"Sister, just lie there and don't move, I'll peel an orange for you."

If you don't take advantage of me, you will die, right... Du Weiran's face was pale, and his eyes were sad.

She secretly took medicine to have an abortion before, but she didn't have a clean flow. When she came to the hospital, the doctor directly admitted her to the hospital.

After Wu Yixuan sent her to the ward, he left directly.

... Du Weiran could see how much Wu Yixuan cared about this.

"Don't tell Mom and Dad."

Du Weiran opened his mouth in despair.

Duiro stuffed a piece of orange into his mouth, why:

"I don't dare... You are hospitalized for such a big thing, if my parents find out in the future, they will beat me."

Du Weiran gritted her teeth:
"I'll take care of your pocket money for this semester!"

Duilo immediately cheered:
"Thank you sister!"

"Sister, don't worry, I will keep my mouth shut and never let my parents know about you!"

"Sister, do you eat oranges? I specially left half for you."

Du Weiran squeezed the quilt tiredly:
"Need not."

What did she think, her eyes darkened:

"Since you have taken my money, help me with another matter."

Duiro unceremoniously stuffed the remaining oranges into his mouth:
"what's up?"

Du Weiran:
"Tomorrow's sketching activity, I want to make Ruan Yao and Xia Yunyun lose face in front of everyone! Make everyone's impression of them worse!"

This will make it easier for her to form cliques in the future and push them out of the art club!
Especially that hateful Ruan Yao!

How dare she lie to her and make her lose her image in front of Wu Yixuan, she will definitely not let Ruan Yao go!
Du Yiluo thought for a while: "Ruan Yao?"

"Let's forget it. She is a famous person in our school, and she was in the group of Ye Huo on the Internet before."

"I'll deal with her, maybe I'll be the one to finish in the end."

Du Weiran looked at his sister in front of him with hatred:
"No matter how powerful she is, it's also about mathematics. What does it have to do with the art club?"

"Help me get rid of these people who are in the way, and when I get Wu Yixuan settled, I will cover all your college expenses!"

Wu Yixuan has [-] yuan for any order, so will she still be short of money?

Just sprinkle water on the expenses of a college period.

Du Yiluo glanced at his sister, thinking that no matter how wronged Wu Yixuan was, he wouldn't like to enter the haunted house, would he?

Du Yiluo nodded: "Okay. When the matter is over, you remember to promise me."


the next day.

In view of the fact that all members have main classes to attend, the sketching activities are arranged after [-] pm.

At this time, the weather has cooled down and the breeze is gentle. It is very suitable to go to the lake for sketching or walking.

Xia Yunyun rented a minibus, and all the twenty-odd people who participated in the activity could sit in it.

Xia Yunyun took the registration book and registered the people in the car one by one.

When it was Du Yiluo's turn, she looked at Xia Yunyun's pale face, and suddenly said:
"I work hard here, but my boyfriend is with other women, doesn't it feel uncomfortable?"

Xia Yunyun was taken aback.

But a sweet voice came from behind:

"Ah? Classmate, are you Du Weiran's younger sister?"

"Your sister had a miscarriage yesterday and went to the hospital..."

Um? ?

what? ?

abortion? ?
Du Weiran?Isn't that the person who was with the president yesterday?

The members who got in the car or those who didn't got in the car instantly pricked up their ears.

Are the members of the art club so explosive? !

Du Yiluo's face changed suddenly, he turned around in a hurry, and covered Ruan Yao's mouth.

"What are you talking about?"

she whispered angrily.

Let others know that she has a sister who messed up and had a miscarriage, so she should stay in school!
Ruan Yao blinked, smiled, and said in a voice that would only be heard by Wen Nanqiao and Xia Yunyun beside her:

"Hushroom fee, 1 yuan."

Du Yiluo looked at Ruan Yao in shock!
What a new type of scam!
Duilo sneered: "You think I might..."

Ruan Yao amplified her voice slightly: "Yesterday she said she had a stream..."

Duiro: "I'll give it! I'll give it!"

Ruan Yao skillfully took out her mobile phone and clicked on the payment code:
"Boss atmosphere."

Angrily, Du Yiluo transferred 1 yuan to Ruan Yao, turned around and got into the car.

He no longer saw the complacency and arrogance he had when talking to Xia Yunyun just now.

very good!

Now even if it's not for her sister's promise, she must let Ruan Yao die!

Ruan Yao followed into the car.

The eyeballs of the people in the car swayed with Ruan Yao's footsteps.

No, what happened to the miscarriage!
You made it clear!

I am so anxious!
Halfway through the conversation, there is no garlic in the noodles!
Ruan Yao sat down safely in the eyes of everyone who seemed to be ignited with small sparks, and began to close her eyes and meditate.

Crowd: ...

Wen Nanqiao was also very anxious: ...

She clearly knew all the truth but couldn't tell, she was so anxious to death!
When approaching Sanyang Lake, Ruan Yao finally woke up.

She took out her phone and looked at it, only to see the thank you message from Xia Yunyun.

One more reminder:
【Yaoyao, those sisters from the Du family are not very good-natured. 】

【You have offended Duilo now, beware of her tripping you up. 】

Ruan Yao didn't take this seriously, she transferred 1 yuan to Xia Yunyun:
[This is your mental damage fee. 】

[In addition, you should forget about that blind dog-licking king in green hat as soon as possible. 】

Xia Yunyun: ...

Blind, blind, cuckold and dog licking king... Wu Yixuan's title is becoming more and more abundant in Ruan Yao's place.

But...Xia Yunyun felt strangely...a perfect fit.

Looking at the 1 yuan that Ruan Yao transferred, Xia Yunyun felt warm in his heart.

She confiscated the money and clicked refund.

Ever since I had Ruan Yao... It seems that men are really not important anymore.


The car was parked outside the gate of Sanyang Lake.

As one of the landmark scenic spots, Sanyang Lake is not allowed to enter even bicycles, let alone cars.

However, the sketching activity does not stipulate where everyone must go.

After entering Sanyang Lake, the members can disperse on their own, looking for places that they feel inspired to paint.

Just assemble before dinner.

Ruan Yao and Wen Nanqiao are both parallel importers, so naturally it is impossible to paint.

Carrying painting tools on their backs, they pretended to choose the address...

Choose an address...


Getting farther and farther away from the crowd, and getting closer to the food stalls in the scenic area.

Just then, the phone rang.

Ruan Yao took out her mobile phone and saw that it was sent by the art club.

[Sorry, everyone please gather first. According to the request of the president, everyone needs to go to the lake to draw a lake view before they can move freely. 】

Xia Yunyun replied quickly:
[Why didn't I receive the notice from the president? 】

[Then how do I know? @社长. 】

After a meeting, Wu Yixuan came forward to explain:
[This is for the Provincial Art Association... Going to Sanyang Lake to sketch, it would be unreasonable not to paint the characteristic scenes there. 】

Du Yiluo @ Xia Yunyun:
【Sorry, vice president, but the president seems to trust me more. 】

Xia Yunyun's face suddenly turned pale, and she tightly squeezed the phone with her fingers.

She didn't need to think about it, it must be what Du Weiran and Wu Yixuan said.

When Wu Yixuan agreed to Du Weiran... did he think about her situation?

Those who received the notification rushed back one after another, looking at Xia Yunyun with complicated eyes.

Duilo's eyes were full of pride and joy after revenge.

Heh... Now that Wu Yixuan has no brains to favor her sister, what does Xia Yunyun have to fight her?

At this moment, Ruan Yao's reply sounded in the group:

[Oh, that's how it is, I understand. 】

Seeing this reply, the others didn't think there was anything wrong, but Wen Nanqiao and Xia Yunyun had a thought in their hearts at the same time——

I'm coming!

Here she is again!

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