Chapter 124 After all, everyone had a miscarriage
Following this sentence, everyone immediately divided into two sides and stood up, letting out the door.

The girls around looked at the door as if there were stars in their eyes, too bright.

Ruan Yao deliberately shrank to the end... As a rookie who is not interested in handsome guys, she just wants to pass the new member's report safely.

Soon, the president, accompanied by Xia Yunyun and another vice president, walked in slowly.

He was really good-looking, tall and long-legged, with a fair face, and he always had the melancholy temperament of an artistic creator.

But compared with the third brother... it can only be said to be mediocre.

Ruan Yao only took a glance, and then her eyes fell on the quiet and indifferent Xia Yunyun.

Or Miss Sister makes people want to post more!

The president looked calm and calm, walked through the staring crowd, walked to the main seat in the room and sat down.

Then, another vice president sat on his left.

But the one sitting on his right was not Xia Yunyun, but another old member of the girl who was originally maintaining order in the room.

Ruan Yao frowned slightly.

Wen Nanqiao leaned close to her ear, gossiping:

"This is the Du Weiran I was talking about."

Ruan Yao looked at Xia Yunyun, but saw that she had already sat on the other side with her normal expression, she was obviously used to this phenomenon to the point of numbness.

what's the situation?
There are also many people who are puzzled by this, but they all whisper a few words in private, and no one dares to ask.

Seeing the new members standing still, another vice president stood up and said loudly:
"Everyone please sit down."

Ruan Yao could only suppress the doubts in her heart, and followed the crowd to sit on the chair not far from the president.

"Hi everyone. I am the president of the art club, Wu Yixuan, and I am a senior this year." The president introduced himself, and then said,
"I'm glad you all joined the art club..."

According to the procedure, the president only came to show up, talk a few words about the development history of the art club, and then leave.

Then the new members are free to move about.

After all, this is just an extracurricular hobby club, except for some group activities, there is nothing mandatory.

Ruan Yao lazily supported her cheek with one hand, looked at the corner sitting with a calm expression, but her eyes were fixed on Wu Yixuan from the beginning to the end, Xia Yunyun, who was almost obsessed, raised her eyebrows.

Is this girl also secretly in love with the president?

Wu Yixuan didn't look in Xia Yunyun's direction the whole time, but he would glance at Du Weiran who was beside him from time to time.

Ah... miss is unrequited love?Lovesick people still have someone they like?

It seems that you still wronged Miss Sister for the person you like?
This is a bit miserable...

Ruan Yao's thoughts diverged, and she was thinking wildly.

at last.

Wu Yixuan finished the procedure.

He took a sip from the water glass in his hand, smiled lightly and said:
"Everyone is very lucky. Our club has just cooperated with the Provincial Art Association and will hold an outdoor sketching activity tomorrow."

"The location is Sanyang Lake."

"If you have time, you can sign up with Vice President Xia, and she will take everyone there tomorrow."

"If you perform well, you can add 2 points."

Sanyang Lake...

Whether it is a new member or an old member, they all showed expressions of wanting to go.

Sanyang Lake is a famous scenic spot in the capital. Although there are no special wonders, the place has beautiful mountains and clear waters, as if there is really spiritual energy in the air, which makes people feel refreshed and happy in it.

For those who are constantly studying intensely, there is nothing better than this place for relaxation.

Not to mention it will add points!

"Wuhu! This is amazing!"

"It's just that I don't know what it means to perform well... If we judge purely from the quality of the painting, then we are out of the game..."

Wen Nanqiao was thinking beside him.

However, Ruan Yao noticed that Xia Yunyun's face suddenly became a little ugly.

As if mustering up her courage, she stood up and said to Wu Yixuan:
"President, I remember you saying that this sketching activity was led by you personally..."

Wu Yixuan glanced at her lightly:
"I have something urgent, thank you for your hard work this time."

Xia Yunyun's eyes fell on Du Weiran for a moment, as if she wanted to say something, she bit her lip and sat down.

After the matter was announced, the new members began to move freely.

Another vice president offered to show them the exhibits of the art club, and everyone responded... No matter what the purpose of coming here is, the vice president still has to give face.

Soon, only Ruan Yao, Wen Nanqiao, Xia Yunyun, Wu Yixuan and Du Weiran were left in the room.

Seeing that Xia Yunyun was still sitting on the seat, Ruan Yao took Wen Nanqiao over and said with concern:
"Is there anything I can do for you?"

Xia Yunyun raised her eyes, saw that it was Ruan Yao, shook her head, and was about to say something.

Suddenly, an apologetic voice came from the side:

"I'm sorry, Vice President Xia."

"It's because my stomach hurts suddenly and I'm bleeding a little... The president is really worried and decided to take me to the hospital tomorrow..."

Ruan Yao and Wen Nanqiao turned their heads and saw Du Weiran holding Wu Yixuan's arm, standing there apologetically.

But the show off in her eyes was almost overflowing.

Xia Yunyun's face was a little pale, she turned her head expressionlessly, and looked at Wu Yixuan:

"Is this the urgent matter you said?"

"Do you think this is more important than club activities?"

"More important than my girlfriend?"

What the hell!

Suddenly eating a big melon, Ruan Yao and Wen Nanqiao's eyes widened!

The co-author Xia Yunyun is not a crush, but a real girlfriend?
Is Wu Yixuan just a bastard who spoils his concubine and kills his wife? !
Wu Yixuan frowned slightly, he glanced at Ruan Yao and Wen Nanqiao, and said lightly:
"You can lead the team in club activities."

"But Wei Ran has never had a gynecology department before, and she is very scared and worried, so I will accompany her there."

Ruan Yao:?
Do you want to hear what bullshit you're talking about?
Xia Yunyun also seemed to think this reason was ridiculous, and asked with a funny face:

"She needs you to accompany her in a gynecology department. I can handle it by myself with nearly twenty new members I don't know?"

Wu Yixuan was silent for a while:

"You are better than her."

Xia Yunyun: "So I deserve it?"

Wu Yixuan looked at Xia Yunyun's angry and angry expression, softened his tone, and coaxed a child:

"Yunyun, I know I've worked hard for you."

"But when Wei Ran was in her sophomore year, she fell into the root cause of her illness to save me... I can't leave her alone."

"You are my girlfriend. The person who will marry me in the future will definitely understand my difficulties and help me share them, right?"

Du Weiran also said with embarrassment and sadness:
"How about...President, you don't have to accompany me anymore."

"Although my leg was indeed broken at the time, it has been so long, and my leg is completely healed, and the little sequelae left is not a problem... Don't mind it..."

"Don't fight with Vice President Xia for me..."

Wu Yixuan's determination was strengthened by these few words:
"Stop talking! I will definitely accompany you to the hospital!"

He turned his head to look at Xia Yunyun:

"Yunyun, if you don't understand, I won't force you...but I have to repay Wei Ran's kindness!"

Xia Yunyun's eyes were red, and she stared at Wu Yixuan, as if she wanted to say something, but she opened her mouth, but said nothing.

At this moment, Ruan Yao spoke reasonably from the side:
"That's right! Yunyun, how can you stop the president from taking his benefactor to the hospital?"

Xia Yunyun looked at Ruan Yao in disbelief.

Wen Nanqiao also opened his mouth wide in surprise.

Sister, did you not understand this matter?

Wu Yixuan's expression was taken for granted.

See, even Xia Yunyun's friends don't talk to her.

Show that he is right!

Du Weiran's eyes were full of complacency, and he looked at Ruan Yao, just about to say something.

Just listen to Ruan Yao continue:
(End of this chapter)

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