"After all, they all had miscarriages, so pitiful!"

"As the instigator who caused the pregnancy, of course the president has to accompany him!"

Xia Yunyun:? ?
Wen Nanqiao:? ?
Wu Yixuan:? ?

Du Weiran:? ?
Once such explosive news came out, Xia Yunyun even forgot to be sad.

"Really, really?" Xia Yunyun's eyes fell on Wu Yixuan, with a hint of happiness in his heartbreak.

Fortunately, Wu Yixuan cheated... Otherwise, what if he pestered me... With her love for him, she would definitely not refuse...

When the time comes, she will be the one who gets pregnant and hurts her body!
Although she loves Wu Yixuan very much... but things like hurting her body... just forget it.

Wu Yixuan immediately felt stung by Xia Yunyun's gaze.

The veins on his forehead exploded, and the gloomy temperament on his body seemed to be burned:
"Don't talk nonsense! Wei Ran and I are innocent!"

"If you dare to slander Wei Ran's innocence again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Du Weiran also had a pale face, and said loudly:

"That's right! I'm not pregnant! And I didn't have any affair with the president!"

"Yunyun, I know you hate me, but you can't let your friends slander me like that!"

Before Xia Yunyun could speak, Ruan Yao had already turned her gaze around her stomach innocently:
"Really? I don't believe it."

"You have a stomachache, bleeding, and a gynecological diagnosis... Baidu has said that this is a sign of a miscarriage!"

"Student, I advise you not to procrastinate, it is best to ask for leave today!"

"If this thing is delayed for a long time, it will be fatal!"

After finishing speaking, Ruan Yao looked at Wen Nanqiao beside her:
"Nan Qiao, didn't you tell me last time that your sister didn't go to the hospital in time because of a miscarriage, and thought it was just a small problem, but she bleeds heavily in the middle of the night, and she was brain dead when she was sent to the hospital?"

Wen Nanqiao's head was full of question marks:?
When did she say that Wen Siyu suffered a massive hemorrhage and died of brain?

With a serious face, Wen Nanqiao nodded heavily:
"Yes! You don't know, my second sister died miserably! When I went to the hospital, she was bleeding badly, and she was still naked. People looked at her all the way... She really lost her face and face!"

Ruan Yao is ashamed, if you want to say ruthless, it's you, sister!

Xia Yunyun was dumbfounded.

For a pure sophomore, this kind of thing is too strange.

And after being interrupted like this, she had already forgotten the sadness she had just had, her mind was full of blood, and she was naked...

Is it so scary?
Xia Yunyun subconsciously glanced at Wu Yixuan again, the joy in his eyes became more and more obvious.

The veins on Wu Yixuan's head became more and more swollen, he said angrily:

"I, no, yes!! Wei Ran is pure and weak, it is impossible to be that kind of person!"

"Xia Yunyun, if you allow your friend to slander and hurt Weiran again, we will..."

Before he finished speaking, Du Weiran grabbed his arm.

Du Weiran's face was so pale that there was no blood left.

Her voice trembled with fear:
"Yi, Yixuan... let's hurry to the hospital..."

"Go now! Go, go to the emergency room!"

Wu Yixuan:?
His mind froze for a moment.

He turned his head slowly and looked at Du Weiran beside him, with a stupid daze on his face.

Ruan Yao whistled:
"Wuhu~ No way, no way, I really guessed right?"

Du Weiran was shocked, turned his head, and looked at Ruan Yao with hatred and anger:

"Are you lying to me?"

Ruan Yao smiled:

"How could it be? I just told a horror story while slandering you."

"How do I know that you are real... Ah, then I am not slandering?"

Du Weiran's complexion changed rapidly from red to orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, which was very exciting.

Wen Nanqiao, Xia Yunyun: ...

Are you the devil?
Ruan Yao turned her head again and looked at Xia Yunyun:
"Bao, are you sure you still want this green hat licking dog king?"

Xia Yunyun: ...

She glanced at Wu Yixuan complicatedly.

Wu Yixuan was her first love, the two have been together since high school, when she was a freshman and he was a senior.

The two made an appointment to come to Huaxia Academy together, and agreed to get married after graduation...

Although after coming to university, he changed quickly...

But in high school, both of them lived on campus, and he helped her cook food and water. Every time she asked what she wanted to eat, she would definitely receive a big bag the next day.

Every year on her birthday, he would save food and money two months in advance, just to buy a birthday present that she would not normally part with but she wanted.

I remember that she had just lived in school in the first year of high school, and she was a little unaccustomed to the environment. One night, she vomited and diarrhea in the middle of the night and had a high fever.

The school doctor's office was closed, and it was difficult to get a taxi in the middle of the night. He carried her on his back and ran for nearly 1000 meters before reaching the main road and getting a taxi.

That night, he stayed up all night and took care of her all night.

On the second day, it was an important game that could determine whether he would walk... He was too tired to perform properly and missed the chance to walk.

But he still comforted her with a smile, saying that the recommendation is boring and the college entrance examination is still exciting.

He used to be the boy who held her in his palm... When did it change?
Xia Yunyun couldn't remember it anymore, she only remembered that the day she was just in her sophomore year, she suddenly received a call from Wu Yixuan, telling him about a car accident, and the girl in the car was seriously injured trying to save him.

After that, no matter what, she had to make way for that girl.

What the girl wants, she has to give up.

What the girl wants to do, she has to help.

The girl felt wronged, she had to apologize...

Because that girl is her boyfriend's savior.

So even if others would treat her differently, every time the art club held a meeting, Xia Yunyun would have to give up her place to that girl...

Not for any reason, just because the girl wanted it.

Just because she is Wu Yixuan's girlfriend and a family member, she must accompany her to repay her kindness.

But sometimes, she also wanted to ask - why?
but now……

Xia Yunyun's eyes fell on Wu Yixuan's arm that was tightly held by Du Weiran... Suddenly, "the green hat licks the dog king" kept ringing in his head.

For a moment, I didn't want to ask anything.

She took a deep breath:
"Let's go."

After speaking, he took the lead to go outside.

No matter how Wu Yixuan yelled from behind, she didn't look back.

Ruan Yao and Wen Nanqiao followed and left.

Looking at Xia Yunyun's decisive back, Wu Yixuan suddenly felt panicked...

He subconsciously took two steps forward, but his arm was grabbed.

Du Weiran's face was pale, and he cried miserably:

"Yixuan, I, my stomach hurts..."

Wu Yixuan paused, looked down at the poor Du Weiran, and stayed.

"Don't be afraid, I'll take you to the hospital right away..."


Xia Yunyun walked a long way before looking back.

Eyes full of disappointment.

He really didn't come after him...

"Sorry, I made you laugh..." Xia Yunyun wiped the tears from her face, and smiled apologetically at Ruan Yao and Wen Nanqiao, "Don't worry, I will be able to adjust my mood soon."

That means they don't have to worry about it.

Ruan Yao handed Xia Yunyun a pack of tissues:
"Only by clearing out the garbage at home can we put away good things."

"So is the human heart."

"See you tomorrow."

This kind of thing, except for the person concerned himself, no one can persuade him.

After speaking, Ruan Yao and Wen Nanqiao left.

Xia Yunyun lowered her eyes, looked at the tissue in her hand, and murmured:
"Trash... is it..."


In the ward.

Du Weiran was lying on the hospital bed, and Du Yiluo was sitting by the bed, picking an orange slowly.

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