wen Nanqiao: ...

In front of Dagua, you only care about this? ?

Wen Nanqiao instantly lost the joy of sharing gossip.

At this moment, I don't know who shouted:
"The president is here, everyone be quiet."

(End of this chapter)

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